Thursday, March 10, 2016

Just A 'Short' Heart Rendering Note

Just A 'Short' Heart Rendering Note

It is with great sadness, sorrow, heartbreak, melancholy, and not little grief, that I must post this posting to inform my faithful 'readers' and 'fans', that my Posting of March 8, (the Chemical Contrails) will be the very last one that I shall ever post again until my next one.
  You see, it's like This; I was informed by...well, I wasn't gonna snitch but I guess I might as well do it, a Sibling, and I will use Only her initials, 'T E R R I', who mentioned that while voraciously reading my silly postings she noticed that I have taken to using some of the same words repeatedly, many times over, and over, and over again, to the point of redundancy. In my excitement to 'write' I had not noticed this horrible habit I had fallen into. But of course, she is absolutly correct, spot on, right on the money as usual! And, it seems that, again without my noticing, I had used up all the words, big and small, large and finite, grand and miniscule, that I know how to spell. Were it not for Mr. Webster and his wonderful Dictionary of words, and that niffty 'spell check' thingie, I could be mistaken for a 3rd year kindergarten spelling champ! Without these modern miracles of word mastery my 'sentences' would be composed totally of commas (,), periods (.), exclaimation points (!), and all those Other things that make words make sense. And so, here we are at the zenith of my writing , not to mention 'Spelling' abilities.
  While on my self induced writing sabatical I will enroll in an Advanced grade school 'spelling' seminar. 'They' have promised that upon my completion, with a Passing Score, of this grueling course of study that I will be able to spell at Least three new words, and actually know the definition of at least Two of them. How could I go Wrong with That, I ask you! And, it will take me only five years to repay the Loan that will make it possible. Actually, it's all pretty dismal when it comes right down to the nitty-gritty of it all because my Border Collie Knows, as In 'Knows', at least 200 words, and according to Him, is able to Spell 225 of them! I tried to convince Him to teach me some handy new words but he says that it is a Proprietary BC thing, and that if he gives it up it could upset the whole balance of nature. What Ever!
Now that I have written this 'brief' post I can see that I have proven my 'point' just by virtue of writing it. I see that once Again, I have used a lot of words over, and over again, to the point where I have totally Plagiarized mySelf, and, to the point of where I may be forced to sue myself for copyright infringement, And, that instead of writing this 'brief' post, I could have actually gotten my point across in about ten words or less.  Oh, and my Sibling Also mentioned that people just do not Read Anything Longer than stuff that's been 'E-Abbreviated', which I simply do Not know how to Do. That might be my Next class, If, I make a passing grade in the 'spelling seminar'.  By the way, If you have actually Read This far, you probably are in need of a hobby of some sort as you have way too much time on your hands, but I must say that you have extrodianary good taste in your choice of 'reading' material, and for That, I thank you copiously, not to mention , one heck of a lot!
So, that's about the mostly Long, and seldom short of it all.   Be not sad, just hang in there, because sooner, (more likely), or later, I'll learn some more newer, and better words so that I can post even More senseless ramblings of pure useless trivia.
 Until then, I bid you a 'brief' farewell.  BuddyBlack  ;) ;) 

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