Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Trump, Slick As An Eel


Brought straight to you by the ever 'reliable' BBSN (BuddyBlacksSatiricalNews)Station.

As anyone on Planet Earth that is able to Read, or Hear for that matter, 'knows', his Highness The Royal Arse Donald Trump (DT) is campaigning for the office of the Presidency of the United States of America. He has Yet to be on record as to whatEver his proposed Domestic or Foriegn policies might be. Although he tosses around much bluster, threats, inuendos, vulgar name calling, untruths, race baiting, 'Truther' lies, conspiracy theories, hate mongering, and not a little un-warranted anger tatrums combined with childish Faces, he quickly avoids Real Answers to National and World issues in such a slick fashion that next to Him, an eel seems like 50 grit sandpaper.
But, our even Slicker, well, at Least around 150 grit, 'news' reporter, johnny on the spot, BuddyBlack (BB) found Mr.Trump at his favorite Hair Salon, and before Trump could throw up a smoke screen was able to ask a few questions of his majesty. Shhhhh...put the kids to bed, hang up your E-devices, and lets see what transpired.

BB:   Mr.Trump, as you so rightly know, it has often been said that; Donald Trump's Political Platform is to 'substance' as an empty refrigerator is to a full meal. Could you fill us in on your thoughts about that popular assertion?
DT:   Oh, you haven't seen Anything yet! You have seen Nothing! Absolutely Nothing! When I'm foolishy elected President by folks who actually believe I Have an agenda, the things I'm gonna Do will just make your head Spin! Your head will spin just like a childs top! Spin, round and round! I'll do stuff to make America Rich, and Great again, but not like mySelf of Course. The as yet unexplained things I'll do will make the whole world respect us, or I'll just fire them, which will Then Really make them respect us. I know how to get 'respect', and it is Not by being 'nice' to idiots! Remember, a Vote for Me is a Vote no one else gets.
BB:  Ahhhh...could you elaborate on exactly What "things" you plan to do in order to successfully accomplish your 'goals'?
DT:  Whoaaa, fella! There you sneaky 'reporters' go again, trying to paint me into a corner with your tricky questions! You See, that just proves my point about you lying 'reporters', and why I detest the lot of you! I think I have 'clearly' explained my position but look at it this way; think of the 'glass' as Not Half Empty, but instead, Only Half full.
BB:   Glass??? Are we talking about a "glass" here? Do you have even the Remotest Clue as to what I asked you in the first place Mr.Trump?
DT:  (making his best 'Spanky And Our Gang' face, as he inserts his inflated head in a Double xx sized hair dryer, smiling to himself in satisfaction of an issue well skirted)
BB:  Yes Mr.Trump, I think we have your 'answer'.

And so we conclude yet another eye opening, or sleep inducing perhaps, dumpster dive into the mind of one who aspires to be a 'non-politicians-politician', the 'leader' of the free world, who has all the 'answers' as to how He will 'fix' the Worlds and Americas problems...or Does he....now if only he could put it in 'truthful' Words and share it...or Can he?...probably Not, but time will tell. But always keep in mind his prophetic words; 'A vote for Me is a vote no one Else gets'.  :/ :/

Tune in again as we follow our intrepid 'reporter' BuddyBlack as he treks the globe making friends, and irritating enemys of the rational world.

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