Sunday, February 28, 2016

'Snake Oil', And 'Politics'

'Snake Oil' and 'Politics', Not such strange bedfellows

AMERICA is headed towards the political 'intersection' of her life at breakneck speed. Is she Asleep at the wheel, DWTI (Driving While Trump Impaired) impaired from the siren song of bluster 'Trump'eted by a snake oil salesman? Wake up America, Snap out of it! Get a Grip on the 'wheel', clear your Vision, Step on the Brake! Do Not operate a voting machine while impaired by 'Trumpsamania'. The 'penalty' could be Severe, long lasting, and full of future regret. Wake up America, Wake up!  :/


Saturday, February 27, 2016


On Feb 18, I posted This with a 'comment'. In my Last sentence of that comment I wrote, "Stay tuned, there's probably More coming down the pike about This one". And sure enough it has arrived. This is the Highest Court in our land, a court that Should be un-biased, un-bought, un-fettered with 'I.O.U's', with out predjudice, open minded, and ruling in line with our Constitution, Not in line with Political cronies, and 'Party' favors that in turn garner 'personal' favors for the Justices'. And appears that No, Martha, there Is no Santa Claus. If This is 'true' of Scalia, just how true is it of his co-horts, and how Deep does this 'cancer' grow?  :/ :/ :/


By ERIC LIPTONFEB. 26, 2016 New York Times

The West Texas ranch where Justice Antonin Scalia was staying when he died. It is owned by a businessman whose company had recently had a matter before the Supreme Court.

WASHINGTON — Antonin Scalia was the longest-tenured justice on the current Supreme Court and the country’s most prominent constitutionalist. But another quality also set him apart: Among the court’s members, he was the most frequent traveler, to spots around the globe, on trips paid for by private sponsors.
When Justice Scalia died two weeks ago, he was staying, again for free, at a West Texas hunting lodge owned by a businessman whose company had recently had a matter before the Supreme Court.
Though that trip has brought new attention to the justice’s penchant for travel, it was in addition to the 258 subsidized trips that he took from 2004 to 2014. Justice Scalia went on at least 23 privately funded trips in 2014 alone to places like Hawaii, Ireland and Switzerland, giving speeches, participating in moot court events or teaching classes. A few weeks before his death, he was in Singapore and Hong Kong.
Many of the justices are frequent expenses-paid travelers, a practice that some court scholars say is a minor matter, given that many of the trips involve public talks that help demystify the court. But others argue that the trips could potentially create the appearance of a conflict of interest, particularly when the organizations are known for their conservative or liberal views. Some groups at times use the presence of a Supreme Court justice as a way to pull in members or other paying guests.
Supreme Court Travel
A look at the numbers of privately paid trips taken by Supreme Court justices from 2004-2014, ranked top to bottom by frequency of travel per year.

258 trips in 11 years
23.5 trips per year
185 trips in 11 years
16.8 trips per year
67 trips in 5 years
13.4 trips per year
132 trips in 11 years
12.0 trips per year
117 trips in 11 years
10.6 trips per year
83 trips in 9 years
10.1 trips per year
33 trips in 4 years
8.3 trips per year
86 trips in 11 years
7.8 trips per year
48 trips in 10 years
4.8 trips per year

