Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Ku Klux Klan and Their BFF Mr.TRUMP

Ku Klux Klan and Their BFF Mr.TRUMP

'Dear BFF Trump, once again, we wanted to drop you a little line to express our most deepest, and most sincere gratitude in that you have NOT publicly rebuked us White Supremacists, the Ku Klux Klan that stands up for 'Southern Pride', 'Southern Heritage' and all things White, for manning up to openly support You with our White Votes and moral support.
You have had More than Ample time, and public opportunity to Reject, and Disavow, and Vocally Repudiate, just as an 'intelligent, and 'wise' person Should have Done By Now, our Open Racist White Supremacy Support of you, Yet, you have Remained loudly Silent, which tells Us, and the Whole World that you 'secretly' and 'subconsciously' accept our 'support'. You should be Proud of yourself BFF! At first we were afraid, not that we are actually 'sceered' of Anything, that you might not be aware of our Public support of your run for the White House, which by the way we are confident that you will insure that it Stays 'White'.  But what with all the great 'Press' that we have generated by our public campaign at your Own Campaign events, plus our little 'press' getter in Anaheim the other day, We, and the whole World are Certain that by Now there is absolutely No way on Gods green little planet that you could be ignorant of our avowed, and most Vocal Public Support of you, our new BFF, soon to be President of the United States of America. Every, as you well know, little Vote counts. And you can count on Ours! And we're certain That's why you have Cleverly been Silent about our support of you. Very Clever BFF!  Don't worry, we 'understand' your Silence. By saying Nothing, you will certainly get our Vote, and even in the Unlikely event you do rebuke us, even This late in the game, you'll Still get our Vote because we'll know that you're just saying it in order to be 'politically' correct, and that you'll do Anything just to get a Vote. Either way, we're Still BFF's. And, it's Not just our Votes Donnie boy, but our $$$$ as well. Sure you have plenty of $$ of your Own, well, actually you're probably Borrowing left and right just to keep your campaign afloat, but We know that every little bit helps. We want all those 'beaners' deported back to mexacalli just like You do! And we're ready to help build that wall you have promised, and pound a few Muslims heads just like You want to. And we like all that 'race baiting' stuff you do to divide and conquer.  And man, we Really like the way you make snide remarks about, and humiliate Rubio and Cruz.   Your wonderful soul reaching, thought provoking, not to mention 'violence' provoking, speeches, really bring out the 'best', or as the uninitiated call it, 'Worst', in people, Especially people like Us. You 'think' just like We, your ignorant Racist, White Supremacists, Anti Government, Armed Militiamen, Violent, Low I.Q., Paranoid, Bigoted, Conspiracy Buff, BFF's do!   See!, We're just like You!  How Proud you must be of us. Keep up the excellent hate filled rhetoric our good friend, We are on your side. And by the way BFF, not that we 'expect' anything in return for our undying love and 'support', but...,well, Need I 'say' more?   Ain't Politics a wonderful thing!   Your 'friends' to the End, the kkk social club of America'.  :/ :/

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