Sunday, November 8, 2015

Give It Up Ladies, It Ain't Yours

'That's Right ladies! You heard me correctly. It's Not Yours! I know that for a long time now you 'thought' your body belongs to 'you', but guess what, Not! Sure, you can put lipstick on it, and dress it up, and that stuff Is Yours, but the bod belong to Him, You know, the 'big Guy in the sky'. This may come as a surprise but you need to just get Over it girls. He put your bodies on His reserve list a long time ago. You Really didn't think you could just willy nilly do Anything you want to with something that does Not belong to You, now Did you? You probably wonder why this bit of news is just now coming out. Well, He just recently sent Me a 'Sky Text' and told me to spread the word. Hey, don't shoot the messenger, I don't Make the news, I just report it. When He tells me to Jump, I don't even ask how high. I just Do it! Just like You are going to obey His words. So from now On, you must ask Him for permission whenever you might 'think' about doing something with your/His body that might get you in trouble otherwise. And just in case you have any lingering doubts about all this I'll clue you in, and Then you will speak no more of it, for He has spoken, well, he actually spoke through Me, but That's how most religions 'work', you gotta have a 'messenger', a go-between, a mouth piece so to speak, and That's Me in this case. You see, in about 99.9% of all 'religions' it's the Men who make the rules as to what the Women have to do, or actually Get to do. We decide, through Him of course, what you may or may Not wear, and what you are allowed to do. Now of course we 'temper' some of that so that you 'think' you have more 'right's than you really do, and That helps keep the whiners, and complaints down to a low roar. So you see how it goes here? He, Owns your bodies, but He has put Us, the Men, in charge of You, so when We tell You something that He has told Us to tell You, you had better believe it. This may be the year 2015 but it's much better for all concerned, Women, that You just pretend that it's still the 1950's and we'll all get along just Fine. Praise Him, and pass the plate!  :/ :/


Pastor Says A Woman Doesn't Have 'The Right Over Her Own Body'

"It all belongs to God."

A pastor for Cross Church, which has locations in Arkansas and Missouri, has addressed abortion by saying a woman does not have "the right over her own body."
According to Mic, Jeff Crawford gave a sermon on Sunday addressing "theological dualism," which he described as "the idea that you can separate what goes on with our bodies from what goes on with our soul or spirit." In a video from Raw Story, Crawford disagreed with this idea and linked it to women's reproductive rights.
"This idea that you hear about in the abortion debate that it's a woman's right to choose and she has the right over her own body, no, that’s not true," he said.
Crawford then told his listeners that "your body's a temple, to the Holy Spirit." "And what that means is that your arms and your legs and your head and your eyes … it all belongs to God," he said.
Later, he addressed tattoos and piercings. Though he said he's "not saying yay or nay on any of that stuff," he encouraged listeners to "glorify God" with their bodies

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