Source: Center for Responsive Politics

“I am worried about the public perception of gratitude, even if there is no effect on your behavior,” said Stephen Gillers, a professor at the New York University School of Law who specializes in legal ethics. “And the greater the luxury, the greater the risk of public suspicion.”
Ethical standards prohibit judges from accepting gifts from anyone with a matter currently before the court. But those guidelines presented no barrier to John Poindexter, who invited Justice Scalia to stay at his West Texas ranch.
Mr. Poindexter is the owner of J. B. Poindexter & Co., a manufacturing firm based in Houston with more than 4,000 employees. One of his companies, the Mic Group, was a defendant in an age discrimination lawsuit filed by a former employee who unsuccessfully petitioned the Supreme Court for a review last year.
Mr. Poindexter, according to a former general manager at the ranch, is also a leader in the International Order of St. Hubertus, a worldwide organization of hunters, as, apparently, were several other guests during Justice Scalia’s visit. The Washington Post first reported the guests’ ties to the hunting group.
Mr. Gillers and other legal experts said they saw nothing wrong with Mr. Scalia’s accepting a free room at Mr. Poindexter’s lodge. While the Ethics in Government Act, adopted after Watergate, requires high-level federal employees, including judges, to fill out disclosure reports for reimbursements worth more than $335, the visit to the ranch might not have required a formal disclosure, because accommodations provided by a private individual are exempt under current rules.
But Gabe Roth, the executive director of an organization called Fix the Court, said that the Supreme Court needed a formal vetting process for privately funded trips, similar to the one used by Congress, where ethics committees sign off on trips before lawmakers take them. “This is just part of the pattern of a lack of transparency from the high court,” he said.
After Justice Scalia, the second most active traveler on the current court is Justice Stephen G. Breyer, who took 185 privately paid trips from 2004 to 2014, according to a database built by the Center for Responsive Politics, based on individual reports filed by the justices. Chief Justice John G. Roberts Jr., based on a yearly average, had the fewest of these privately funded trips — a total of 48 from 2005 to 2014, the last year for which records are available. Over all, Supreme Court members disclosed 1,009 paid trips between 2004 and 2014.
The destinations often are luxurious, including the Casa de Campo Resort in the Dominican Republic, where Justice Samuel A. Alito Jr. was listed as a speaker for an event last February, or Zurich, where Justice Scalia traveled at least three times on privately funded trips.
In 2011, a liberal advocacy group, Common Cause, questioned whether Justice Scalia and Justice Clarence Thomas should have disqualified themselves from participating in the landmark Citizens United case on campaign finance because they had attended a political retreat in Palm Springs, Calif., sponsored by the conservative financier Charles G. Koch. Mr. Koch funds groups that could benefit from the ruling. The disclosure report filed by Justice Thomas made no mention of the retreat. It said only that he had taken a trip, funded by the Federalist Society, a conservative legal group, to Palm Springs to give a speech.
Over roughly a decade, Justice Scalia took 21 trips sponsored by the Federalist Society, to places like Park City, Utah; Napa, Calif.; and Bozeman, Mont. The Federalist Society also paid for trips by Justice Alito during that period, but not for any liberal justices, the disclosure reports show.
“There are fair questions raised by some of these trips about their commitment to being impartial,” said Stephen Spaulding, the legal director at Common Cause. “They are dancing so close to the line with overtly political events.”
Legislation is pending in the House and the Senate that would require the Supreme Court to create a formal ethics system, beyond the Ethics in Government Act, similar to the one that governs actions of all other federal judges. That system is known as the Code of Conduct for United States Judges.
Chief Justice Roberts has argued that the Supreme Court, even though it generally abides by this judicial ethics code, is not obligated to do so. It restricts how much judges can be paid for private travel, and limits other activities outside the court, such as allowing private organizations to use “the prestige of judicial office” for fund-raising purposes.
“The questionable activities of some of our Supreme Court justices have been well documented,” including “participating in political functions,” Representative Louise M. Slaughter, Democrat of New York, said in a statement explaining why she introduced the legislation last year. She was referring to the trips by Justices Scalia and Thomas to the events sponsored by Mr. Koch. But Tom Fitton, the president of Judicial Watch, a conservative legal group, said that liberal groups’ focus on the trips simply offered them an avenue to criticize conservative justices when they had done nothing wrong. “They are creating an ethics issue to try to put pressure on justices to get them to rule a certain way,” he said.
The disclosure reports show that the majority of the privately funded trips — by far — are sponsored by universities.
Richard L. Hasen, a professor of law and political science at the University of California, Irvine, said that society could benefit when justices — who are paid about $250,000 a year, far less than they would earn in private practice — leave Washington to speak about how the court works.
In a new study, Dr. Hasen also found justices have increasingly gained a celebrity status, with websites like SCOTUS Map tracking their trips. “Justice Sonia Sotomayor runs into Hillary Clinton at a Costco, and that makes national news,” he said. “Now they are celebrities, so we just hear about them more.”
Manny Fernandez contributed reporting from Houston, and Alain Delaquérière contributed research.
If This snappy little 'gift' vacation is True, and time will tell, then This is just another 'Politician (Supreme Court Justice in This case) in my pocket' and the price of doing business at Americas judicial expense, and so much for an unbiased court system.
For a Supreme Court Justice to even Consider taking a 'gift' of Any kind from Anyone connected to a case that is, or, had been heard, by the Court is just plain Conflict of Interest, and possibly even criminal.
No one, in the public at least, would have Ever, even become Aware of this little 'gifting' party for Scalia if he had 'lived'. It took his untimely demise for it to become public. Can we have any Doubt that the Rest of the Justices of this seemingly disfunctional court are not also accepting 'gifts', 'favors', 'under the table tokens', 'special privileages', 'secret gratuities' as 'compensation' or 'thank you very much for your Vote your honor, now how about a little Hunting Trip to help you relax'?
If this is True, then it gives traction to the Question as to Why Scalia's death was pronounced Over The Phone, why No Medical Examiner at the scene, why No Inquest, why No Autopsy, why No Investigation of Any kind, and why so quick to get his body Out of there. Now it appears, again if this 'gift' trip is True, that there were hopes by Someone, and if so it may well be revealed at some point, that no one would know about it as long as not too much fuss was made.
My guess is that More will come out about this little 'gift' trip, and perhaps the black curtains that shield the rest of the Supreme (which may be a misnomer) Court Justices' from the light of day, will be pulled back, and the telling light of 'Sunshine' will be their undoing. It's obvious that more than a Little 'house cleaning' is in order.
This is Another compelling reason why the Supreme Court Justices should be Elected instead of Appointed as they are Now by a sitting President who of course picks a candidate that will most likely vote party line. They should also be subject to Term Limits instead of a Lifetime appointment. The longer they are in 'office', the more apt they are to be subject to this instant case of stupidity. If you sleep with currs, don't be surprised at the fleas that soon bite your butt.
Stay tuned, there's probably More coming down the pike about This one.  :/ :/ :/
It's now been revealed that the luxury hunting ranch vacation Antonin Scalia was on when he died was a gift from someone who Scalia indirectly helped with a recent…

'Spirit Passing', a Poem by BuddyBlack

A Poem, by BuddyBlack

'Spirit Passing'

Even in the bitter of the darkest winter
When our hearts feel cold as river stones,
And our tears are but ice fields,
When we feel certain that sweet summer winds
Will never visit our chaffed souls again,
We must remember, and always know
That beneath even the coldest deep frozen snow
Sweet summer grass still lays green,
And spring flowers wait to grow.
And this dormant frozen season will pass.
So it is with the passing of souls.
One cannot live until another has gone.
Our hearts feel frozen, and life stands still.
But the warm spirit of that passing soul
Will be the warm summer winds
That will melt our winter hearts.
And our melted tears will give life
To the spring flowers bloom.

Trump's Gonna 'Repeal' The 1st Amendment

'That's Right 'Reporters'! I'm gonna Repeal the 1st Amendment so that I can make your miserable lives even More miserable, you bunch of lying 'news' reporters! Repeal it! How dare you print stuff about Me that even if it Is True, you Still have no right to do it! So far, that stupid Constitutional Amendment has protected you from libel suits, and boy do you Ever take advantage of it! But just as soon as I become your new President, I'll have more power than Jesus Christ...! Man, will I have Power! And you're gonna burn in H E double L becuase I'm gonna get you good! You stinking reporters are why America is in such bad shape already. You lie, and Then you lie to cover up your lies! You're worse than a Capital Hill Politician! Who does that? Who? Things will be different soon you bunch of crybaby liers! Crybabies! WaaWaa! That's all you do! You should be more like Me! But you're more like that guy Rubio, and that lier Cruz what's his name, and hey, how about that Clinton woman! Whoaa! You'll never catch Me telling a lie! I just tell it like it Is! I'm gonna sue you so fast your heads will spin right off! You see, as President, I can do that! There's some other stuff in our Constitution that I'm gonna change too! Things will be different. Different! Not the same anymore! I'm gonna build a special prison just for reporters that tell lies, even if you tell the Truth that makes me mad, you'll wind up there! I never forget, and I alweays get Even! Look for different employement boys, and especially you stupid Women reporters out there. What's With those Women that want to be reporters? I don't get it! Why aren't they at home cooking dinner and having babies? Where do they Get that? Why do they want to be Men? What's going on down 'there' that makes them want to do a 'mans' job anyway?? I don't know. But All of'em better look out because 'retaliation' is my middle name! I'm not your Average 'schoolyard Bully'! I'm an Above average Bully! That's how I get 'respect'. And that goes for any body in the senate that has talked bad about me! And for That matter, it goes for Anyone, I don't care Who it is, if you talk bad about Me, you're in Trouble! I know how to get respect so you better start practicing your curtsy. Practice! Did I mention that I'm going to be the very Best President this country has Ever even Seen? It's gonna be Something! You'll see! There's enough people out here that I have fooled 'til they're dizzy in the head that's gonna Vote for me. The whole world will line up at my door wanting to kiss my feet, but Some of'em will just have to kiss my butt! And They already Know who they Are. But there won't be any stupid Reporters there to See it because they'll All be in 'reporters prison'! Fair warning!' :/ :/ 


