Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Ted, You're Such A Liar

 'OMG! That Ted Cruz is Such a Liar! And if he calls me 'Mr' Trump one more time like he's my BFF or something I'm gonna just Scream! Just scream! Have you Ever heard someone Lie like he does? You know, I just love'em to Death. I like him a Lot! Like a Brother! Gotta lot of respect for'em. Lots of it! But you know, there's something Wrong with his brain. He's unstables! Unstable! He Is! It makes him Lie like there's no tomorrow! He's got a serious problem there f...olks! A Problem I tell you! Except for when I'm looking in my mirror, and me looking back at me, He's the biggest Liar I've Ever seen. Big! Disgusting! I don't think he even knows it! He Might. He believes everything that drools from his lips. He thinks he's an American! Can you believe That? That's what he 'thinks'. But you know, He was Born in Canada, he's not American! He's an illegal immigrant! Cant be President of America! Who's he trying to fool?! A border jumping Immigrant! That's what he is. I told him, 'Teddy, ya gotta apply for some other position. Cook maybe. Valet parking would work for you. But you can't be President! That's it. Can't!' He can't even speak Spanish! He can't do it! I'm gonna sue his pants off unless he apologizes for all those horrible lies he's been telling about me. Even makes the Truth sound like a big fat lie! Lier, lier, your pants are on fire Teddy! He's got issues! I'm better looking than that guy is! Look at this head of 'maybe' real hair I've got. He's got Nothing to brag about. I bet I can out YELL him. Have you seen those faces he makes? You know, I just have to question just how 'religious' he claims to be. He is Scared of me! When I'm President, I'm gonna Deport his lying butt right back to Canada! He's always praying for help when he knows I'm close by. Jesus can't even make him President! No chance! He has serious problems. Can't help him! No one in South Carolina will vote for him. I feel sorry for him. Just look at him. Acting like he's an American! I'm gonna make a law that makes it illegal for illegals to pretend they're Legal Americans! After I sue him! You know, I never talk bad about him or Anyone, Everybody knows that, but he tempts me! But I can control what I say. You can't say That about Him! That's why I'm Commander in Chief material. That commie guy Putin what's his name. Loud mouth! He's Another liar! I could whip his scrawny rear end all over town! People respect me! Except that Liar Cruz! I'll hire him to bus tables at the White House. Then, I'll get his respect by firing him the next day. That's how you get respect! America Needs me to save it from itself. I'm the Man! Me!                                                          
Remember people, a vote for Me, is one nobody else gets! Vote for Me, or you're Fired!' :/ :/

Post Politics

Donald Trump unloads on Ted Cruz: ‘Liar,’ ‘dishonest’ and ‘unstable’


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At a town hall event in Mt. Pleasant, S.C., Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump dismissed allegations from rival Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Tex.) that he would appoint "liberal judges" to the Supreme Court if elected president. (Reuters)
MOUNT PLEASANT, S.C. – Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump sought to obliterate rival Ted Cruz before hundreds of local Republican activists here Monday, labeling the Texas senator “a liar” and “the most dishonest” person in politics.
Trump was retaliating after Cruz escalated his attacks on the billionaire mogul, pointing out his past inconsistencies on social issues and arguing that he could not be trusted to nominate conservatives to the Supreme Court.
“I’ve never met people like politicians,” Trump said as he addressed the East Cooper Republican Club's luncheon in this suburb of Charleston. “They are the most dishonest people I’ve ever met…. Jeb [Bush] is just Jeb. But this guy, Ted Cruz, is the most dishonest guy I think I’ve ever met in politics.”  
Calling Cruz “a liar,” Trump warned the crowd: “You have to be very smart. You have to be very careful. You’ve got a very unstable guy in Cruz. He’s nuts.”
Trump mocked Cruz for infusing his Christian faith into his campaign in an effort to win over evangelical voters.
“The worst is holding up a Bible all the time,” Trump said of Cruz. “You’re willing to lie about anything, but then you’re holding up a Bible? To me, it’s no good.”
Trump said that Iowa Republican officials should revoke Cruz’s win in the Feb. 1 Iowa caucuses because of his campaign’s shadowy tactics, including telling some caucus goers that Ben Carson was suspending his campaign when in fact he was not.
“What he did to Ben Carson was despicable,” Trump said. “If Iowa had any guts, the people from the Republican Party, which they don’t, they should disqualify him from winning Iowa. I really mean it, because what he did was a fraud.”

Trump said that Cruz’s donors represent “a who’s who” of corporate special interests and suggested that, if elected, the Texan as well as Sen. Marco Rubio (Fla.) and former Florida governor Jeb Bush would be improperly influenced by their top campaign donors.
“They will be totally controlled, and there’s not a damn thing you can do about it,” Trump said.
Trump aimed most of his rhetorical fire at Cruz, but he took a few shots at Bush. He noted that Bush’s older brother, former president George W. Bush, was making a high-profile return to the political arena later Monday in nearby North Charleston.
“Ever ask yourself why his brother went silent for all these years?” Trump said of Bush.
He added, of Jeb Bush, “I said, ‘Why don’t you use the last name?...It’s better than exclamation points.”

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