Friday, February 12, 2016

The 'NocturnalDreamSnooper'

Okaaaayyy, Okaaay, hold on, hold on there, before you snikkering 'Never had a Dream Buffoons' start lobbing jokes and insults at this posted 'scientific' survey. Take down your scaffolds, crate up the Guillotines, and unload your 'gatts'. Have you Never heard of the legendary...'NocturnalDreamSnooper'? I Know you are spinning your discombobulated heads, slinging slobber like a crazed St. Bernard sucking on a Fireball, and thinking, WTH! WTH?!! Just settle down and don't get your knickers in a twist, and soon you will quickly and without a Single doubt, Realize what you have always 'known' but never really Knew that you Did....know. You may even catch yourself Asking yourself, 'Self, why didn't I already 'know' this?'

You see, waaaaay back, long, long, long ago, Way before the advent of writting utensils, and sticky notes, and didgi recorders, and even Poptarts, the popular fad with which to share 'thoughts', (probably more akin to 'grunts', and not far removed from the average family kitchen table nowadays), was a simple sharp object, be what it may, which was held with foot or hand, and used to scratch 'thoughts' onto cave, igloo, and eventually, and as we evolved over time, outhouse walls.  I think we All are familiar, and well versed in those of that latter intellectual medium, such as; ' Here I sit brokenhearted, came to s### but only fa##‪#‎d‬...', you probably get the idea here. Even our Native Aboriginals left records of their 'thoughts' and 'dreams' in the form of drawings and paintings, and better Yet with those snappy 'DreamCatchers! More about That later! For milleniums man and womankind alike have scratched more than their puzzled heads over the Meaning of these melange of hyroglifics. 'Surely there's a 'storey' here, if Only someone more intelligent that we mere ignorant mortals could only pull us out of our stuper, and tug our heads from our arse's', they thought. Finally, as you can See as clearly as the back of your Doubting Heads, according to this scholarly peer reviewed indepth 'scientific' study by leading, and no doubt, world reknowned Forensic 'NocturnalDreamCypherologists', the key to this ancient hyroglifics lock has been found! least as it pertains to the 'SleepSnooper'. The bold faced 'evidence' had been slapping ignorant researchers right across their probiscus' all along yelling, 'It's right here in front of you, you Morons!' But ignorant all, they missed the boat. It was as if while waiting at the boat dock with 'ticket' in hand, the announcement was made, 'Everyone Boarding Ship please step foreward'. 'What!?? They thought, I have Not been Hoarding Sh##!' And a good Norevirus 'cruise' was missed. Had they thought outside their poop house walls they would have 'seen', as our current 'researchers' have so aptly done, that time after time, 2000 times according to the learned report, verifiable evidence of the 'NocturnalDreamSnooper' was there for all who 'see', Yeah, I Know, probably some brail dotted in there as well, but it Was there. It seems that Every One of these 'Cyphers' included a sketching of this narfarious looking, high hairlined, neanderthal eyebrowed, ears Way to close to the ground, snearing portraiture of a mysterious being, and simply passed over as a common 'smileyface' sketching. Sometimes, he would be fixed right beside what appeared to be a Bed, sometimes actually from Beneath what appears to be a bed, other times peeking, or 'Leering' better describes it, around the corner of the cave, some Do have Corners you know, Sometimes lurking over the top of an object reminiiscent of that 'Killroy Was Here' drawing. And those Dark piercing orbs! How could they have Missed the 'signs'? Is 'evolution' merely Still just a pop brained Theory that only Chimps subcribe to? Well, not to be outdone or out-theorized, our learned researchers knew right away that the 'answer' had been found. Of course there had always been muted rumers of such things, Muted, because folks Were subject to being boiled alive in hot oil for 'simplemindedness' back then, and not a Few met 'truth' by Flame, and so 'Muting ones 'thoughts' about ones hallucinogenic induced 'Dreams' was a Plus for longevity about those things that go 'Bump' in the dark. And of course those Without innate 'knowledge' of nocturnal things discounted these rumors out of hand. But That did Not make it any less 'real' to those who 'knew'. Cave after bone chilling cave, wall after endless wall, s### house after rosey s### house, the evidence grew. And Then!! Another one of those epithanies we all experience in our dailey lives! One day with nothing else to do but explore his inner nostral cavities with a paper clip, one of our intrepid researchers thought, 'If only I had a good 'bugger catcher! What?! Catcher!? Wait! That's it! Those clever snappy 'Dreamcatchers"! How Could I have missed That?! Am I That Dumb?! Am I??? Could They have actually Captured what we have been looking for all along?! Could They be the ancient Video Recorders of a long lost time?' Abandoning his nose he quickly started gathering all the 'DreamCatchers' that he could lay his felonious hands on. Then in a ultra-sterile corner of his chicken coop he began the tedious task of examining those 'catchers'. As I understand the 'science' of it, he developed a method by which he could Actually Shake Out the 'dreams' that had been snarred over time. Of course there were lots of dust, debris of past lives, a few secrets to be left untold, and of course feathers and such that fell out of there, but with wile and gile he was able to empty the contents much as you would that of your neglected bellybutton. Then became the laborious task of reconstructing all those bits of 'dream' residue so that they made sense in the order in which they had been captured. Not an easy task for the uninitiated I'm sure. Then, using the best forensic 'digidata' science that the world has to offer, not to mention not a little photoshop twirking, not to be confused with that 'butt' dance craze, he began to 'see', some may say, 'In his Own Mind', an 'image', as can be Clearly be seen in the Post in question here. And sure enough! It looked Just Like, or pretty close like, wouldn't you think, the crude cave, and Other venue, etchings passed down through the eons of that mysterious nocturnal visiter, the 'NocturnalSleepSnooper'. And so thanks to our ever inquisitive, and no less inquiring minds of our 'researchers' of note, the 'mystery' has been 'solved'. So There! All ye who soundly sleep, yet not hear a 'beep', you may well begin sleeping with one good eye Open, because Some things that Do go 'bump' in the night...might just be Your 'NocturnalDreamSnooper' at play. And don't hesitate to document your 'sightings'.  Oh, and we don't use that high fat content Oil to par-boil you in anymore. :O   ;);)

