Tuesday, January 5, 2016

American Terrorist Group Needs Snacks

' Hi Fellow 'citizens' and 'countrymen', this is your Exalted 'leader' Commander In Chief Ammon Bundy coming to you from the fine State of Oregon, more about That later, with an important message. By the way, that's Not Me in the pic, That's my second in command, Operations Commander 'Oopsy Daisey'. Not to worry, compared to the Rest of my 'Army', he's a whole lot smarter than he Looks. You may have noticed that I used the term 'Army' to describe my 'troops'. That arcane term 'Militia' is Sooo dated that it was about time I updated our status. Now I understand that this bogus 'President' of the 'United States Government' that has hijacked our great country calls Himself 'Commander In Chief' Obama. Well he's just an illegitimate pawn that has no idea what he's doing, he's about as 'American' as I am a 'farmer'. My 'Army' and I are Above Any law passed by that illegal 'government'. And as you will see in the coming days Obama will be forced by public opinion to pass the Torch to Me so that America can get back on track and be ran the way it Should Be; By the People, and For the People, and be sure you get This straight, I Am the 'people'. I speak for Every single, even if they are married and have more than One spouse, Man, Woman, and Child in the State of Oregon, which by the way, I'm gonna change the name to 'The State of Bundy', Oregon is so..sooo..dumb. I like That. Has a nice ring to it. I'm even thinking of renaming America to 'United States of Bundy'. As your new Commander In Chief I can Do that. Right Now I'm so powerful that Obama and his federal minions can't even Touch me. They are so afraid of me that I'm expecting a phone call any minute where they will want to send more volunteers and bigger guns for my 'Army'. I'm Bad! Bad, I tell ya! You see, they don't want another 'Waco' disaster on their plate, and I mean to give them one if they even 'Act' like they're coming to get me. You see, I fancy myself like a Robin Hood, I take from the 'rich' and give to the 'poor'. This here land belongs to the People of this country, Not this illegal government that's been holding it hostage. I've got my eye on some federal land in Washington DC that we're gonna snatch up next. Thank God for our Constitution that we can ursurp, re-write, misinterpret to use as our own personal agendas call for! So I'm taking it back and giving it to the People, of course I'm gonna want My own fair share to sell to some Lumber and Oil BFF's and, you can understand That. Then my 'Army' will manage it, we don't need no dumb a## BLM 'managing' Anything for us! We have the God , or 'Morman' in My case, given right to burn our land, do mass killings of deer, turn it into a garbage dump, or Anything else we want to. I personally have been 'chosen' to do these things in the name of the Morman religion and I will Not be stopped. Alright now, something Else I'd like to touch on here while I've got you foaming at the mouth and picking your toes. Commander 'Daisey' was placed in charge of supplies that we will need for our Years, and Years of occupation here. In retrospect, this would have been a better Summer operation. Supplies such as Food, Snacks, Toilet paper, Buckets to poop in, right now we don't even have a Pot to Pee in, Water,... you Know, That sort of thing. Well, I'm sure through No fault of his Own, it seems that he fell short of the goal line there. Fellow Americans, we are in desperate want of things that even a dumb boy scout would have in his survival kit. An 'Army' lives through its stomach. And there's some empty stomach in this camp! Of course I, myself, have enough supplies in my big ol SUV to last a lifetime, but I must remain Strong and Alert so that I can properly Command. But as for the rest of these nitwits it's gonna be alonnng hungry winter. So, send us some snacks, we really love those orange chips that turn your finger and everything you touch Orange! So get busy you wonderful supporters out there, get some stuff in the US mail, oh by the way, we're gonna get rid of that corrupt den of thieves and go back to using ponies, and stage coaches, but right now because we need supplies Right Now, spend a little extra for Overnight Service. This is your exalted Commander In Chief coming to you from the new 'State of Bundy' wishing you godspeed.' :/:/


Oregon 'terrorists' don't plan siege very well, put out plea for snacks and supplies

by in news

1Member of the group Ryan Bundy talking about the US constitution in a YouTube video from April 2014
Despite the fact that a few of the actors have carried out similar actions over land use before, they appear not to have planned this stand-off in the snowy, desolate area very well.
The group have vowed to stay in the building "as long as it takes" and have said they are not afraid to kill or be killed if law enforcement tries to remove them.
The internet has been quick to deride the group as 'Y'all Qaeda', pointing out their actions bear the hallmarks of domestic terrorism, although many media sources aren't calling it that:

The group aren't exactly defending their cause from ridicule. It has emerged that before the group even got to the site, one of their number put out a call on Facebook for "supplies and snacks":

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