Monday, March 14, 2016

A Wasted Vote Equels A Missed Oppurtunity

'A Wasted Vote Equels A Missed Oppurtunity'

Hello, I'm His Grand Highness 'Donald Trump', and I approve of this message.

I would like to take this time to dispel some nasty myths that have been generated by my enemies, of which I seem to have only a 'few', thank goodness.

The other day someone asked me if I condone, or Incite Violence at my events. Me!?? Condone Violence?? Incite it!? Are you kidding me!? Where in the world did That come from? Where? WTH is going on out there? First off, I didn't even know that there had Been any violence at Any of my events. No clue! Thousands of people! Supporters! Didn't even Know! I couldn't believe that guy asked me such a filthy question! I wanted to reach right out a smack him right in his liable mouth! Smack him! In his Mouth! I'm gonna sue his skivies off! He was lucky to come away with his teeth! I think he was a 'plant' that Sanders sent out to foment trouble. Let me set the record clear on this. I do Not condone Violence where it's not needed. Now if somebody is stupid enough to come to one of My campaign events and does something that pisses my supporters off, then he's gonna get what he deserves. I have 'Nothing' to do with that sort of thing. When people get mad they're gonna do what Mad people do. My supporters are Mad enough as it is! Like rabid dogs on short leash! They're gonna do it! And if they whack some fool up side their crazy heads, then that's the way it goes. I'm not responsible for what they do. I don't 'tell' my supporters to hit these people. They don't Need to be 'told' what to do. They can read my Mind, I don't need to say a Word. Hey, I'd smack someone out there Myself if I had to. People get what they deserve! And I deserve to be President of our country. So, no, I'm against violence of any sort...well..I'm pretty sure I'm against it..unless it's actually called for. But you Know, these people, just like these filthy reporters, are just looking for trouble, and if they come to my events they're gonna find it right up side their nasty heads!

Now another thing; I've heard that 'someone' has said something about my Orange Tan, and my 'racoon eyes' and my White Ears. Well, let me assure you that just like my beautiful boffant, it's Real, this is Not a 'tan', it's the real colour of my skin, and I can't help it if my ears are a different color than my face. You want to see my Butt? It's White Too! So what! Big deal! As for my 'racoon' looking eyes, I hadn't even noticed it. Really? Racoon eyes? Stupid question! I'll have my beautician check it out though.

And Another thing; Some people have compared me to Georgia's former Governor, George Wallace, and some guy named Adolph Hitler. I have no clue Who those people even Are. No Clue! Are They running for the Oval Office on the Democratic ticket? They don't have a chance! And, If you're gonna compare me to 'someone', at Least find someone that people Know for crying out loud! Personally, I think I'm more like that guy from Pakistan, Mahatma Gandhi, you know, the bald headed guy that wore those white robes and preached non-violence. Swell guy! Personal friend. Had lunch with him just last week. That's Me, except I have a full head of natural hair. I'm a natural man! That's why Women love me! They All are crazy about me. Crazy! Love me! Voters!

And Another thing; I hear that the President or whatEver he is, of Mexico said he's not gonna pay for the border wall I'm gonna build. Just who does he Think he Is? Oh, he's gonna pay for it alright! I'll send him the bill! And none of that 'peso' thing either! US Greenbacks only! Stupid man!
And Another thing; Some stupid people say that I don't have the patience nor temperment to deal with other world leaders. Well, first off, I will BE the 'World Leader', they will just be 'World Followers', and I'll make That clear right away. I know how to make enemies and influence friends. The way you do that is smack them a good one right away to get their attention. They will immediatly respect me and do what I say becase they don't want a bigger smack later. 'Patience' is a virtue, one which they had better Learn real quick! Smack'em good!

 Now, as you can see, I'm the best candidate for Commander In Chief. Everyone in America will vote for me because I Think what They think, and I'll Do what they Wish they could do. I'm angry, and Americans are angry, and I'm goinna do Happy things for angry people. Remember, a Vote for Me is a Vote no one Else can Have. Just do it...unless you want a good smacking!
I'm 'Donald Trump' and I endorse myself, and approve of this message.  :/

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