Sunday, January 10, 2016

Spank'em If Ya Got'em

'Hi folks, Ted here, but you know what, I'd like you to just call me 'Teddy', that makes me sound Snuggie. Hey, get This, I've got a really, really, really Great Idea. I thought of it all by myself, I Did! Usually I get a lot of 'help' when I need to think about stuff, and things to say that might make sense. But This time, I did it alllll by my very Self, it came right out of my Own head, and I just gotta tell you about it. I hope you're sitting down beca...use this could really floor you. You know how politicians are always telling lies? Especially all of these, except for Me, that are trying to be President, and I'm not gonna point them out for special redicule, so I'll just mention a few scrambled letters of their Names and you'll figure out which ones I'm referring to pretty quick. Ok, there's that guy T-r-u-m-p, and especially H-i-l-l-a-r-y, and C-a-r-s-o-n, and R-u-b-i-o, and C-r-u whoa, That's me, scratch that one, whew! But you get the idea here, they're all just a bunch of big liers. If their lips are moving, they're lying. It just like that in Washington DC, they're thick as fleas on a hound dog. That is except for Texass politicians who Never Ever tell fibs. We just don't do it! Just ask Anyone! They'll tell you the truth, and if they Don't, they're just lying. Now Here's my idea that's gonna put those liers on the Hotseat. I'm gonna make a Law where if a Politician is 'caught' telling a lie, and I know, I Know, how are we gonna catch All of'em, you'll see, just keep reading, if he's caught telling a lie he's gonna get a Spanking. Not just Any spanking either. He's gonna get the 'Spank of Shame' spank. I'm gonna issue every politician in D.C. a 'Spanker', actually a wooden Padde with holes drilled in it so it sings when swung, like the ones your teacher used back in the good ol days. The 'lier' will have to 'Run the Gauntlet' where everybody gets to give'em a good whack, then he has to wear a big sign around his neck that reads, 'I'm a Politician, and I'm a big fat Lier', while he walks all over town so that everyone Knows, he's a Big Fat Lier. Hey if it works at home, it'll work in D.C.! I'll put the Politicians from Texass in charge of detecting these liers because like I said, Texass politicians never Ever lie, and so they are able to Know a lie when they hear one. Pretty soon, there will be No liers in Washington, and That's the Truth or I'm not from Texass!!  ;)

Cruz: Hillary Clinton Should Be Spanked By The Voters For Lying

Ted Cruz came up with a weird and mostly creepy analogy for how voters should handle Hillary Clinton.
"In my house, if my daughter Katherine, says something she knows to be false, she gets a spanking," he said.
"Well, in America the voters have a way of administering a spanking."
"There will be accountability for Benghazi," Cruz promised. We will answer the question of who did what and why, and anyone who did wrong will be held accountable."
No one look now, but there have been seven investigations into Benghazi with no wrongdoing revealed. Trey Gowdy is now refusing to hold any more public hearings to receive testimony because the 11-hour debacle when they took Clinton's testimony was just too brutal to repeat.
But beyond the obvious with Benghazi, does anyone have a problem with a guy bragging about spanking his 5-year old daughter and equating that with spanking Hillary Clinton?
That's not just abusive. It's sexist and it's creepy.

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