Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Stop That Darn Volcano

 'You Know folks, I'm 'just' a famous Brain Surgeon, and I really don't know squat about Volcanos, and things that go 'bump' in the dark. In fact, I'm still not convinced that these things are even Real. I mean afterall, I've never even Seen a Volcano, have You? But you know, I guess 'something' happened there in Pompeii way back then that caused the earth to open up and spew out a little ash and stuff that fell onto Pompeii. Makes you wonder what sort of sinful things those folks had been doing around there to cause Jesus to get mad enough to just wipe that place off the map, If they even Had 'maps' back then. As a brain 'scientist' I really don't know much about other kinds of science stuff unless there's a brain stuck in it somewhere. But lets just look at what took place there back in 79AD, which really was only, as we All know, about five thousand years after God created Earth. I read that there were about 11,000 folks living there at that time, and that about 16,000 folks died there, and around there. You know, I'm not a Mathematician, but don't those numbers seem a little distorted? How in the World could More people die, than actually Lived there?? And why Did so many die in the first place? Why didn't they all just walk away from it, or just get on a boat and sail away instead of simply laying down and letting it kill them. God works in mysterious ways, that's for Sure. Now, if I had been there at that time, I would have organized those 'supposedly' 11,000 folks into a 'Stop the Volcano' brigade. I mean, come On, that's More than enough help to stop something like That. I'd make everyone grab rocks, and sticks, and even slow animals, as many as they could carry, and take them up to the top of that volcano and start filling it up with rocks and stuff, just Plug it right up. And I'd of stopped that Lava stuff by having folks throw buckets of water on it! It looks like not one person even Tried to stop that thing, not One! Instead, they just laid down, and whatnot, for a nap, a very Long one. How dumb, and Lazy, Were those folks? I wonder what kinds of 'sins' they were doing around there. Well, that's about all I know about Volcanoes, but I sure know a lot about being a President, and you know what, I'd a been a real good one for those folks back Then, just like I'll be a good one Right Now, you know, it don't take a 'brain surgeon' to be President, as evidenced by our Current one, it just takes somebody with an 'open mind' and good brain like I have.'  :/:/ 

October 7, 2015

Ben Carson: Pompeii Victims Should Have Outrun Lava


WASHINGTON (The Borowitz Report)—Citizens of the Roman town of Pompeii who were victims of Mt. Vesuvius’s eruption in 79 A.D. could have survived if they had “just outrun the lava,” the neurosurgeon Ben Carson told Fox News on Wednesday.
“Most of the plaster casts we have of Pompeii victims show them basically just lying down and whatnot,” he said. “If I had been in Pompeii and I heard Mt. Vesuvius erupting, you can bet I would have made a run for it.”
He said another option open to residents of Pompeii would have been “to fight the volcano.”
“Archeologists estimate that the population of Pompeii was about eleven thousand,” he said. “You can’t tell me that if eleven thousand people put their minds to it they couldn’t beat one volcano.”
Carson said he would spend the next week on the campaign trail dispensing helpful tips about how people can defeat earthquakes, tsunamis, and giant asteroids.

Mount Vesuvius & Pompeii: Facts & History
Mary Bagley, LiveScience Contributor | March 13, 2013 02:03pm ET