Trump says he will weaken libel laws protecting reporters

Washington — Donald Trump said Friday as president he will weaken First Amendment protections for reporters, making it easier for him to sue them.
The celebrity businessman turned Republican presidential front-runner said he wants to "open up" libel laws at a rally in Fort Worth, Texas. The changes envisioned by Trump would mean that "when they write purposely negative and horrible and false articles, we can sue them and win lots of money," he said.
Trump added that, should he be elected, news organizations that have criticized him will "have problems." He specifically mentioned the New York Times and the Washington Post. Trump last month threatened to sue the Post after the newspaper wrote an article about the bankruptcy of his Atlantic City casino. On Twitter, Trump has routinely criticized reporters who cover him and their news organizations, including the Associated Press.
First Amendment advocates condemned Trump's suggestions.
"His statement shows why we need libel protections," said Gregg Leslie, the legal defense director for the Washington-based Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press. "Trump gets offended, he gets upset and he wants to sue to retaliate. That's not a good reason to sue someone."
Libel law in the United States generally makes it difficult for public figures to sue reporters or other people who criticize them. To win such a case, the plaintiff must demonstrate that factually incorrect statements were made with actual malice or a reckless disregard for the truth.
Trump said he would like to lower that standard. "We're going to have people sue you like you never got sued before," he said.
Because the Supreme Court has repeatedly endorsed this legal standard, Trump could not change libel laws as they affect public figures by executive order or even with an act of Congress, Leslie said.
"I've never heard of politicians say they would repeal case law established under the First Amendment," he said. "You'd really need a constitutional amendment to do that."
Trump's comments on libel law are not the first time he has disagreed with widely held conceptions of constitutional law. Last year, he said he saw no obstacle to deporting children born to undocumented immigrants in the United States. Courts have regularly found that such children are natural born citizens entitled to the same rights as any other American. Trump has said he does not believe a constitutional amendment would be necessary to get his way.
"You don't have to do a constitutional amendment. You need an act of Congress. I'm telling you — you need an act of Congress," he said in an interview with Bill O'Reilly of Fox News last year.

Friday, February 26, 2016

Mississippi, Pround Of Slavery

   'My fellow misguided Mississippians, as your esteemed Governor, Remember, You 'elected' Me, And as the official spokesperson of your most sacred, and inner thoughts, I hereby declare the month of April as 'Confederate History Month'. Yessirree folks, I know that I speak for Every single man, woman, and child, mostly you lilly white ones, who are lucky enough to call Mississippi, Home Sweet Racist Home. Now I Know, because I actually looked it up a few minutes ago, that our fine state, actually Illegally and Traitorously by the way, attempted to seceed from the Union in January 1861, Not April the month I have picked to celebrate our defeat. But doggone it, I didn't even Think of Doing this back in January, and I just Knew y'all wouldn't want to wait a whole Year to celebrate, so April it is. And boy do we have a lot of cool things to celebrate and be darn Proud of. Almost brings a tear to my colorblind eyes. I'll just mention a Few things, and I'm sure that each and every one of you proud white southerners have a few worthy things of your own to yahoo about.

  But first, let's hear a big shout-out for our spiffy and ever flapping State flag still sporting that good ol' boy symbol of Southern Pride and Racism the 'Battle Cross', our wonderful symbol of our undying love of racism and brotherly love of all things white! So, here's just Some of the memorable things that make up the contents of our 'confederate  history heritage', of which each and every one of us Caucasian citizens can be So proud of, and thank our good Lord and savior for;

1718/19- The first SLAVE shipments arrive in Mississippi.
1724- The 'Black Code' act is proposed but rejected.
1795-1810- Cotton replaces Tobacco as the main cash crop which placed a demand for more SLAVES.
1817- Congress admits Mississippi to the Union.
January 9, 1861 - Mississippi Secedes from the Union. Mississippi becomes the second state to secede when the Mississippi Secession Convention passes a secession ordinance 84-15. The Declaration of Secession for Mississippi states, "Our position is thoroughly identified with the institution of slavery-the greatest material interest of the world. Its labor supplies the product which constitutes by far the largest and most important portions of commerce of the earth."
1861- There were 436,631 SLAVES in Mississippi, owned by 30,943 SLAVE Holders. 49% of White citizens of Mississippi owned SLAVES.
1866- the kkk was organized in Mississippi.
1868- Mississippi voters Rejected the bi-racial constitution at the "Black and Tan Convention" which would have Protected the Rights of ex-SLAVES.
1862-1865- Mississippi was responsible, along with the Other Treacherous Secessionist states, for the unnecessary Deaths of more than 620,000 soldiers, North and South, of which nearly 10,000 were confederate soldiers of Mississippi, this from a total of approx. 80,000 that served in the secessionist army of Mississippi.

Now folks, you Know that I could just go on, and on, and on, with the Many things that we as Proud Mississippians can look back on in our wonderous State history with the utmost 'moral' pride, and be Thankful that we were born White instead of that Other colour. We each and Every one of us should dust off our snappy 'Battle Cross' symbols and fly them high and proud for all the world to see, and be in particular awe of. Plant them on your lawns, and if you know of a 'special' lawn that could use a little reminder, plant one there as well. Fly it from your favorite truck so that Everyone can see, and know for Sure, that you are a throw-back of the good ol' days when we Mississippians had the 'moral' 'right' to Purchase, Own, Sell, and Trade other HUMAN Beings in the grand institution of SLAVERY, just like we do with cows, and pigs, and other farm animals. Stand Up fellow citizens, just like I'm proud to do, and be counted among Americans who would love nothing better than to regress back to those good ol' days of yor when we could exercise our 'States Rights, our 'Property Rights', without interferance from some lacky federal crybabies.

