Thursday, February 11, 2016

Dead...Yet, Not

Are Birthmarks Connected to Violent Death in Past Life?

Well, I can only speak of my Own experience which I shall relate as follows; One day during a physical exam my new doctor said, "Have you ever been Dead in your past life?" I replied, Well, Not that I remember. He said, " Have you ever noticed these two large circular Scars on your back?" Well, yes, I often wondered about those. He went on to tell me that as well as being a learned physician, he was also an imminent AntiqueScarOlogist, trained in the decipherism of 'mysterious' Scars. After measuring my scars he deduced that, scientificly speaking, the Scars could Only have been made by a SaberToothed Tiger, no less, no More! Not surprising, which explains why I dislike Cats to this very day! Proof positive that I had been killed and eaten by a cat way back When. Then, he said, " What's with the Scar all around your Neck?" OMG! Now, I was getting Worried! After a thorough examination of This mysterious Scar, he reckoned with much authority that all scientific evidence points to it being the Scar of a Hangmans Noose! He explained that from the particular twist, and fibermarks of the Rope scar that it could only have occurred in the early 1800's out west, and that I had been strung up as the result of a simple little prank during the Fall of the year, where I had removed a wagon wheel from a Constables Buggy. To my great and somewhat Sudden surprise, it turned out to be a Hanging Offense! This explains the Sore Throat I sometimes get in the winter. Then he turned my now skittish attention to what I always thought was a Third Nipple. Nope, he says, that ain't no Nipple, That, young man in my estimation, is a Bullet Hole Scar! He poked and prodded, measured and marked. He told me that even much to His Own surprise, "There's a Musketball, or Miniball, lodged in you Chest, looks like it went right through your Heart!". An incredible turn of events! And here I've often 'wondered' why I get short of breath when A gun is pointed in my direction! Based on his best forensics science, he determined that I had been Shot and suddenly Killed during a Battle of the Civil War when I heroically saved our Company's Drumset from being captured by the enemy! Not, I thought, something worthy of being Shot over! So Yes, as you can plainly See, here's Living, or perhaps 'Dead' 'truth' that these 'Mysterious Scars and Marks ('Death' Marks Really), that we so often discount as Nothing, Do mean Something. So, you Doubting Nay Sayers out there who have these of your Own, don't be surprised if someday You Too, wake up Alive, only to discover that you were Also once... dead. :/ :/

Science, Beyond Science
Are Birthmarks Connected to Violent Death in Past Life?
By Tara MacIsaac, Epoch Times | November 6, 2013
Last Updated: February 11, 2016 8:47 am
In Beyond Science, Epoch Times explores research and accounts related to phenomena and theories that challenge our current knowledge. We delve into ideas that stimulate the imagination and open up new possibilities. Share your thoughts with us on these sometimes controversial topics in the comments section below.
An old woman died in Thailand with the wish to reincarnate as a boy. Her daughter dipped a finger in white paste and marked the back of the woman’s neck with the paste.
Not long after the woman’s death, the daughter gave birth to a son with a white mark on the back of his neck that mirrored the white paste left on the woman’s neck. When the boy became old enough to talk, he would claim possession of things that belonged to his grandmother as though they’d always been his.
This is one of many cases recounted by Dr. Jim Tucker at the University of Virginia in which birthmarks seem to relate to past lives.
The late Dr. Ian Stevenson, whose work Tucker continues, investigated 210 cases of children with birthmarks or defects that related to memories they retained from past lives.
Stevenson obtained a post-mortem report in 49 cases. The wound and birthmark were within 10 square centimeters of each other on the body in 43 percent of these cases, and many were much closer to the same location.
In some cultures, people mark the deceased with soot or paste to recognize them when they are reborn.
Here are a few examples of birthmarks related to past life memories studied by Stevenson.

A boy born in India without fingers on his right hand remembered another life in which he was a boy who had his fingers amputated after sticking them in a fodder chopping machine.

MORE:•Pre-Birth Memories: Can People Remember Being in the Womb? Being Born?

A boy in Turkey with a malformed right ear remembered having been shot and killed at close range on that side of his head.
A boy named Maha Ram in India could remember being killed in a previous life with a shotgun fired at close range. He remembered enough details of his past life for Stevenson to find the autopsy report of the man supposedly reincarnated as Ram. The birthmarks on Ram’s chest corresponded to the bullet wounds.
Some anecdotal accounts of birthmarks from past lives that have not been verified are shared on a past life discussion blog post.
Karen Kubicko posted photos of herself in high school with a birthmark on her neck and a photo of herself later in life without the birthmark. She said she remembered in 2011 that in a previous life she was a woman named Helen who was hit by a stray bullet in the neck and died in 1927.
The mark was where the bullet had hit in her vision.
After she remembered this, the mark gradually disappeared.
Another person on the blog said she had a birthmark on the back of her leg. She remembered a past life in which a snake bit her there. A few years later, she realized the mark had faded away. She said the area is not often exposed, so light exposure or other such external elements are not to blame.

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