Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Shhhh...Listen To The 'SILENCE'


Disclaimer:   'The following contains Adult, and Graphic material and is intended for the more 'mature' reader. Use Caution and be forewarned that If you Chose to continue reading after This Terribly Long sentence, the kind your English teacher always warned you about, you May be subject to, and exibit irresponsible behavior patterns, outbursts of irrational emotions, fits of misplaced anger and rage, sudden spike in blood pressure, episodes of paronoia coupled with long lasting spells of conspiracy mongering, uncontrolable drooling, imbarrassing incontenance, especially in public venues, and last but not least, acute and audible public flatulance.' You've been Warned, so don't shoot Me, I'm just the 'messenger'.
Wear your seatbelt, seatbelts save lives, between 1999-2005 over 311,356 Americans died due to motor vehicle crashes, don't leave home without it, click it or ticket! Don't play with knives, knives are sharp instruments, don't run with one in your hands! Tobacco kills, over 480,000 Americans die each year due to tobacco use and secondhand smoke, stop smoking, tobacco causes lung cancer, snuff causes throat and mouth cancer, nicotine stains your teeth, only fools use tobacco, if you are pregnant, don't smoke! Sugar will rot your teeth, sugar will make you fat, use sugar in moderation, sugar equels fat calories! Artificial sweetners will scramble your genes, sugar is better than man made sweetners! Don't play with fire, fires kill, the latest stats are from the year 1995 when approx 3600 American were killed in fires, never leave an unattended fire, don't play with matches, don't burn Smokey The Bear, only You can prevent forest fires, don't let children play with matches and lit candles, don't smoke in bed, don't make an ash of yourself! Speed limit 65, slow down, save lives, slow down in school zones, your car is a 2 ton projectile don't point it at people, get caught speeding and get points against your license, get enough of them and loose your license to operate a motor vehicle!
Of course we could go on, and on, and on, and on with warning after warning put out there by various governmental entities, non profit groups and well meaning organizations that want to save lives and protect the public from themselves, But I won't go on, and on, and on. Well...maybe a Little bit. Our televisions are flooded with cautions and warnings and scary stories about dangerous cars, tools, clothing, medicines, drugs, you name it and we are bombarded daily with public health messages to keep us safe from dangerous things, people, food items and the list goes on, and on.
Now before I Do go 'on' here, remember that I'm simply the 'messenger' here, statistical numbers may be more or less than the actual figures given as different resources tend to come up with conflicting numbers for any given subject. So don't start taking pot shots at me with your Ak's and 155 howitzers, a little self control works well these days. I Love waking up alive.

So, did you see Mention of any TV spots by ANY governmental or public or private sector entity, or do you remember When was the last time you Have seen one about the potential dangers that Firearms, yes, Firearms, there's that word that gets folks all rilled up and their trigger fingers itchy as all git out, pose to Americans? For example, in the year 2013 approx 10,076 Americans were killed by Firearms, that number includes murders, accidents and suicides. Over 290,00 were wounded by Firearms, again, attempted murders, Accidents and suicide attempts. Yeah, I Know, I Know, don't blame the 'Firearm', guns don't kill people, People kill people. Sure, got it. But the Firearm Does need a Finger on the Trigger. Just like a Car needs a Driver, Tobacco needs a User, and sugar needs a spoon. All those are dangerous enough that we are lambasted daily about the dangers of such common daily use things. Yet...not One single little Mention about the potential dangers that Firearms pose to Americans. Is 10,076 dead and 290,00 wounded Not enough, or Important enough to spark even a Little flury of Public Announcement 'warnings' of Some sort, at least from Someone out there? Is anyone home? Hello! Is the use of 'sugar' more dangerous than Firearms? The SILENCE is as deafening as the concusive report of a gun going off in ones ear. What Could the 'matter' be?

 And before you start building a gallows on which to string me up for the crows to peck my eyes out. No I am Not 'anti-gun' nor 'anti-gun ownership', and Really no one is coming to tear down your little fort and take your 'gatts' away from you, get Over the paronoia, and listen less to the 'conspiracy buffs' before they turn your perfectly good brains into scrambled mush. I simply strive here to pose a question that I have seen No one even come Close to asking. Again, What could the matter be? Why the deafening SILENCE, Why no Public Forum announcements bulging from our TV screen, and Newspapers, and other printed forums, warning Americans about the potential deadly use and missuse of BFF Firearms?   Wait!!   Did you hear something??   Nope, that's Silence, just silence. :/ :/
BuddyBlack ;)

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