Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Pat, And "Porongracy"

'Oh my good Lord Jesus Christ in heaven! Did you Know That? Have you Seen that? This is just absolutly incredible! If This isn't the work of the devil, then I don't know what Is. I just have to question Why a Woman would Ever want to do that! Who in the World would sit and Watch that kind of Movie? I have just Never Heard of such a thing as this! Do 'normal' women watch these kinds of demon movies? I don't know of one single woman that Does. I know my wife doesn't! ... She's just not interested in that sort of thing. I mean, good lord, she's got Me, why would she need Anything Else. If a woman is happily married, pregnant, and in the kitchen, she will Never even 'think' about that sort of thing. That's why we Men have just got to be vigilent! The devil will work his evil ways over women who have idle hands and gossipy mouths. We have to keep their hands, and their mouths busy! Now as part of my thorough investigation of this abomination, I crossed myself, and asked Jesus Christ to give me the strength of Jobe as I peered through my fingers at one of those demon movies the other night while secluded in the privacy and safety of my closet. Oh my Lord! This was the devils "Pornogracy" at it's lowest level! I just cannot describe the, what "Porongracy" watchers would call, 'TiTTilating', images that were on that screen! These Women were actually 'loving' one another! Doing things that only their husbands have a right to do. Their Mouths on each others Mouths! Their Lips moving all over each others bodies! Sweating! My Lord, they were Sweating so! Sinful images! It was the "creepiest Moment Ever!" I can tell you that these demon movies can control a mans brain right from the getgo! I had to call on my Savior to get me out of there before 'addicktion' set in! I don't know How Long the devil had me locked in that closet but I Can tell you that the good lord saw to it that while there I Sweated the devil right out of me! I tell you it left me so weak that my knees were knocking together like cymbals in a choir band! As soon as I recover my strength I will brave-up and investigate the rest of that demon movie. This was an eye opening event, and I don't recommend that Anyone even 'think' about watching one of these demon movies unless you have adult supervision with you. Oh my Lord! I can still see those images in my mind, and those 'sounds' they were making! Praise the Lord, and may he give us the strength to fight against, and resist this demon "Pornogracy".  ;) ;)
--Pat Robertson gives his take on "Fifty Shades of Grey," mentioning pornography, gay men, and more in what might be the most awkward Pat Robertson clip ever...

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