Monday, February 22, 2016

New Winter Sport, 'SnoYakking'!


 You heard it First, right here on BBSN (BuddyBlacksSatiricalNews)

A New Winter Sport has taken over like a California wildfire in Snow Country all across America and Europe! The new Sport of 'SnoYakking' is simply pushing the otherwise now mundane sport of Skiing and Snowboarding aside in favor of a Sport no one saw coming. Who would'a Thought! Discarded Skis are piling up so fast that dumpsters overflow faster than can b...e empted! Some Landfills are refusing to accept any more truckloads of useless skis. Former 'Ski Shops' are retooling in order to catch up and stock their shelves with 'SnoYaks'. 'Ski Bunnies' are renaming themselves, 'BunYaks'. Ski instructors are busy signing up for classes where they will learn the intricate art, and Sport of 'SnoYakking' techniques to pass on to their customers. Customers have been camping out for days on end in front of new 'SnoYak' outlets to be the first on their block to sport one of these incredible snow machines. Models now include the versatile 'All Terrain SnoYak' model featuring rugged cleated runners for smooth, and fast uphill travel. Then, didgitech sensors detect even the slightest downhill incline and transforms those same cleated runners into smooth, seamless and breath defying descent. This model is available with accesseries such as heated seats, windscreens, a 7" Heads-up Monitor so you won't miss your favorite games shows, GPS, and even a small Wine Cooler within easy reach. It can even be had with tag along child carrier, and even Tandum models. Other spiffy models include the 'Avalanche Rider', well suited for those daring souls who live on the edge. There's even a toddler model called, 'The Todyak' which comes with a parent controlled remote Override system which keeps those little guys from straying too far afield. As can be seen by the accompanying photographs, this new sport is Hot, hot, hot!
Remember to always use Any snow related vehicle with caution, wear proper survival gear, and Only after proper professional instructions. Also take caution when taking part in this adventurous sport where there may be nearby bodies of water such as lakes, streams, creeks and such, as these Made for Snow 'SnoYaks' have not as yet been tested for 'On Water' use. Happy 'SnoYaking'!!!  ;) ;)

Buddy Black
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