Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Trump, The Pugilist

' Boy, did you see That!?    How dare that jerk try and talk at My meeting! What a Jerk! Is This what Americans have learned from Obama? How'd that guy get in here in the first place? And how Dare he try and ask Me a question, and actually expect an Answer! Ain't gonna happen! Not on My watch! What an Animal! Probably one of those stupid reporters pretending to be one of My fans. Stupid reporters! Ya know, back when I was a child, a guy like That would always have my knuckle impressions around both of his stupid Eyes! He must have thought he was at one of Bernie's events where he'd get Hugs instead of getting the Crap beat out of'em. Whiner! You want some Cheese with that Whine? What the hell did he Want Anyway? Could anyone even understand him? Sounded like an immigrant! Just wait until Mexico pays for that Wall I'm 'gonna' build! Get him outta here! Back in the 'old days' he'd be carried outta here on a Stretcher toes up! Boy, if my Arm was long enough I'd a reached out there and smacked him a good one! Where's Rubber Man when ya need him!? 
 You See folks, that's why I'm gonna be the best President this country has Ever Seen! You ain't seen nothing Yet!   Nothing!   That guy was never taught 'respect'! Not Any! And now look at him! Now he knows what 'respect' Is! Next time he sees Me, he'll bow down at my feet and do the Pope thing! He'll vote for me Now. You see, that's how we get the worlds 'respect'. Right now they don't respect us. A few whacks to the side of their heads will bring them around! Whack! Putin better spend some more time in the gym because I'm not gonna put up with his 'puttin' face! Respect! He's got None, but I'm gonna teach him all about it. I wonder what he does in his 'closet'? I don't Know, just sayin'. I Know he likes me, and you Know I love Him, but ya just gotta wonder about him. Always rumming around naked. And as for the rest of the world's 'leaders', they'll all want to be the first on their 'block' to be in a 'selfie' with me.
  Hey, I had my own TV 'reality' show, I know what's real, and what's not. I'm the real Thing folks! That guy that's pretending to be our President is too soft! He's soft as mashed potatoes. I bet he's never been in a fist fight! No respect! Look behind me here. See all those voters wearing my shirt? That's respect! They love me! Now some folks say that I Paid them to wear that shirt. Liers! They respect me. They even have jammies with my name on'em! Look at that disrespectful jerk, throwing punches and smiling. It's like he doesn't even know what he wants to do. What a crybaby temper tantrum! I hate that in a person! I could just beat the crap outta people like that! I hate to say it but I bet his whole family are jerks. But Now they know I mean business, and they'll all vote for me.
  People are Voters!  I say things they want to hear. They hear things that their stupid brains tell them they Like to hear. It makes'em feel good for a few minutes. Good 'leaders' Do that for people. It doesn't matter that I can't do three quarters of the things I promise them, they have no Clue, but they Wish I could, they Hope I can, and then when I Tell them I can, they 'think' I can. And Then they run right outta here and Vote for me! Can't help but love it! They ain't seen Nothing yet!   Nothing at All! I Love stupid people, people that have that 'Birther' mentality, people who love conspiracy theories, people who hate immigrants, people who love fist fights, people who can't think for themselves, people who Love Me, and at Least know how to operate a Voting machine. Man, my knuckles are itching, I wish I could'a punched that jerk!'  :/

Trump on protester: 'I’d like to punch him in the face'

LAS VEGAS — Donald Trump wished grievous bodily harm on a protester at his rally here on Monday night, saying he’d like to punch the man in the face and see him carried out on a stretcher.
“The guards are being very gentle with him,” Trump said. “I’d like to punch him in the face, I’ll tell you that.”
Trump said the protester had been “throwing punches.” By the time a POLITICO reporter spotted the protester being led from the floor of South Point Arena by security personnel, the man was not throwing punches.
According to multiple South Point security personnel, the man did not throw any punches. Trump "was just over-exaggerating," said one security guard, who asked that his name not be used.
“We’re not allowed to punch back any more,” Trump lamented. The billionaire said he missed the “good old days,” when the man would be treated differently.
“You know what they used to do to a guy like that in a place like this?” Trump said. “They’d be carried out on a stretcher, folks.”
The businessman then moved on to his position on waterboarding. “I think it’s great but I don’t think we go far enough,” Trump said.
The businessman said the press would portray him as a “mean guy” for that position.
“I’m just a guy who doesn’t want to be pushed around by a bunch of animals,” he said. “These are animals.”

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