Next, I will introduce legislation that will require that All citizens of our learned state get a full color Tattoo of our symbol of 'confederate heritage' on your butts. I'm even gonna have our local toilet paper company, 'Poop n Scoot', issue a special run of TP emblazend with our wonderful 'confederate heritage' symbol. So, my satisfied, and pround brethern, stand up and lets give our 'confederate heritage' a big one finger salute as it does the Porcelain swirl!' :/ :/ 



Mississippi Declares April 'Confederate History Month'

8.3 k
In February, Republican Gov. Phil Bryant of Mississippi quietly declared April to be Confederate History Month.
The proclamation was not included on the state's official website but was posted on the website of the Sons of Confederate Veterans, an organization known for pushing a revisionist history of the Civil War, the Jackson Free Press reports.
The proclamation explained that April would be the appropriate month to honor Confederate heritage because it "is the month in which the Confederate States began and ended a four-year struggle." April 25th is Confederate Memorial Day.
The legacy of the Confederacy has been a point of controversy of late, following the mass shooting at an African-American church in Charleston, South Carolina, in June 2015. Days after the shooting, the Mississippi House Speaker, Republican State Rep. Philip Gun called for the state flag to be redesigned, the Associated Press reports.
Currently, the flag features a Confederate battle emblem. Gunn deemed the rebel cross "a point of offense that needs to be removed."
However, the Mississippi legislature failed to come to consensus on how to change the flag on Feb. 23, and so the flag will remain as it is for the rest of 2016.
Gunn, however, said the fight to change the flag was not over.
"The flag is going to change," he said in a statement, according to the AP. "We can deal with it now or leave for future generations to address."
Sources: Jackson Free Press, AP via CSN News / Photo credit: Trip Burns/Jackson Free Press, USDA/Wikipedia

Thursday, February 25, 2016

Trumps Race Baiting At Its Best

If this is True, and it appears to be so, then the old axiom, 'Those who forget the past are doomed to repeat it', could not be more True.
This is an incredible indictment of moral lassitude by Americans who should absolutely know better! Have these foolish 20% actually forgotten Exactly why the American Civil War was about? Do we Now find that it was for naught? Must it be 'fought' Again? And don't dribble off on the old southern excuse about it being to protect 'States Rights (To Own SLAVES)', and 'Property (To Own SLAVES) Rights'. Did these 20% Sleep through Every History class that should have 'taught' them what the 'Emancipation Proclamation Act' Was? Do these 20% Really believe that the SLAVES, also known as HUMAN SOULS, should have been Kept in SLAVERY?? Do they prefer that we should revert back to that horrible era in American History when Americans actually 'thought' that it was a cool thing thing to OWN other HUMAN Beings, and Force them against their Will to labor as SLAVES for the rest of their Lives, and whose Children were then Born into SLAVERY, and Then Their Children? Is This what America has 'evolved' to become? Have these pathetic 20% Always felt this way? Is 20% even a Low percentage of Americans that subscribe to this racist doctrine?
There was a time when America could actually find Candidates for the Presidency who were truely qualified to fill that vacancy. It is a sad turn of events in current American politics when the field of 'candidates' can't even explain to anyone but themselves what their platform Is, and all they can do is harangue one another with threats, vile name calling and backstabbing. The only differance among all these wantabees is their Names.
Yet, One stands out like the sore thumb that he surely is. Donald Trump, businessman extrodinaire, muli-millionaire, TV Reality show host and star, charactor assassinnator, Birther revilalist, conspiracy theorist, mudslinger, race baiting candidate for the Office of the Presidency of The United States of America! Is THIS the 'best' that we can dredge up out of the political gutter to be our Commander In Chief? Leader of the free World? The person that America wants to be the representative of our great Country before the other World leaders? The person who childlishly makes 'Spanky and our Gang' faces, and throws temper tantrums when he does not get his way? The person who demeans Women who dare to ask questions of him that any other sane person would readily answer? The person who dares to use Race Baiting techniques to garner votes of those who think the way He does? The person who insitgates violence at his meetings, and wishes that he could "punch his face"? Is it Any wonder that there are 'fans' of his that wish for SLAVERY all over again? And Now, it appears that the infamous Klu Klux Klan has Endorsed him! Even They identify with this apparent closet racist! Who next will crawl out of the woodwork and endorse him, 'Hitler Youth' perhaps? The Communist Party? These aren't such a stretch of the imagination! Trump is cleverly bringing out the Worst in people who are looking for a 'hero' and 'think' they have found it in Him. Hopefully the other 80% of his 'fans' do Not feel the same as the 20% who have lost their minds. Hopefully, if he makes it as far as the publics presidential Votes, the majority of Faithful Americans will vote for Anyone else, pitiful as the choices may be, Other than the master of bluster, Trump.
Remember, a Vote for Trump is unfortunatly a Vote that no one else can have. Be careful what you ask for, you just might get him.  :/:/:/:/

2016 Election

Nearly 20% of Trump Fans Think Freeing the Slaves Was a Bad Idea

Nearly one in five don't support the Emancipation Proclamation

Donald Trump appears to have high levels of support among the nation’s intolerant population, according to a New York Times deep dive into polling data.
The Times found that nearly 20% of Trump supporters did not approve of freeing the slaves, according to a January YouGov/Economist poll that asked respondents if they supported or disapproved of “the executive order that freed all slaves in the states that were in rebellion against the federal government”—Abraham Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation.
Trump himself has never advocated for white supremacy, but some of his followers may. He has, however, called for a moratorium on Muslims entering the United States and called Mexican migrants “rapists.”
Exit polls from the Republican South Carolina primary reveal that 74% of voters in the state favored the Muslim ban—Trump won 41% of that group, according to the Times, which described Trump supporters as a “coalition of voters on people who are responsive to religious, social and racial intolerance.”
Trump, a billionaire outsider, has talked his way to being the front-runner in the 2016 GOP race, causing much of the Republican establishment to scramble in an attempt to find a suitable candidate to beat him. This remains to be seen as Trump won the Nevada caucuses Tuesday by a wide margin, beating Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz by more than 20 points.

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Secret Squirrel

Did the US Government Make a Pact With Aliens to Get Technology?

