Friday, March 4, 2016

A 'Selfie' Gone Wrong

An Obituary of a Man and his Gun'

It is with great sadness that we 'celebrate' the Sudden, and not to mention Explosive, passing of our dearly beloved good ol' WhatsHisName (WHN), or as his close friends always called him,'WhatsYourName?'
As reported by his ever present girlfriend, 'Clueless', their last day together was filled with the pleasure of one anothers company as they played with a potentially deadly, and in This instance, Very Much so, Firearm, a Handgun. 'WHN' was always quick to refer to his 'gat' as an extension of his inner self. "Clueless' went on to say that their favorite pasttime, besides playing with dangerous things, was photography. But especially, that the 'art' of taking 'selfies' was something that they both excelled at. She said that they had, in the past, taken thousands of selfies without incident, that she can remember, and thought that This day would be the same. During the fateful day of his sudden, and Totally un-expected demise, they both practiced, and rehearsed to the point of exhaustion, always striving for that Perfect 'shot', taking what they Hoped would be the pinnacle 'shot' of their photographic lives, taking selfies with a Loaded gun being pointed at their Unloaded heads. But First, a bit about 'WHN's' life, habits, and some of the fun things he enjoyed while still alive.
Well, actually, we don't 'know' all that much about 'WHN' other than what his BFF 'Clueless' girlfriend relates. We know that he was obviously an avid 'gun rights' advocate, he 'might' have been an NRA member, and he 'might' have taken a 'Gun Safety' course down at his local 'Gat' range. Or, he 'might' have passed all that up in lieu of being 'self taught'. He was quick to boast about his prowess with a firearm, and was even quicker to to have it in hand when needed, or as we see here, Un-needed. 'Clueless' said that they both had recently joined the 'cult' of paronoid Americans who feel naked without their ever present gun by their side. 'WHN' had in 'fact', at the age of Five, had his father tattoo the prophetic words' 'The Only Way The Cops Will Ever Take My Gun, Will Be From My Cold, Dead Hands', right across his butt where everyone could see his love of the 'big bang' theory. Another Tat that 'WHN' was Very proud of was the one on his Forehead that He, himself scribed, that reads, 'Gats Dont nevr (his own spelling) kil (his own spelling) peeple (again his own spelling), peeple kils peeples' No truer words were ever Tatt'ed! 'WHN' was also a renowned collector of Bullets, claiming, correctly it seems, that "One of them, has my 'name' on it". It is unknown if 'WHN' enjoyed 'recreational chemicals', as according to 'Clueless',"My minds still a little 'foggy', but ask me again next week".
'Clueless' continued on, relating the events of the fateful day of the 'Angels of Death's' visit to their door. She said that they had been extremely careful about unloading their gats prior to their photo ops, as they did Not want a bad experience otherwise, but out of fear of being raided by thugs, or Feds, whichever came First, 'WHN' always Reloaded between sets. She that he loved to use the tried and true, 'Ennie Minnie Minney Moe' method of Loading and Unloading his gats whenever 'safety' was paramont. Then, according to 'Clueless', all of a Sudden, Uexpectantly, Surprisingly, and even without Warning, there occured a resounding ear, not to Mention Head, splitting KA-BOOM! complete with accompaning flash of fire. She remembers that 'WHNs' last words were. 'Ennie Minnie...Wow! That Hurts!!!'
'Clueless' requests that instead of flowers, she would prefer that someone send her a nice embossed leather holster for the gun left to her by her "gone to soon boyfriend".  :/ :/


Man accidentally kills himself 'while taking selfie with a gun'

At least 27 people died in 'selfie-related' incidents around the world last year

It wasn’t the first photo the 43-year-old Concrete, Washington resident had taken with his gun. But it would be the last.
The Skagit Valley Herald reported that the man, who officials did not name, fatally shot himself in the face while attempting to take a selfie with what he thought was an unloaded gun.
The man’s girlfriend, who was with him when the gun went off, told authorities that the pair had taken several selfies with the gun throughout the day. The man unloaded the gun before each photo session, then replaced the bullets when they were done.
But before the final photograph, he apparently left one bullet inside the gun.
The man’s girlfriend was with him when he died, Skagit County Sheriff’s Office Chief of Patrol Chad Clark told the Skagit Valley Herald. Police are investigating his death as accidental.
The Washington man is not the first to accidentally shot himself while taking a selfie, or even the first to die doing so. Last fall, a 19-year-old from Houston died while taking pictures of himself with a gun and posting them on Instagram. He too thought the gun was unloaded when he held it to his head for a photo, police told KPRC.
It’s been reported that more people die while attempting to take selfies than in shark attacks.
At least 27 people died in “selfie-related” incidents around the world last year, The Post has reported.
The problem seems to be worse in India than anywhere else: the country was home to half of those 27 deaths. To confront the apparently growing public health hazard, the Indian government decided to ban some selfies outright.
No-selfie zones have been established around some large religious gatherings (where organisers fear that selfie-induced bottlenecks could lead to a stampede), beaches, ledges and other treacherous spots where narcissism might turn deadly.
In Russia, where a woman almost died after inadvertently shooting herself while posing for a photo with a gun she had found, Russia’s ministry of internal affairs published a brochure instructing citizens on safe selfie habits.
“A selfie with guns kills,” read the warning next to an image of a stick figure holding a camera and a gun, slashed out by a red line.
“Along with all the advantages of the modern world there appear new threats,” Russian official Yelena Alekseyeva said at a press conference, according to CNN. “We would like to remind the citizens that the chase for ‘likes’ in social networks can lead to the road of death.”
Copyright: Washington Post

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