Science, Beyond Science

Ever Dream This Man? 2,000 People Have Seen Him in Their Dreams, According to Campaign

In Beyond Science, Epoch Times explores research and accounts related to phenomena and theories that challenge our current knowledge. We delve into ideas that stimulate the imagination and open up new possibilities. Share your thoughts with us on these sometimes controversial topics in the comments section below.
A worldwide campaign is underway to try and understand why this man’s face seems to appear in the dreams of thousands of people all over the world. explains how this face was first recognized, how people first started to realize they were all seeing the same face in their dreams:
“In January 2006 in New York, the patient of a well-known psychiatrist draws the face of a man that has been repeatedly appearing in her dreams. In more than one occasion that man has given her advice on her private life. The woman swears she has never met the man in her life.
“That portrait lies forgotten on the psychiatrist’s desk for a few days until one day another patient recognizes that face and says that the man has often visited him in his dreams. He also claims he has never seen that man in his waking life.
“The psychiatrist decides to send the portrait to some of his colleagues that have patients with recurrent dreams. Within a few months, four patients recognize the man as a frequent presence in their own dreams. All the patients refer to him as THIS MAN.
“From January 2006 until today, at least 2000 people have claimed they have seen this man in their dreams, in many cities all over the world: Los Angeles, Berlin, Sao Paulo, Tehran, Beijing, Rome, Barcelona, Stockholm, Paris, New Dehli, Moskow etc. …”
Epoch Times has contacted the administrators of the “This Man” website to find out the identity of the psychiatrist who first discovered the phenomenon, in order to verify the story. The administrators replied: “We are involved in a legal issue with the psychiatrist because of a phone call from a journalist. But we really believe it’s not important. Patient zero is just the first patient we discovered, not the first who dreamt this man.”
The website states: “In the past months some individuals have been trying to stop this website’s research, claiming that we might have a hidden marketing agenda. This is false! Those individuals are probably just scared, of what This Man could soon be announcing in many people’s dreams.”
So why does this man appear?

Theories: Who He Is, Why He Appears

The theories are varied, according to the website. Some say he fits within Carl Jung’s theory of archetypes and the collective unconscious. He could be an archetypal image that surfaces in times of hardship.
Some say he could be a real person who has somehow learned to surf the dream world.
Some say he is a higher being who manifests in people’s dreams.
Some say that in dreams, we don’t see faces clearly, and when people see this photo they attribute the appearance to a vague figure from their dreams.
Posters and flyers of this face have now appeared all over the world. The campaign’s website shows posters in Lithuania, Brazil, Germany, and many other locations.


This man is helpful and friendly to some dreamers, but other dreamers say he tried to kill them. Here’s a look at a few stories shared through Facebook.
1. “I dreamt this man… He was walking down the
street and I was just standing there. I saw him
pass and I started walking the opposite direction
and he was taller and he stood out of the crowd
and he spoke to me. He said ‘I believe in you.
Through all of this stress and pain you can get
through it.'”
2. “I dreamt this man… he tried to kill
me. I was on a swing set all alone, and
he started walking towards me slowly
with the same smile on his face. As he
got closer I tried to scream, but
nothing was coming out. He started
laughing as I tried to run away. I
couldn’t move fast enough and that’s
when I woke up. I’ve seen him in my
dreams a couple times, but never in the
same place.”
3. “I dreamt this man…It was this really strange
dream where I was in an abandoned town and I
was walking around asking for help and I saw that
man looking at me through a window and then I
went into one of the houses and sat down on a
bed. Then I heard a creaking noise. I looked over
and there he was. I have never had a dream like
that before or after that one.”
4. “I was standing in an old abandoned
hospital, [with] old gurneys left around. I have
never been there before, but I felt as
if I knew where I was. It was while I
was going down a hallway when I saw
this man beckoning to me to follow him.
He looked frightened for some reason. He
was yelling at me incoherently. So I
took off trying to [keep] up with him. But when
I turned the corner and then he was
there in front of me, smiling, a scalpel
in hand, I understood then [that he had] … tricked me
to come to my death. I tried to run but
I couldn’t move at all. He then
proceeded to slit [my] throat while laughing
so weirdly it might have not even been
from this earth. I then woke up with my
throat in so much pain I couldn’t [speak].”
5. “He came over to me and took my hand, I
was 6, and he looked about 32. He told
me to go in bed and sleep, I did as he
said and soon fell asleep. After a while
he started calling my name, just enough
to wake me up, but I didn’t lift the
covers off my head. “Come on Aleks, I
won’t hurt you,” he said sweetly. I
lifted the covers slowly, and saw him.
He had a name tag on his shirt, and I
found out his name. His name is Dan.”

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