Saturday, March 26, 2016

Snail Trail

'Well, thar I wus, just amindin' my own beeswax playin' in the dirt with my toes in my anties back yard whar she's alayin' down dirt, when all of a sudden like, my big toe digs up this har snail shell. Now thar wont nuthin' in it you see, cause tha owner done moved out of thar a long time ago, about six thousand yars ago I figure. Now down har in Texass that ain't a long time at all by the way we'uns figure it. And then I got to thankin' an said to myself, Wayne boy, I thank ya done gone an found an old timey snail, one o' them thangs what's called a fossil. I yelled to my aint, hey antie, look whut I done gone an found out har in yar dirt, it's a Snail! She yelled back, 'Wayne' ya got way too much time on yer hands boy! Bring that thang in here an lets cook it up! That's why I luv har, she's one funny woman. Well, I got ta studyin' up on this snail thang 'cause I figured I done found somethin' important with my toe. This ain't the first time my toes gone an found stuff in the dirt. No siree! But This time my gut wasa tellin me This was gonna be a Real gooden. So I trapsed right down to our local library an got ta lookin' at snails in a school science book used in schools all over America and printed right har in our learned state of Texass. Anythang in that book has to be the scientific proof or it don't get put in thar! And what to my little surprise did I find in thar? Lo and behold I done gone an found a real live snail fossil! Then I saw mention of tha Mt. Blanco Fossil Museum right har in Texass whats owned by creationist Joe Taylor who knows more 'bout fossils than any man on earth. My suspicions were acoming true! I sent my snail to Joe so's he could figure out how in the world did it get har in my aints dirt pile. Well, he told me that my little ol snail was put thar by Noahs flood! Can ya believe that!? Noahs Flood way out har already! Ya coulda knocked me off a pile of buffalo poop witha feather! I Knew it! Holy cows! He said that thars no doubt that my snail is justa few thousand yars old an was on Noahs boat. Thar woulda been Two snails on his boat 'cause he had two of every animal on that thang. Yeah, I Know, how'd he get all them critters on such a little boat in tha first place. Ya see, animals back Then ware a whole lot littler than thay are nowadays. Back Then thay had ta work hard ta stay alive an that kept'em Littler. These animals nowaday are lazy an don't do hardly no work at all, thay just lay around doin nuthin an get big an fat. If'in it rained for forty days an nites Now, thay'd all drown dead! Ain't no Ark could save'em now! Joe said that all them fossils ain't no older than a few thousand yars old 'cause Earth ain't no older'n that, it say's so right in the Bible, and that science school book, an That's tha gospil an everybody har in Texass knows that's tha truth! Joe wouldn't say so if it wont true, an ya sure can't put thangs in school books that ain't true, an I believe every doggone word of it. Now, I'm gonna get busy with a rented steam shovel an I'm gonna dig up my anties yard an find Noahs boat! I Know hits down thar somewhar, an I'm gonna find that thang. I bet Noahs still on that thang! Boy is He gonna be surprised that somebody done found him after all this time! I'ma gonna be tha most famous person in Texass, well, next to that guy runnin' fer President anyhow, an ya know hat, he believes what me an Joe believes. Well, I gotta git ta diggin', I got a real good fellin' 'bout this. Imagine little ol Me, gittin famous an all, just because of my toe! ;) ;)


Texas Man Believes He Found Fossils From Noah's Ark

Wayne Propst was helping his aunt, who was laying dirt near her home in the town of Tyler, Texas. It was there that he found snail fossils. Propst told local news station KYTX, “From Noah’s flood to my front yard, how much better can it get?”
Propst then sent photos to sent photos to Joe Taylor, director and curator of the Mt. Blanco Fossil Museum in Crosbyton, Texas, for analysis. Taylor holds the positions that evolution is not real, that a worldwide flood occurred a few thousand years ago, and that Noah brought dinosaurs on his ark.
Taylor told KYTX that Propst's fossils are from the time of the flood. On the other hand, James Sagebiel, the collections manager at the Texas Vertebrate Paleontology Collections, told the Tyler Morning Telegraph “The rocks there are about 35-40 million years old, and these little turret snails are commonly found in marine rocks of that age. It’s not unusual.”
Tyler explains that millions of years ago, Tyler, Texas would have been coastline. Some researchers believe that a large-scale flood event in the Middle East was the inspiration for the Noah's ark story.

Photo: WFAA

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