Sunday, January 10, 2016

AMERICA Has Got To Be Better Than THIS!

THIS is the 'American' who wishes to be OUR President, OUR Commander In Chief, OUR 'Leader' of the free World, the Very person who will be charged with Standing UP for the Rights of All Americans, OUR Constitution, and setting a good example for others to Follow.   If THIS 'candidate' is what America has 'evolved' to, what OUR America Stands For, then OUR America is headed for serious, morally, destitute times.   Your VOTE is your most precious 'freedom', with it you can be part of the Solution, Or be part of the Problem.  Be careful what you 'Vote' for, you just might 'get it'.  :/ :/ :/ :/ 


Muslim woman escorted out of Donald Trump campaign rally after silent protest

'The ugliness really came out fast and that's really scary'

A Muslim woman was escorted from a Donald Trump rally after silently protesting the candidate's views on Islam and Syrian migrants.
Rose Hadid attended the rally in Rock Hill, South Carolina, wearing a hijab and a yellow star, reminiscent of those worn by Jews in Nazi Germany, with "Muslim" written on it.
The 56-year-old flight attendant was sitting in the stands behind Trump's podium and stood up when the Republican front-runner suggested Syrian refugees were affliated with Isis.
While she remained silent,Trump supporters surrounding her started chanting the candidate's name and pointing at her - as previously instructed by Trump campaign staff in the event of protests.
According to Ms Hadid, she was booed out of the event with one person shouting at her: "You have a bomb, you have a bomb."
She told CNN after being ejected: "The ugliness really came out fast and that's really scary.
"This demonstrates how when you start dehumanizing the other it can turn people into very hateful, ugly people, it needs to be known.“
Rock Hill Police Department said Hamid was ejected from the event because the campaign had informed them "anybody who made any kind of disturbance" should be escorted out.
Ms Hadid had been joined a group of other protestors, some of whom were also escorted out by security.
Mr Trump commented on the disturbance: "There is hatred against us that is unbelievable.
"It's their hatred, it's not our hatred."
Before attending the campaign event, Ms Hadid had said: “I figured that most Trump supporters probably never met a Muslim so I figured that I'd give them the opportunity to meet one.
"I really don't plan to say anything. I don't want to be disrespectful but if he says something that I feel needs answering I might — we'll just see what strikes me.”
Mr Trump has caused global controversy by calling for a temporary ban on Muslims entering the United States and forcing all Muslims to carry special ID cards..

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