Saturday, November 21, 2015

Chris Christie For V.P.

    'Look folks, You know, and I know that you're gonna elect Me to the Oval Office. And when you Do, I'm gonna need someone to fill that Vice President spot. Now I've been lookin' at some of these idiots that are running against me, and I hate to say it folks, but where in the H E double L did all these people come from!? I mean, Am I 'really' the only Viable candidate that's actually Qualified to be the President of this United States Of America?? What is Wrong here!?? Just look at these people! I don't know. How do they even find their way Home for cryin' out loud? Geeez! Don't they have 'drivers'? It hurts me to even Think this, let alone Say it, but we're in deep poop here America! I'm gonna need, well not really Need, some warm body to fill that job. Not that he's gotta Do anything important. That's My job! I don't need anyone to help me, you can See that already. I can Think on my own, write stuff by my self, shoot, I'm self contained! Now there's one guy that I 'might' consider hiring as V.P. And that's Chris Christie, man it hurt my mouth to Say that! But I gotta have Somebody. You know, as much as I hate that guy, I just love him to pieces. He's gotta learn to keep his mouth shut though, and he can't be in charge of Any Bridge traffic in New Jersey either. I hate to say it but he really sucks at That job! Annnnd...he's gotta go on a serious Diet! He's keeping a Suit factory in business all by himself! But you know, he's gonna be looking for a 'job' when this election is all over, and I've already sent him an application to fill out. Hmmm...I gotta check to make sure he even speaks english. Gotta be careful nowadays. Annnnd... the 'press' is gonna have to stock up on Wide Angle lenses for him. Hey, did I mention that I'm taking a class on Public Decorum, and How To Not Insult People? Yeah, Yeah, I Know, I know, it sounds stupid as all get out but I have discovered that only about 99% of the voters out there are dumb as rocks, now Those are fair game in my book, but I gotta be nice to that remaining one percent because They know how to operate a voting machine, or at least a Pencil. Already I'm getting better at communicating with moronic idiots! Boy, I'm gonna be just the best doggone President this Country has ever had in the last eight years! Remember, once you Vote for Me, you can't go back and change it, so get out there and beat those other idiots to the polls. Hey Chris, callll meeee.....gotta cool job for you! :/ ;)


Trump Says He Might Give Christie a Job


While Chris Christie is receiving little support for his presidential bid, he could still end up with a high-profile job in the federal government next year, according to The Hill.
Another Republican White House hopeful, Donald Trump, suggested Wednesday that if elected president he might hire the New Jersey governor for a position in his administration. NBC News reported that the real-estate magnate called Christie “a very good guy.”
When an audience member at a campaign rally in New Hampshire asked whether he would consider Christie as a running mate, Trump replied: “There could certainly be a place for him.”
During his speech at the event, the billionaire ticked off issues he plans to address if he becomes the nation’s next commander in chief. He mentioned education, immigration, and the National Aeronautical and Space Administration, according to The Hill.
“Nothing’s more important than higher education and education in general,” Trump said. “It’s so important to our economy.” Regarding NASA, he declared: “You know, in the old days, it was great. Right now, we have bigger problems. We’ve got to fix our potholes.”
Trump is battling Ben Carson for the lead in national polls of likely Republican voters while Christie lags far behind. The governor’s poll numbers did not qualify him for the main stage Tuesday night. He was relegated to the “undercard” debate that preceded the prime-time event.
Photo: Before Its News, The Nation
Trump may have a job for Christie.

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