Monday, March 7, 2016


 by BuddyBlack 2016         


No music
   Was heard
From the dungeon deep
   Where they keep
Confined the village creep.
   They keep him
Chained to the wet stone wall
   And will not beckon
To his call,
   Of thirst, and pain
As he grovels there,
   And screams
Why me? 'Tis not fair!

   The door is thick
And tightly locked,
   The golden key has long
Been hocked.
   No sun is seen
At the break of day,
   And for sure
Its always been that way.
   And more sure than that
It’ll always stay
   Darker than a tomb.

It’s black year ‘round
   No stars to play,
No galaxies, no milky ways.
   No moonlight shines
In this darkened hell
   That’s deeper than the deepest well.

No rays to glisten
   Off the damp
That puddles ‘pon the floor,
   Just as the damp
Has always done,
   And will forever more.

Many’s the year
   Creep’s been locked up,
And scores the times
   He’s longed to sup’
On something that
 Would fill his cup,
Besides the wretch of swill.
  And he hopes that soon
They’ll let him go,
  But he Knows
They never will.

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