Mount Vesuvius, on the west coast of Italy, is the only active volcano on mainland Europe. It is best known because of the eruption in A.D. 79 that destroyed the city of Pompeii. Mount Vesuvius is considered to be one of the most dangerous volcanoes in the world due to the large population of the city of Naples and the surrounding towns on the slopes nearby.
The volcano is classed as a complex stratovolcano because its eruptions typically involve explosive eruptions as well as pyroclastic flows. Vesuvius and other Italian volcanoes, such as Campi Flegrei and Stromboli, are part of the Campanian volcanic arc. The Campanian arc sits on a tectonic boundary where the African plate is being subducted beneath the Eurasian plate.
Under Vesuvius, scientists have detected a tear in the African plate. This “slab window” allows heat from the Earth’s mantle layer to melt the rock of the African plate building up pressure that causes violent explosive eruptions. In the past, Mount Vesuvius has had a roughly 20-year eruption cycle, but the last serious eruption was in 1944.
Mount Vesuvius destroyed the city of Pompeii in A.D. 79. Because the city was buried so quickly by volcanic ash, the site is a well-preserved snapshot of life in a Roman city. We even have a detailed account of the disaster recorded by Pliny the Younger, who interviewed survivors and recorded events in a letter to his friend Tacitus. [Related: Pompeii 'Wall Posts' Reveal Ancient Social Networks]
Pompeii was slowly recovering from a major earthquake that rocked the city in February of A.D. 62. The shallow quake, originating beneath Mount Vesuvius, had caused major damage to the springs and piping that provided the city’s water. Reconstruction was being carried out on several temples and public buildings. The historian, Seneca, recorded that the quakes lasted for several days and also heavily damaged the town of Herculaneum and did minor damage to the city of Naples before subsiding. The major quake was followed by several minor shakes throughout the following years.
Because seismic activity was so common in the area, citizens paid little attention in early August of 79 when several quakes shook the earth beneath Herculaneum and Pompeii. People were unprepared for the explosion that took place shortly after noon on the 24th of August. Pliny, watching from the town of Misenum, approximately 13 miles (21 kilometers) from Pompeii, described the massive debris cloud. “It resembled a (Mediterranean) pine more than any other tree. Like a very high tree the cloud went high and expanded in different branches…. sometimes white, sometimes dark and stained by the sustained sand and ashes.” In Pompeii, ash blocked the sun by 1 p.m. and the people tried to clear heavy ash from rooftops as it fell at a rate of about 6 inches (15 centimeters) an hour.
Shortly after midnight, a wall of volcanic mud engulfed the town of Herculaneum, obliterating the town as its citizens fled toward Pompeii. About 6:30 a.m. on the following morning, a glowing cloud of volcanic gases and debris rolled down Vesuvius’ slopes and enveloped the city of Pompeii. Most victims died instantly as the superheated air burned their lungs and contracted their muscles, leaving the bodies in a semi-curled position to be quickly buried in ash and thus preserved in detail for hundreds of years.
Far away in Misenum, Pliny the Younger and his mother joined other refugees escaping the earthquakes rocking their city. They observed, “…the sea retreating as if pushed by the earthquakes.” This was probably caused by a tsunami at the climax of the eruption, which gives us the time frame for historical record. Pliny writes of “black and horrible clouds, broken by sinuous shapes of flaming wind.” He describes people wheezing and gasping because of that wind; the same wind that doomed the people of Pompeii.
WWII eruption
On March 18, 1944, a two-week-long eruption began with lava from the summit of Mount Vesuvius. Soldiers and airmen of the 340th Bomber Group were stationed at the Pompeii Airfield just a few miles from the base of the volcano. Diaries record the awesome sights and sounds they witnessed in this latest major eruption. Guards wore leather jackets and “steel pot” helmets to protect themselves from rains of hot ash and small rocks. Tents collapsed or caught fire when hot cinders were blown over them.
On March 22, they were forced to evacuate, leaving behind 88 Allied aircraft. After the volcano subsided, they returned on the 30th to find the planes were a total loss. Engines were clogged by ash, control panels were useless tangles of fused wire, canopies had holes from flying rock or were etched to opacity by wind driven ash.
One airman of the 489th Bomber Squadron complained in his diary when Axis Sally broadcast a radio show dedicated to the “survivors” of the Vesuvius eruption (actually the most severe human casualty was a wrist sprained during the evacuation). She told all of Europe that “Colonel Vesuvius” had destroyed all of them. The diarist was justifiably proud of the work he did with his fellows in recovery. By April 15, the planes had been replaced and the 340th Bomber Group was back to full strength and ready to fly missions from their new base. “We are still the best damned Group there is. Hitler, you self styled ‘Great Rebuilder’ take note!”


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