Saturday, November 28, 2015

America's Domestic Terrorist

    And we worry about 'Immigrant' Terrorists sneaking in and killing us. And YET, while we sit and pull our hair, gnash our teeth, and twittle our thumbs, our very own 'domestic terrorists' shoot, and kill us, and it barely makes a news headline. And here we have Another brain damaged Domestic terrorist who knows only One way to make his skewed views known to the world; with a military style assault rifle he bravely attacks innocent, unarmed civilians, murdering two, and at least One even More brave Police Officer in the process. This brain damaged Domestic Terrorist not only attacks innocent Americans, but also the very fabric of our Nations soul. And Yet, Had this been an attack by a radicalized Muslim jihadist our whole Country would be in an uproar heard around the world, and no stone left unturned to root out any and all connected to his cause. But instead, all that will be heard here in this instant 'event' are his shots ringing in the ears of his victims, and church bells for the dead. Unfortunatly, This 'event' will pass like fleeting clouds on a winters day, soon to be overshadowed by even darker clouds of similiar or even worse 'events' by other Domestic terrorists on their on fools errands. Again, strong words will spew from politicians lips, blame will be placed on our Presidents doorstep, assault style weapons will be assaulted, the NRA will do what they do best and defend the 'rights' of Americans, no matter their mental status, to own and openly carry anything they are strong enough to hold in their paronoid hands, mothers will weep, and newspapers will have a banner sales day. And then tomorrow will come, and old news is no news, and we wait for the next 'event'. And the only thing that changes, is the weather. 'The more things 'change', the more things remain the same'.  :/ :/


Suspect arrested in Colorado Planned Parenthood shootings

4 police officers injured, shooter contained

COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. - A gunman who opened fire inside a Colorado Springs Planned Parenthood clinic was arrested Friday after engaging in gun battles with authorities during an hours-long standoff that killed three people and wounded nine others, officials said.
Two people and a police officer with the University of Colorado in Colorado Springs were killed in the rampage, law enforcement officials said.
The university police department identified the officer killed as 44-year-old Garrett Swasey, a six-year veteran of the force.
Nine other people, including five police officers, were shot and are in good condition, police said.
A suspect, identified by a law enforcement official as Robert Lewis Dear, was taken out of the back of a SWAT vehicle and placed into the back of a patrol car.
Mayor John Suthers confirmed the arrest.
Authorities received a call of shots being fired at the Planned Parenthood clinic before noon.
Responding officers exchanged gunfire with the shooter, Buckley said.

Denise Speller, manager of a nearby hair salon, said she heard as many as 20 gunshots in the span of less than five minutes.
She told The Gazette newspaper that she saw a police cruiser and two officers near a Chase Bank branch, not far from the Planned Parenthood facility.
For updates, follow Scripps Station KMGH on Twitter @DenverChannel.

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