In Beyond Science, Epoch Times explores research and accounts related to phenomena and theories that challenge our current knowledge. We delve into ideas that stimulate the imagination and open up new possibilities. Share your thoughts with us on these sometimes controversial topics in the comments section below.
Phil Schneider was vocal before his death about what he says he learned about aliens while working under a high-level security clearance for the U.S. government. Epoch Times does not make any claims as to the veracity of his story, but rather presents his extraordinary claims for the reader’s entertainment and contemplation.
Schneider met with ridicule from many, but there are also many who believe him after watching his videos, such as Veterans Today senior editor Gordon Duff who calls him a “UFO whistleblower.” Schneider was found dead in his apartment in 1996. Though it was ruled a suicide, some believe he was murdered.
In 1954, then-President Dwight Eisenhower made a pact with three species of aliens, said Schneider in a lecture at the 1995 Preparedness Expo. In exchange for alien technology, Eisenhower allegedly gave aliens permission to abduct some cattle and a limited number of human beings (added June 9: Schneider said the human abductees were for aliens to test implanting techniques and the aliens must give the details of the people involved).
For decades livestock have been found inexplicably mutilated across the United States. More than 10,000 attacks have been recorded throughout the country, according to KLAS-TV Las Vegas. Some say these mutilations are done by cultists. Some say it’s predatory animals, although livestock have been found with their organs removed in a precise manner. Some say it’s aliens.
As for human abductees, Schneider said many of the thousands of people missing worldwide may have been taken by aliens. He said there are nine races of aliens that see a human being as “a bag of food.”
The technology aliens gave to uphold their end of this exchange includes a kind of metal that is nearly indestructible. Schneider showed the audience what he said was a piece of this metal. It is made of niobium, an element we have on the periodic table, and marinite, an alien element you won’t find mentioned in Earth’s textbooks.
He said the government also developed a spy satellite with the help of aliens that could spot a dime on your kitchen floor. It used infrared technology and had a resolution factor of 99.99961.
The aliens violated the pact, said Schneider, by taking more humans than agreed upon. A war with the aliens has been fought ever since. He said the aliens plan to take over Earth by 2029 and he called on the government to tell citizens what it knows.
He said: “We don’t have a whole heap of time left.”

Trump, The Pugilist

' Boy, did you see That!?    How dare that jerk try and talk at My meeting! What a Jerk! Is This what Americans have learned from Obama? How'd that guy get in here in the first place? And how Dare he try and ask Me a question, and actually expect an Answer! Ain't gonna happen! Not on My watch! What an Animal! Probably one of those stupid reporters pretending to be one of My fans. Stupid reporters! Ya know, back when I was a child, a guy like That would always have my knuckle impressions around both of his stupid Eyes! He must have thought he was at one of Bernie's events where he'd get Hugs instead of getting the Crap beat out of'em. Whiner! You want some Cheese with that Whine? What the hell did he Want Anyway? Could anyone even understand him? Sounded like an immigrant! Just wait until Mexico pays for that Wall I'm 'gonna' build! Get him outta here! Back in the 'old days' he'd be carried outta here on a Stretcher toes up! Boy, if my Arm was long enough I'd a reached out there and smacked him a good one! Where's Rubber Man when ya need him!? 
 You See folks, that's why I'm gonna be the best President this country has Ever Seen! You ain't seen nothing Yet!   Nothing!   That guy was never taught 'respect'! Not Any! And now look at him! Now he knows what 'respect' Is! Next time he sees Me, he'll bow down at my feet and do the Pope thing! He'll vote for me Now. You see, that's how we get the worlds 'respect'. Right now they don't respect us. A few whacks to the side of their heads will bring them around! Whack! Putin better spend some more time in the gym because I'm not gonna put up with his 'puttin' face! Respect! He's got None, but I'm gonna teach him all about it. I wonder what he does in his 'closet'? I don't Know, just sayin'. I Know he likes me, and you Know I love Him, but ya just gotta wonder about him. Always rumming around naked. And as for the rest of the world's 'leaders', they'll all want to be the first on their 'block' to be in a 'selfie' with me.
  Hey, I had my own TV 'reality' show, I know what's real, and what's not. I'm the real Thing folks! That guy that's pretending to be our President is too soft! He's soft as mashed potatoes. I bet he's never been in a fist fight! No respect! Look behind me here. See all those voters wearing my shirt? That's respect! They love me! Now some folks say that I Paid them to wear that shirt. Liers! They respect me. They even have jammies with my name on'em! Look at that disrespectful jerk, throwing punches and smiling. It's like he doesn't even know what he wants to do. What a crybaby temper tantrum! I hate that in a person! I could just beat the crap outta people like that! I hate to say it but I bet his whole family are jerks. But Now they know I mean business, and they'll all vote for me.
  People are Voters!  I say things they want to hear. They hear things that their stupid brains tell them they Like to hear. It makes'em feel good for a few minutes. Good 'leaders' Do that for people. It doesn't matter that I can't do three quarters of the things I promise them, they have no Clue, but they Wish I could, they Hope I can, and then when I Tell them I can, they 'think' I can. And Then they run right outta here and Vote for me! Can't help but love it! They ain't seen Nothing yet!   Nothing at All! I Love stupid people, people that have that 'Birther' mentality, people who love conspiracy theories, people who hate immigrants, people who love fist fights, people who can't think for themselves, people who Love Me, and at Least know how to operate a Voting machine. Man, my knuckles are itching, I wish I could'a punched that jerk!'  :/

Trump on protester: 'I’d like to punch him in the face'

LAS VEGAS — Donald Trump wished grievous bodily harm on a protester at his rally here on Monday night, saying he’d like to punch the man in the face and see him carried out on a stretcher.
“The guards are being very gentle with him,” Trump said. “I’d like to punch him in the face, I’ll tell you that.”
Trump said the protester had been “throwing punches.” By the time a POLITICO reporter spotted the protester being led from the floor of South Point Arena by security personnel, the man was not throwing punches.
According to multiple South Point security personnel, the man did not throw any punches. Trump "was just over-exaggerating," said one security guard, who asked that his name not be used.
“We’re not allowed to punch back any more,” Trump lamented. The billionaire said he missed the “good old days,” when the man would be treated differently.
“You know what they used to do to a guy like that in a place like this?” Trump said. “They’d be carried out on a stretcher, folks.”
The businessman then moved on to his position on waterboarding. “I think it’s great but I don’t think we go far enough,” Trump said.
The businessman said the press would portray him as a “mean guy” for that position.
“I’m just a guy who doesn’t want to be pushed around by a bunch of animals,” he said. “These are animals.”

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Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Trump, Slick As An Eel


Brought straight to you by the ever 'reliable' BBSN (BuddyBlacksSatiricalNews)Station.

