Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Iran Just Loves Americans

'Oh My Goodness, you paranoid, spoiled Americans certainly shoot first and ask questions Later! Once Again, you have totally misinterpreted my holy, and prophetic words. Just because I Say 'Death To America', it does not imply that I mean Actual Death to Americans. Surrrre, it certainly sounds that way though huh? But don't worry your blond little heads over this misunderstanding. What I actually Mean here is 'Death To American Policies'. We just Love the American peopl...e, even though we Do consider you Infidels and such. But, we Surrrre Do hate your American 'Policies' though! We Really hate them. All of them actually. I mean, just How Dumb Are Americans anyway!? You don't Need any 'enemies', You Are your own worst enemy already! Stupid Infidels! If we 'wanted' to, we could destroy you from the 'inside' out simply by working your stupid Constitution and Democracy Against you! America is like the Pandoras Box for us, once the 'Lid' is opened, In we go. But Boy,we just Love Americans otherwise! And we don't wish you dead, unless you attack my Country, and maaaaybeee even if you don't Hahaha..a little 'inside' joke There. I'm glad we could clear that one up, no need for us to start being mad at each other here. As you Know, we are a peaceful, and fun loving people. We go to the beach with our wives and girlfriends and children, just like Americans do. We eat popcorn, and candy just like Americans. See!? We like all the things..well, we might have to scratch off a Few things that you spoiled Americans do. And I Bet that you Americans would just Love Everything here in our hot n dusty, Democratic, Crime free, Religious Radical free, Terrorist free, Gender Un-biased, Same Sex marriage friendly, Religious Freedom Country. Here, Americans are welcome to visit and intermingle with all of our wonderful citizens. You would be as safe here as you would be un-armed in your own illegal drugs sections of Chicago after dark. So you see, we just want to be your BFF's, you can trust us just as you always have, and We'll 'trust' you Too. Oh what fun we will have, men and Women in western attire, dancing in the streets to a Beatles song. Of course all of our favorite hits are being translated into the Russian language right now, looks like our Other, and Special BFF's will be hanging out here for R&R for a while, and we want them to be comfortable, and totally unaware of our 'friendly' overtures. We have an old timey 'saying' here in our Country, 'Your Enemy, Is My Friend'. In This case, our Special BFF. Well, ya'll take care, hear? Hahaha! Just a little humour there, thought I'd try out my American dialect on you hahaha! Goodbye my American friends, and may a horrible death greet your evil Policies.  :/  :/

‘Death to America’ does not mean death to Americans, Ayatollah clarifies


TEHRAN, Iran — The slogan “Death to America” is not aimed at the American people, but rather American policies, Iran’s supreme leader said in comments reported on his official website Tuesday.
Ayatollah Ali Khamenei discussed the slogan while meeting with Iranian students ahead of the anniversary of the takeover of the US Embassy in Tehran on Nov. 4, 1979. Militant students stormed the compound and took 52 Americans hostage for 444 days.
The two countries have had no diplomatic relations since then. However, current President Hassan Rouhani has made efforts to improve relations, including a landmark nuclear agreement reached with world powers this past summer.
Khamenei says the “aim of the slogan is not death to American people. The slogan means death to US policies and arrogance.” The slogan has “strong support” In Iran, he said.
Khamenei and hard-liners in the Iranian government remain deeply suspicious of the United States and view its policies a threat to the country.
He reiterated his warning that the U. is not to be trusted despite the nuclear deal reached with the US, Britain, France, Russia, China and Germany. The agreement promises Tehran relief from crippling economic sanctions in exchange for curbs on its nuclear program.
Khamenei also expressed his apparent belief that the US “will not hesitate” if given a chance to destroy Iran.
“The nature of the US attitude is continuation of the same hostile aims from the past, and the nation will not forget this,” Khamenei said.
However, anti-American sentiment is rife in Iran. As every year, ahead of the anniversary, the Tehran municipality displays anti-American posters and billboards along the Iranian capital’s main squares and key streets.
One such billboard this year — at Tehran’s Vali-e asr Square — represents a mock-up of the historic and Pulitzer Prize-winning 1945 “Raising the Flag at Iwo Jima” photo by Associated Press photographer Joe Rosenthal, one of the iconic images from World War II. Except in the billboard, the hands of the Marines are stained red from blood and instead of rocks and stones, the US troops are standing on a pile of corpses.

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