Friday, November 20, 2015

Pray For Ted

    'Ok, here's how this things gonna work folks. Look, we already have the 'cloud', you know, that Inter-net thingie. I mean How 'close' to the good Lord can you Get, for cryin' out loud. So, everyone who has a cellular phone, and some of you are just going to have to find some way to share with those who don't, will be given a special code to dial so that you can leave a message for Jesus, and Me, in the 'cloud'. He's gonna check his 'messages' whenever he gets a chance, and Then whenever he gets Another chance he will reply accordingly. Now don't go and leave stupid, senseless, long drawn out messages because that's just gonna throw a monkey wrench in the works, and we don't want to get Him riled up over this. Just make it short and sweet, and to the point. And none of that Begging stuff! You're not gonna get a freakin' BMW out of this, so don't even go there. Remember, This is all about Me. Now some of you non-believers are going to right away think that I'm using this clever scheme in order to suck up with the Evangelicals out there and try to get their Votes outta this. Well, let me be the first to tell you that it's just Not so! It never even crossed my mind, nope, not even one single time. And I'm not telling a political fib this time. Well, actually, not at Any time....Pretty much, but don't forget, I may be just plain ol' simple Ted, but I'm ALLways a Politician. But you know what? There might be one or two of'em out there that simply Like me, and Maybe (please, please, please) they'll toss their Vote My way. And you know, I not playing on ignorant, paronoid voters fears about our current Government attacking our religious freedoms, oh No, I wouldn't go There either. But we All know what's going on with That, Don't we now. But if I accidently get some of Their votes, Oh Boy for me. Shoot, we just want regular, run of the mill, religious folks to pray for me and my family, because it looks like we're gonna need a whole lot of it if I'm gonna stand a snowballs chance in H E double L of winning this race! Now the rest of these 'runners' are a bunch of soulless, heathons who wouldn't know Jesus if they were standing behind him at a pizza sling. But We are gonna have a Direct Line of communications with the Man in the sky, or cloud, anyway. So charge up those batteries folks, find a tower and get those thumbs busy. Your new President, Me, is just a phone click away!  ;) ;)

Ted Cruz Creates a ‘National Prayer Team’
Pray for Ted Cruz.
That appears to be among the chief tasks to be undertaken by the Cruz campaign’s “national prayer team,” a group announced on Thursday and scheduled to begin its work next month.
Mr. Cruz, who has aggressively courted the support of evangelicals, said the creation of the team would “establish a direct line of communication between our campaign and the thousands of Americans who are lifting us up before the Lord.”
Group members will receive emails containing prayer requests and a short devotional every week, the campaign said. They will also be invited to take part in a 20-minute “prayer conference call” each Tuesday.
Mr. Cruz has placed the subject of religious freedom, and what he sees as attacks against it, at the center of his campaign, holding major religious rallies in Iowa and South Carolina and appearing regularly at churches.
Mr. Cruz’s spokesman, Rick Tyler, suggested the prayer team’s aim was far more modest.
“I don’t have a political or tactical angle on it,” he said. “It is what it is. It’s a group of people who wanted to get together and pray for Ted and his wife and the nation as a whole.”

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