As anyone on Planet Earth that is able to Read, or Hear for that matter, 'knows', his Highness The Royal Arse Donald Trump (DT) is campaigning for the office of the Presidency of the United States of America. He has Yet to be on record as to whatEver his proposed Domestic or Foriegn policies might be. Although he tosses around much bluster, threats, inuendos, vulgar name calling, untruths, race baiting, 'Truther' lies, conspiracy theories, hate mongering, and not a little un-warranted anger tatrums combined with childish Faces, he quickly avoids Real Answers to National and World issues in such a slick fashion that next to Him, an eel seems like 50 grit sandpaper.
But, our even Slicker, well, at Least around 150 grit, 'news' reporter, johnny on the spot, BuddyBlack (BB) found Mr.Trump at his favorite Hair Salon, and before Trump could throw up a smoke screen was able to ask a few questions of his majesty. Shhhhh...put the kids to bed, hang up your E-devices, and lets see what transpired.

BB:   Mr.Trump, as you so rightly know, it has often been said that; Donald Trump's Political Platform is to 'substance' as an empty refrigerator is to a full meal. Could you fill us in on your thoughts about that popular assertion?
DT:   Oh, you haven't seen Anything yet! You have seen Nothing! Absolutely Nothing! When I'm foolishy elected President by folks who actually believe I Have an agenda, the things I'm gonna Do will just make your head Spin! Your head will spin just like a childs top! Spin, round and round! I'll do stuff to make America Rich, and Great again, but not like mySelf of Course. The as yet unexplained things I'll do will make the whole world respect us, or I'll just fire them, which will Then Really make them respect us. I know how to get 'respect', and it is Not by being 'nice' to idiots! Remember, a Vote for Me is a Vote no one else gets.
BB:  Ahhhh...could you elaborate on exactly What "things" you plan to do in order to successfully accomplish your 'goals'?
DT:  Whoaaa, fella! There you sneaky 'reporters' go again, trying to paint me into a corner with your tricky questions! You See, that just proves my point about you lying 'reporters', and why I detest the lot of you! I think I have 'clearly' explained my position but look at it this way; think of the 'glass' as Not Half Empty, but instead, Only Half full.
BB:   Glass??? Are we talking about a "glass" here? Do you have even the Remotest Clue as to what I asked you in the first place Mr.Trump?
DT:  (making his best 'Spanky And Our Gang' face, as he inserts his inflated head in a Double xx sized hair dryer, smiling to himself in satisfaction of an issue well skirted)
BB:  Yes Mr.Trump, I think we have your 'answer'.

And so we conclude yet another eye opening, or sleep inducing perhaps, dumpster dive into the mind of one who aspires to be a 'non-politicians-politician', the 'leader' of the free world, who has all the 'answers' as to how He will 'fix' the Worlds and Americas problems...or Does if only he could put it in 'truthful' Words and share it...or Can he?...probably Not, but time will tell. But always keep in mind his prophetic words; 'A vote for Me is a vote no one Else gets'.  :/ :/

Tune in again as we follow our intrepid 'reporter' BuddyBlack as he treks the globe making friends, and irritating enemys of the rational world.

Monday, February 22, 2016

New Winter Sport, 'SnoYakking'!


 You heard it First, right here on BBSN (BuddyBlacksSatiricalNews)

A New Winter Sport has taken over like a California wildfire in Snow Country all across America and Europe! The new Sport of 'SnoYakking' is simply pushing the otherwise now mundane sport of Skiing and Snowboarding aside in favor of a Sport no one saw coming. Who would'a Thought! Discarded Skis are piling up so fast that dumpsters overflow faster than can b...e empted! Some Landfills are refusing to accept any more truckloads of useless skis. Former 'Ski Shops' are retooling in order to catch up and stock their shelves with 'SnoYaks'. 'Ski Bunnies' are renaming themselves, 'BunYaks'. Ski instructors are busy signing up for classes where they will learn the intricate art, and Sport of 'SnoYakking' techniques to pass on to their customers. Customers have been camping out for days on end in front of new 'SnoYak' outlets to be the first on their block to sport one of these incredible snow machines. Models now include the versatile 'All Terrain SnoYak' model featuring rugged cleated runners for smooth, and fast uphill travel. Then, didgitech sensors detect even the slightest downhill incline and transforms those same cleated runners into smooth, seamless and breath defying descent. This model is available with accesseries such as heated seats, windscreens, a 7" Heads-up Monitor so you won't miss your favorite games shows, GPS, and even a small Wine Cooler within easy reach. It can even be had with tag along child carrier, and even Tandum models. Other spiffy models include the 'Avalanche Rider', well suited for those daring souls who live on the edge. There's even a toddler model called, 'The Todyak' which comes with a parent controlled remote Override system which keeps those little guys from straying too far afield. As can be seen by the accompanying photographs, this new sport is Hot, hot, hot!
Remember to always use Any snow related vehicle with caution, wear proper survival gear, and Only after proper professional instructions. Also take caution when taking part in this adventurous sport where there may be nearby bodies of water such as lakes, streams, creeks and such, as these Made for Snow 'SnoYaks' have not as yet been tested for 'On Water' use. Happy 'SnoYaking'!!!  ;) ;)

Buddy Black
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Friday, February 19, 2016

Thank Allah For Infidel American Money!

