This is an incredible indictment of moral lassitude by Americans who should absolutely know better! Have these foolish 20% actually forgotten Exactly why the American Civil War was about? Do we Now find that it was for naught? Must it be 'fought' Again? And don't dribble off on the old southern excuse about it being to protect 'States Rights (To Own SLAVES)', and 'Property (To Own SLAVES) Rights'. Did these 20% Sleep through Every History class that should have 'taught' them what the 'Emancipation Proclamation Act' Was? Do these 20% Really believe that the SLAVES, also known as HUMAN SOULS, should have been Kept in SLAVERY?? Do they prefer that we should revert back to that horrible era in American History when Americans actually 'thought' that it was a cool thing thing to OWN other HUMAN Beings, and Force them against their Will to labor as SLAVES for the rest of their Lives, and whose Children were then Born into SLAVERY, and Then Their Children? Is This what America has 'evolved' to become? Have these pathetic 20% Always felt this way? Is 20% even a Low percentage of Americans that subscribe to this racist doctrine?
There was a time when America could actually find Candidates for the Presidency who were truely qualified to fill that vacancy. It is a sad turn of events in current American politics when the field of 'candidates' can't even explain to anyone but themselves what their platform Is, and all they can do is harangue one another with threats, vile name calling and backstabbing. The only differance among all these wantabees is their Names.
Yet, One stands out like the sore thumb that he surely is. Donald Trump, businessman extrodinaire, muli-millionaire, TV Reality show host and star, charactor assassinnator, Birther revilalist, conspiracy theorist, mudslinger, race baiting candidate for the Office of the Presidency of The United States of America! Is THIS the 'best' that we can dredge up out of the political gutter to be our Commander In Chief? Leader of the free World? The person that America wants to be the representative of our great Country before the other World leaders? The person who childlishly makes 'Spanky and our Gang' faces, and throws temper tantrums when he does not get his way? The person who demeans Women who dare to ask questions of him that any other sane person would readily answer? The person who dares to use Race Baiting techniques to garner votes of those who think the way He does? The person who insitgates violence at his meetings, and wishes that he could "punch his face"? Is it Any wonder that there are 'fans' of his that wish for SLAVERY all over again? And Now, it appears that the infamous Klu Klux Klan has Endorsed him! Even They identify with this apparent closet racist! Who next will crawl out of the woodwork and endorse him, 'Hitler Youth' perhaps? The Communist Party? These aren't such a stretch of the imagination! Trump is cleverly bringing out the Worst in people who are looking for a 'hero' and 'think' they have found it in Him. Hopefully the other 80% of his 'fans' do Not feel the same as the 20% who have lost their minds. Hopefully, if he makes it as far as the publics presidential Votes, the majority of Faithful Americans will vote for Anyone else, pitiful as the choices may be, Other than the master of bluster, Trump.
Remember, a Vote for Trump is unfortunatly a Vote that no one else can have. Be careful what you ask for, you just might get him. :/:/:/:/
Politics2016 Election
Nearly 20% of Trump Fans Think Freeing the Slaves Was a Bad Idea
Nearly one in five don't support the Emancipation Proclamation
+ READ ARTICLEThe Times found that nearly 20% of Trump supporters did not approve of freeing the slaves, according to a January YouGov/Economist poll that asked respondents if they supported or disapproved of “the executive order that freed all slaves in the states that were in rebellion against the federal government”—Abraham Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation.
Trump himself has never advocated for white supremacy, but some of his followers may. He has, however, called for a moratorium on Muslims entering the United States and called Mexican migrants “rapists.”
Exit polls from the Republican South Carolina primary reveal that 74% of voters in the state favored the Muslim ban—Trump won 41% of that group, according to the Times, which described Trump supporters as a “coalition of voters on people who are responsive to religious, social and racial intolerance.”
Trump, a billionaire outsider, has talked his way to being the front-runner in the 2016 GOP race, causing much of the Republican establishment to scramble in an attempt to find a suitable candidate to beat him. This remains to be seen as Trump won the Nevada caucuses Tuesday by a wide margin, beating Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz by more than 20 points.
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