Monday, January 18, 2016

Pat Robertson, As Usual

'Good Morning fellow think alike 'relgious' fanatical brethern. Praise the good Lord for multi media because I'm pretty sure I would be relegated to the age of dinos, which are only six thousand years old by the way. Of course you already know that. Now I realize, sometimes in fleeting moments, that I myself am About That old, and, some say I'm starting to resemble an old chimpanzee, and to 'think' like one, but praise the Lord, some people still 'pass the plate' which keeps me on the air coming to you in these trying times in order to still your quivering hearts. Some thoughtless people have even accused me of being Homophobic. Imagine That! Now, like myself, You've probably seen, and Even been needlesly accosted by homosexuals while out in a Public Parks restroom minding your own business, or while just sTrolling in the woods minding your own business deep in your own private thoughts, or maybe you've been secluded in your own closet, and the devil tosses in evil 'thought's', maybe you have in your own home, like the mother of this 17 year old, a queer that claims to be your offspring. I'll tell you right now that you must cut this child off from her devil worshipping 'friends', you must admonish her 24/7, don't let her listen to the devils music, turn that TV off and bring her to church where the good Lord will smite the devil queer right out of her. We good Christians know exactly how to drive the queer right out of a homo's soul! We have No queers at my church! At Every service I just outright ask for a show of hands of those who profess to be queer! And I'm proud to say that there's Never a hand held high! Praise the Lord! The proofs in the puddin'! Now if you have a child that's hanging around queers you can be pretty sure that before long that child will become one. The way to 'deal' with that child is quite simple. Put a lock on their bedroom door, don't let them leave the house, take their phone away from them, cut off the TV and radio. If they get married, boycot the wedding. Don't envite them over during holidays and Birthdays. Take them out of your Will. Put a sign in your yard that your child has turned Homo. Ignore them completly and pretty soon they will come back begging for forgiveness. Then just bring them to Me and I will exorcise the devil right out of them, and before you know it your child will be 'straight' as I, myself 'profess' to be. So, lets get busy out there parents, lets stop this sickness in it's sorry tracks and caste out the devil, remember, the Good Lord hates homos, and loves those who caste them out. Praise the Lord, and pass the plate!  :/ :/

Pat Robertson's Advice For A Lesbian Teen's Mom Has Us Shaking Our Heads

New year, same old Pat.

01/08/2016 03:03 pm ET

This is some of the most un-sage parenting advice we've ever heard.
On Thursday's installment of "The 700 Club," Pat Robertson told the mother of a 17-year-old who identifies as a lesbian to love her daughter, but to make sure she knows she doesn't "accept the lifestyle," Right Wing Watch reports.
"Many young people... don't really know what they're talking about, because they're too young to know," the conservative televangelist said. "Young girls have crushes, and they have crushes on their teachers and they have crushes on other girls as well as boys. That’s one of those things that happens, but that’ll get differentiated as she gets older."
Still, he warned the mother not to let her daughter get "wrapped up in that lifestyle" because "she may never get out of it."
Robertson's statement isn't particularly surprising given his penchant for offering parents narrow-minded advice with regard to their gay and lesbian kids. In 2015, he advised two parents to skip their child's same-sex wedding, and told another mother to treat her son, who had just come out as gay, the same way she'd treat a drug addict.
In November, he applauded a grandfather for barring his gay grandson from bringing a boyfriend to Thanksgiving dinner, oddly likening the request to inviting a stripper to a holiday celebration.
Guess a new year won't stop Robertson from spewing the same tired, homophobic rhetoric we've come to expect from him.

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