Sunday, February 7, 2016

McGraw-Hill's New Definition of 'Salvery'

Mcgraw-Hill said they will change the wording to "Forced Migration". (??!) Migration?????   Here's the Definition of the word 'Migration'; Seasonal movement of animals from one region to another, movement from one part of something to another, HUMAN migration is the movement by People from one place to another with the intentions of settling temporarily or permanently in the new location.         Is McGraw-Hill using their Own version of reality as to their Own definition of 'Migration??   Would they have us actually Believe that the Millions of Africans that were Stolen against their will from their mother Countries, stuffed in the holds of rat infested 'ships', thousands perishing along the way, brought to the West Indies where they were sold outright as SLAVES There, or consigned to ports in America where they were eventually SOLD as SLAVES against their wills, and where for hundreds of years they, and their offspring, continued to be held against their wills as SLAVES, and during that time were not paid for their toils and suffering???????   Does This sound like a "Migration"??   Are they Really going to get away with Changing History of SLAVERY in America by softpeddeling it as "Migration"?   My God, next they will claim that all those SLAVES were just on a vacation romp to see the world, or the KKK was just a little group of cubscouts camping out and burning crosses to keep warm, or that Germany didn't slaughter over Six Million innocent souls during the Second World War!!   Don't think for a second that it can't happen, already they have 'sanitized' SLAVERY!   TexASS has the Market on Textbooks that are used all across America, and it is a well known fact that the Religious Fanatics in that virtious learned state who openly, And who worst of all, secrectively, deny American History and are hellbent on Erasing the Truth of America's History, good or bad, to suit their Own warped and biased 'religious' agendas. McGraw-Hill is so deep in bed with these biased, bigoted deniers that for a few dollors more they will Print Anything that TexASS dictates.   Contrary to this sickening diet of rubish called "Forced Migration" that McGraw-Hill, and TexASS would like to forcefeed us on, the sad and bitter Truth of the matter is that instead, it was 'Forced SLAVERY'.  S -L -A -V -E -R -Y of human Souls, Stolen, and SOLD not unlike any other piece of farm 'property'.   Wake up folks!   SLAVERY in America is Nothing that we should brag about or be even remotely pround of, but it DID happen, and for Anyone to try to erase that History, and call it something that it was Not, is Unconscionable. :/ :/

A Houston teenager noticed the reference in a geography textbook that included the slave trade in a chapter about immigration.

A Houston teenager noticed the reference in a geography textbook that included the slave trade in a chapter about immigration.

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