'Down with America! Death to those infidel pigs! Off with their empty heads! Allah Akbar! God willing, Kill the infidels!
Ok, Ok, enough already guys, lets get down to business now. Look, it seems that all that ISIS funny money we printed up to pay bills with, well....., we didn't Actually 'print' Anything Up, we just stole a truck load of Monopoly Games and kept all the money from them. Well, it has now lost whatEver value it may have had in the first place. Hey, nobody Said it was gonna be easy taking over the world! We tried to find someone who graduated from at Least the 2nd grade so that we could have an 'economics' guru on hand but you can see how that has worked out for us. Unfortunatly, we have murdered most nearly Anyone who even so much as Walked Near a School, which of course limited our options greatly. Bummer! The infidels keep bombing the jeebies out of our Money Houses and burning up whatever money we have on hand to pay bills with. Now, Nobody gets paid in cash anymore. This is a sad turn of events for sure. The cost of these spiffy black flags are Killing us! We had to chop off the heads of our last three flag makers because they had impure thoughts...or at least I Think they did...well, for Sure they won't Now! You can never be too 'sure'. And Now it looks like the price of silk is going up, just like everything Else around here! Salaries, food, water, gas, babes, porno flicks, Hustler Mags., you name it, the price has gone up, and up, and up, and our Longevity is Down, and down, and down!!! But with that last truck hijack we now have plenty of 'food' on hand so that everyone gets three meals a day. Unfortunatly, that truck was full of fried camel dung, Snicker Bars, and Pig ears! We will use the Snicker Bars as salary bonuses, oh, by the way, did you know you can melt those babies down and make Tea out of them, Praise Allah!, for our hard working knife sharpeners, and those great guys who keep our Toyota SUV 'Technicals' so shiney and clean. Hey, Good job guys! Allah Akbar! And of course the pig ears will go to our ever eager 'prospects', or 'cannon fodder' as they jokenly refer to Themselves. What a great sense of humor they have! How they So 'willingly' die for the 'cause', of which most of them have No clue. Uneducated, jobless, and hopeless youth, is our Greatest 'asset'! A big shout-out to those fellas! Allah Akbar dudes! One of these joval guys ask me the other day while we were lounging around sipping 'snicker tea', 'how come we have No older men among us?' And you know, that got me to thinking, just to mySelf mind you, you Don't Dare 'think' out Loud around Here, if you 'know' what I mean, about our snappy black 'uniforms'. Just before a Sidewinder Missile pop'd one of our best cannon fodder recruits he asked me, 'Do you think they blend in well with the Sand around here? Is the Contrast in colour a bit strong there, you Know, just sayin'..?' And of course those missiles are much faster than a 'thought', and I didn't have a chance to give him my answer before he was turned back to Dust. But I would have replied, 'gee, I don't know Jawad'. I guess we should hire a fashion consultant for That one. But it seems that anytime we pop out of our spidyholes somebody cranks a missile off at us! Just something to think more about later on I guess. But right Now we must pay a little 'community pledge' visit to a helpless Village nearby, and 'ask' for 'donations' for the 'cause' by kidnapping a few locals, lopping off a few heads, and of course extorting some tax money, in US Currency of course! Allah Akbar!
Speaking of 'tax's', it's that time of year again! Bummer! Must get tax forms out to all our members or we All shall lose our silly murdering heads. Luckily we now can deduct all the senseless murders of Innocent women and children that we so happily engage in. So much to do, so few heads! Last year we got tax'd for it! How crazy is That!? I mean, Come On already! But, good news, this year we will all get Rebates for beheadings as long as we each have Ten or more, documented and notorized. Of course we slaughtered all the notories in this part of the country last year, not having a Clue that we would need them This year. Isn't that just the way it goes though? But hey, who can read the future? Well, actually we Did have a few guys that really Could 'read' the future. But Allah said to kill them because that's too much like occult stuff. Oh well, if we'd Only Known! So Now, we must place a few adds on the local 'Help Wanted' sites. Allah Akbar! Kill them infidels! Down with America! We Hate Everything those infidels stand for! Pigs! Allah Akbar, God willing! And speaking of Money, we can no longer accept Any form of monetary funds except for US Currency. No more of that Egyptian funny money, or that Iraqi crap, and for Sure none of that useless Syrian money, or those pitiful Russian Rubles, They can't even buy anything with that stuff! US Currency from now on guys! US Money is Number 1! Yeaaaa US Dollar!!! Let's here a big shout-out for a currency that no matter What, we can Always count on boys!! Have you Ever smelled that US Money? Man! What a sweeeet flavour it has! Can't help but love it! seems that Everyone we Owe money to is now refusing anything but US funds, so if it's good enough for Them, it's good enough for us!
Kill those infidels! We hate those American infidel pigs! Destroy America! May they burn in hell for eternity! Allah Akbar!' :/ :/ :/


CR-ISIS: Jihadi killers Islamic State 'going broke'

TERROR group ISIS is strapped for cash because of the thousands of Syrian and Iraqi civilians fleeing scared for their lives.

CASH-STRAPPED: Fleeing migrants have left ISIS skint, with fighters such as Jihadi John costly
Doctors and other professionals are doing a runner, which is leaving ISIS very few people to tax, depriving the group of its main income source.
These economic woes are compounded by coalition air strikes on oil reserves and their own backward views on women.
Estimates are that ISIS made $1.4bn (£920m) last year, but almost half that was one-off revenue gained from robbing Iraqi banks.
Plummetting tax revenues could leave the militants in dire straits. Paying for their fighters, such as Brit beheader Jihadi John, could cost up to $360m a year, even more if they expand as planned.
Air strikes from the coalition have also hit ISIS' oil facilities, while they reportedly spend more on weapons than they do on looking after their own people.
PRICEY: : These militants might be costing ISIS too much
“The people who have highly desirable skill sets like doctors are fleeingI”
Daveed Gartenstein-Ross, counter-terror expert
Meanwhile, ISIS' restrictive laws about women in the workplace are a huge barrier to economic growth.
All this means the Islamist militants are in danger of going broke. It is only a year since they declared an Islamic caliphate in parts of Iraq and Syria.
US magazine Newsweek reports that eight million now live under ISIS control, but they are now either so scared or poor they are leaving in droves.
Daveed Gartenstein-Ross, a counterterrorism expert, told Business Insider: "The people who have highly desirable skill sets like doctors are fleeing.
"The oil industry is another area where they haven't preserved the level of talent that they need.
EXTREME: The murderers might be running out of dosh
"If people are leaving because of ISIS' inability to provide basic governance, that calls their legitimacy into question."
Cost of living has sky-rocketed since ISIS took over, with fuel costing 30 cents (20p) a litre in Mosul last year, and now $2 (£1.30).
The Iraqi government has also stopped paying officials in ISIS-controlled areas, leaving the terror group to foot the bill and depriving them of taxes they extort from the state salaries.
ISIS has also had problems recently with its , whinging about living conditions and the way they were treated.

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Teddy, Stop it Already!

