Thursday, November 12, 2015

The New Segregation?

   'Yes, that's right, and welcome back to the good ol' days of  'Segregation' ya'll.  I Know it Sounds
'crazy' as heck but it took only a few hundred years to End segregation, and only one little bitty protest against 'Racial Discrimination' to bring it Back.  I know, I Know...crazy as all get out, but now that we got rid of  'Jim Crow' we're gonna replace it with 'reverse' Discrimination.  You see, it's like This, only we Black folks know what it's like to be discriminated against, White folks don't have a Clue!  And so now that we Can we're just gonna dish it out, You know, revenge tastes best served cold so to speak.  After all, This is Our demonstration and protest here at Mizzou.  Thanks for the 'support' you White people, but now that we're on the Win would you please get outta here, scurry back to your own little corner, and get out of our 'black only' healing space.  We just can't heal properly with you people hanging onto our coat tails and acting 'black', and by the way, pull your pants up for crying out loud!  It matters little that hundreds of thousands of White Northern Americans gave their lives during the American Civil War to ensure our freedom from Slavery, nor does it matter that Many white people as well as black fought prejudice and bigotry right up to this very day.  Oh well, but Now that we have won those silly little fights, just bug off white people, We are bringing Segregation back!  Oh yeah, about that Constitution thing...well, never mind That, because as you can see here at Mizzou, we flegling 'students', well..Most of our 'demonstrators' are 'students' anyway, although we do have and certainly appreciate some 'professional' demonstrators, are obviously much smarter than the 'laws' meant to protect Americans of Any color from discrimination and racial bias.  In fact, we might just re-write some of that silly outdated document because as you can see, we have Power, and heads are gonna roll around here, well, not Literally of course but you get our point there.  Anyway, welcome to the New America where we 'learned' students at good ol' Mizzou are putting a new spin on 'Segregation' and 'Reverse Discrimination', even while Fighting to destroy that Very thing.  Ironic huh?  Now how about all you White reporters and news crews, and 'supporters' pretending to be 'black', oh and thank you news guys for the great News coverage by the way, slip off to your Own little racially, as in White, segregated corner, and get yourselves out of our racial, as in Black, healing space.'  :/  :/  :/

Daily Caller News Foundation

Mizzou Protesters Now Segregating Their Members By Race

In an ironic development, to say the least, protesters at the University of Missouri (MU) segregated themselves by race Wednesday night, having white students leave a gathering in order to create a “black-only healing space.”
Supporters of the group Concerned Students 1950, which has spearheaded the protest movement at MU, assembled at the school’s student center Wednesday night for a meeting after a planned protest march was canceled due to bad weather. And then, according to activist Steve Schmidt, whites were asked to leave:

The seven groups amounted to six breakout groups for black (or at least non-white) students and one for the remaining white students. The deliberately segregated arrangement was confirmed by local reporter Jared Koller, who was there on behalf of local KOMU-TV news:

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