Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Pat Says It's Satans Music

'Oh my goodness folks, 'Pat' here, I have no doubt that 'Rock' music is the work of Satan. This stuff summons Satan to enter a childs head where he sets up shop, ruining that child forever. Just look around you, you'll see people who became addicted to evil Rock n Roll music at a very young age when they should have been singing Jesus songs instead. You can Tell who these demented people are just by paying attention as you go about your business. They'll have long hair, brightly coloured clothing, tattos, dirty bell bottomed jeans, usually carrying a guitar, and most often driving a VW Bus with flowers and 'peace' signs painted all over it. And if you get close enough, but be careful there, not Too Close, you'll smell the devils weed that they are addicted to. Just one little whiff, and you'll be addicted to it! Always hold your breathe when around these type of sinners. They listen to records played in reverse which is how they hear what a song Really means, which is the Devils lyrics. I, myself, have listened, in a 'clinical educational' setting of course, to some of this 'music', if you can even Call it That, played in Reverse, and words just cannot describe what I have heard! It's blasphamey I tell you! Blasphemey! I remember the very first song I listened to in Reverse. It was that song called 'How Much is that doggie in the window'. Well, let me tell you that when played backwards it's not about 'doggies' At All! Pure evil! Luckily when I was young I was also stronger, and Much more intelligent than others my age, and did not get hooked on the devils verses, and got hooked on the Good Lords verses instead. Now that I am older, some think I'm not only Older but also a little feeble brained, I'm happy that I'm able to use my wisdom to help people shun this satan music. So, my sagely advice to all parents out there, beware, the devil works in mysterious ways. If your child is listening to Rock music, that child already has one foot in the devils doorway. You must work quickly to Close that Door and help shun the demons that are trying to enter. Download one of my 'Shun the Devil' videos or just order one of my cassette video Tapes for only $19.99. All proceeds go towards shunning the devil. I tell you it's not cheap keeping the demons at bay!
I've never seen a 'devil' that I couldn't stop at the door'.  :/ :/

 PAT ROBERTSON: Beware Satanic Rock Music That 'Summons Demons'

Submitted by Brian Tashman on Tuesday, 1/12/2016 12:20 pm Today on “The 700 Club,”
Pat Robertson fielded a question from a teenage viewer who wanted to know if it is a sin to listen to rock music. The televangelist said that while people shouldn’t try to completely avoid mainstream music, they should be wary of listening to songs that may contain violent, Satanic lyrics and beats that could summon demonic beings. “It depends on what rock you’re listening to,” he said. “Some of the stuff is just evil. They used to talk about killing your parents and there were just some other things. There were odes to Satan. You don’t want that stuff coming into your mind. There’s some beat that’s out there that, you know, probably isn’t all that bad, although in one Indian context, they were playing rock music and the person said, ‘Why are you calling on the demons?,’ because that was the kind of music they used to summon demons.” - See more at:…/pat-robertson-beware-satani…

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