'Dear Teddy, my Lying friend, you 'know' how very much I 'like' you, in Fact I Love you as I would love any of my pet spiders, and it really Hurts me to have to write this Cease-and-Desist letter. But Write I must.
Anyone who knows me, knows it is not my nature, it's not even in any of my fabulous Bones, to give people, or even Animals for that matter, especially Women, I love them Too, a hard time or disparage them in Any fashion. It's just not Me Teddy. Not me! But You on the other hand cannot claim that position. Look Teddy, it's not My fault that you are Unstable as you certifiably are. It might not even be Your fault. Genes have a lot to do with that sort of thing. But I really don't know Anything about your families 'gene pool', shallow as it must be. I don't know, but it does make me wonder. My advice is for you to Not Dive off the deep end of your wading 'pool', you'll probably just quickly hit your head there. Only You know.
Now you, unlike my wonderful, faultless self towards You, have been telling horrible lies about Me. Horrible! A really Big lie you have spread is that I'm Pro-Choice. What's With that Teddy? I mean What!? Where did you learn to Lie like that?? I mean I'm pretty Sure I'm Not Pro Choice...right now. Why'd you go and Say that? Such a Lie! Oh sure, you have a taped interview I gave ten, twenty years ago where I 'said' that I'm Pro Choice. Big Deal Teddy! Big deal! Old 'news'! Just because I said it, and I'm not saying I Did say it, doesn't mean that I really Am Pro Choice! Don't you Ever listen to Anything I say?? MG, Teddy, if I Meant Everything I say on this campaign trail I'd have to be Jesus! You can't just go out there and tell the 'truth' all the time! People don't want to hear the 'truth' about Anything! Their empty minds are already made up way before something slithers out of My mouth. Americans are Stupid Teddy! Don't you Know That? Look how many follow me around like baby ducks for cryin' out loud! Geeez! They 'think' I'm gonna 'feed' them! I just Know what they are Thinking, and what they Want to hear, and Then I Say it, and they 'think' I thought of it For them. You see how it Works? Get a Life Teddy! But here your are, believing everything you hear, just like Them, and then broadcasting stupidity all over the place trying to make me 'look' bad. Well, ya gotta try harder than That! Just how long have you been a Politician Teddy? Have you been Sleeping at the 'wheel'?Oh, and that video clip you refer to, that guy doesn't even Look like me. Might not Be! I'm not sayin' it's Not...I'm just saying.
What I'm saying Now Teddy, it that you are Still Such a big fat lier! Still! I bet you got a lot of whippings when you were a child. I bet you Still get'em! I'd give you one myself if you were My child, which I'm pretty Sure your Not, although I have had a lot of Hispanic women as employees in the past. Wonderful 'workers'. You should Stop lying about me Right Now Teddy! I don't get angry easily, as you know, but This one really ticked me Off! I don't show emotions often, unlike crybaby you, but I just gotta say, and it hurts like the dickens to say it, but I'm gonna Sue you all the way back to your Home country Canada, unless you apologize to me In Person, down on your scabby little crybaby knees, hands clasped under your boney chin, like your sucking up to the Pope, and beg my forgiveness. Until Then Teddy, consider this your notice to Cease and Desist from spreading Any more lies, no matter How 'truthfull they might actually Be, about me. You should model yourself after Me, that's why I'm Presidential material. You're not even allowed to Even Think bad thoughts about me anymore. So don't Do it Teddy. Be Nice, just like I am! Or I will toast you like a Cuban breakfast muffin! My 'thought' police will be watching you. I know how to 'deal' with people, and when I'm President I can Really get in the groove 'dealing' with people like you. I see you. I can Still see you Teddy. Lier, lier, your pants on fire!
Your ever faithful and forever BFF, His Highness, and Royal Majesty, Donald T'. ;) ;)


Ted Cruz Can’t Wait for Donald Trump to Sue Him

Sen. Ted Cruz speaks at a campaign event on Jan. 30 in Ames, Iowa.
Brendan Hoffman/Getty Images

SENECA, South Carolina—In a hastily arranged press conference Wednesday morning, Ted Cruz, lawyer, brought with him a letter he’d gotten in the mail on Tuesday to share with the assembled national media. It was, in Cruz’s words, “one of the most remarkable letters I have ever read.”
Jim NewellJim Newell
Jim Newell is a Slate staff writer.

It was a cease-and-desist letter from Donald Trump’s counsel demanding that the Cruz campaign take down its latest campaign ad. For those people who were “hoping for a boring campaign,” Cruz began, “this cycle has not complied in that regard.”
Which brought Cruz to describe the latest “adventure,” in which Trump is “apparently very unhappy with a television ad we’ve run.” Cruz’s team played the ad, “Supreme Trust,” on a projector screen. The ad notes that after the death of Antonin Scalia, control of the Supreme Court “hangs in the balance,” and then cuts to a now oft-shown clip of Trump on Meet the Press in 1999 saying “I am pro-choice in every respect” and adding that he would not ban partial-birth abortion.

“So, in response to that ad, yesterday, Donald’s lawyer sent our campaign and cease-and-desist letter,” Cruz went on. The letter, according to Cruz, argued that the ad “is an attempt to materially mislead the public” and “not only completely disingenuous, but replete with lies, false, defamatory and destructive statements, and downright fabrications.” It “blatantly misrepresents to the public that Mr. Trump is pro-choice, and nothing could be further from the truth.” The letter closes with a threat of “immediate legal action to prevent the continued broadcast of this ad, and to hold [Cruz] jointly and severally liable to the fullest extent of the law for any damages resulting therefrom.”
It doesn’t take much of a lawyer to recognize that there’s not much of a case here. The ad just replays a clip of Trump saying something on national television in the 1990s, before he decided that it was more politically useful to be pro-life. But Cruz happens to be one of the best lawyers in the country, and so he delighted in taking the threat apart.
“I have to say, Mr. Trump, you have been threatening frivolous lawsuits your entire adult life,” Cruz said. “Even in the annals of frivolous lawsuits, this takes the cake. So Donald, I would encourage you, if you want to file a lawsuit—challenging this ad, claiming it is defamation—file the lawsuit.” Cruz added that if Trump files the suit, it will “result in both Donald Trump and any lawyer that signs his name to the pleadings being sanctioned in court for filing frivolous litigation.”
Cruz admitted that he looked forward to the lawsuit because of the opportunities it would afford him. “One of the things I look forward to most of all is deposing Donald Trump. For that particular endeavor, I may well not use outside counsel, I may take the deposition myself.”
Trump later responded that "time will tell, Teddy," whether he files suit over the ad or Cruz's Canadian birth.
Cruz used the rest of the press conference to equate Trump’s strategy of calling him a “liar” every time some uncomfortable information is leveled his way to Sen. Marco Rubio’s similar strategy.
Cruz and Rubio have been tangling for some months now. But Cruz didn’t start attacking Trump until a month or so ago, and it’s not because he didn’t have any material. At just this press conference, Cruz cited Trump’s support for Planned Parenthood; his previous “pro-choice” position; the pro-choice record of his sister, federal appeals court Judge Maryanne Trump Barry; and the long list of Trump’s donations to both Democratic candidates and Democratic fundraising committees over the past decade. Cruz is only now trying to define Trump as a loose-gasket, extremely liberal, lifelong Democratic fraud. Had Cruz started this earlier instead of “bear-hugging” Trump for six months, perhaps the situation for Trump opponents in the Republican Party wouldn’t be quite as dire.