Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Supreme Court 'Perk'?

If This snappy little 'gift' vacation is True, and time will tell, then This is just another 'Politician (Supreme Court Justice in This case) in my pocket' and the price of doing business at Americas judicial expense, and so much for an unbiased court system.
For a Supreme Court Justice to even Consider taking a 'gift' of Any kind from Anyone connected to a case that is, or, had been heard, by the Court is just plain Conflict of Interest, and possibly even criminal.
No one..., in the public at least, would have Ever, even become Aware of this little 'gifting' party for Scalia if he had 'lived'. It took his untimely demise for it to become public. Can we have any Doubt that the Rest of the Justices of this seemingly disfunctional court are not also accepting 'perks', 'gifts', 'favors', 'under the table tokens', 'special privileages', 'secret gratuities' as 'compensation' or 'thank you very much for your Vote your honor, now how about a little Hunting Trip to help you relax'?
If this is True, then it gives traction to the Question as to Why Scalia's death was pronounced Over The Phone, why No Medical Examiner at the scene, why No Inquest, why No Autopsy, why No Investigation of Any kind, and why so quick to get his body Out of there. Now it appears, again if this 'gift' trip is True, that there were hopes by Someone, and if so it may well be revealed at some point, that no one would know about it as long as not too much fuss was made.
My guess is that More will come out about this little 'gift' trip, and perhaps the black curtains that shield the rest of the Supreme (which may be a misnomer) Court Justices' from the light of day, will be pulled back, and the telling light of 'Sunshine' will be their undoing. It's obvious that more than a Little 'house cleaning' is in order.
This is Another compelling reason why the Supreme Court Justices should be Elected instead of Appointed as they are Now by a sitting President who of course picks a candidate that will most likely vote party line. They should also be subject to Term Limits instead of a Lifetime appointment. The longer they are in 'office', the more apt they are to be subject to this instant case of stupidity. If you sleep with currs, don't be surprised at the fleas that soon bite your butt.
Stay tuned, there's probably More coming down the pike about This one. :/ :/ :/

Buddyblack ;)

Scalia’s Resort Trip Was Gifted By a ‘Friend’ Who Had Business Before the Supreme Court

It’s now been revealed that the luxury hunting ranch vacation Antonin Scalia was on when he died was a gift from someone who Scalia indirectly helped with a recent Supreme Court decision.
In late 2015, the Supreme Court declined to hear an age discrimination suit (Hinga, James V. Mic Group, LLC) against a subsidiary of the manufacturing company J.B. Poindexter, which is owned by John B. Poindexter. Poindexter also owns the 30,000-acre Cibolo Creek Ranch in Shafter, Texas, where Scalia was vacationing when he died last weekend. According to the Washington Post, Scalia didn’t pay for his flight to the ranch, or for his room at the luxury ranch. His food and beverages were also free. Poindexter maintains that Scalia wasn’t given any preferential treatment, as the 36 people staying at the ranch that weekend were all staying for free.
However, the Post also reports that lingering questions remain about who else was staying at the ranch, and whether or not Poindexter or any of the ranch’s guests were trying to curry favor with the late Justice:
The nature of Poindexter’s relationship with Scalia remained unclear Tuesday, one of several lingering questions about his visit. It was not known whether Scalia had paid for his own ticket to fly to the ranch or if someone else picked up the tab, just as it was not immediately clear if Scalia had visited before.
It is also still not known who else was at the Texas ranch for the weekend, and unless that is revealed, there could be concerns about who could have tried to raise an issue around Scalia, said Stephen Gillers, who teaches legal and judicial ethics at the New York University School of Law. He compared it to unease that arises when judges and officials from major companies are invited to seminars or educational events that bring them together for periods of time.
During Justice Scalia’s tenure on the nation’s highest court, an astonishing number of decisions favored corporate plaintiffs and defendants, prompting the New York Times to call it the most corporate-friendly court since the World War II era. An op-ed in the Atlanta Journal-Constitution called the current Supreme Court — which, including Scalia, had the conservative majority of Roberts-Alito-Thomas-Scalia-Kennedy deciding cases in favor of big business — an “enforcer of corporate power.” The op-ed cited a professional statistical review that examined the results of over 2,000 cases:
The study published in the Minnesota Law Review ranked the 36 justices who have served in the post-WWII era in terms of how corporate-friendly their rulings have been. Not surprisingly, the five conservative members of the current high court all ranked in the top 10 most business-friendly justices to serve in that era. Four of the six most business-friendly justices now serve on the court.
Justice Scalia’s funeral is slated for this Saturday.

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