Wednesday, September 9, 2015

You Are Forgiven...Sorta

Pope Francis Eases Path to Absolution for Abortion

Pope Francis after a Mass at the Vatican on Tuesday. He announced that during the church’s Holy Year of Mercy, which begins in December, priests would be empowered to offer absolution for abortion.Credit Tony Gentile/Reuters
ROME — Pope Francis announced Tuesday that all Roman Catholic priests would be empowered to offer absolution for the “sin of abortion” during the church’s Holy Year of Mercy, which begins in December.
“I have met so many women who bear in their heart the scar of this agonizing and painful decision,” Francis said in a statement issued by the Vatican. “What has happened is profoundly unjust; yet only understanding the truth of it can enable one not to lose hope.”
Francis’ offer is not without precedent — Pope John Paul II enabled priests to offer the same absolution during the last Holy Year, in 2000 — yet it shows his broader push to make Catholicism more merciful and welcoming.
Later this month, Francis is scheduled to visit Cuba and the United States and then return to the Vatican for a pivotal October meeting on whether the church will soften its approach on social issues like homosexuality and whether Catholics who have divorced and remarried without an annulment may receive the sacraments.
Vatican officials noted that Francis is not changing his opposition to abortion, nor is the church. Under Roman Catholic canon law, abortion brings automatic excommunication unless the person receiving or performing it confesses and receives absolution. Abortion is considered a “reserved sin,” meaning that permission to grant forgiveness usually must come from a bishop.
Though most bishops in the United States have already empowered their priests on the issue, many in other countries have not — meaning women seeking absolution can face delays, obstacles or rejection. Francis’ edict effectively streamlines the process for a single year.
“All priests will be ready to absolve women who have had an abortion and have repented — all over the world, for a whole year,” said the Rev. Federico Lombardi, the Vatican’s chief spokesman. “It’s a widening of the church’s mercy on what is such a dramatic and widespread issue.”
Candida R. Moss, professor of New Testament and early Christianity at the University of Notre Dame, said that Francis’ statement was not a doctrinal shift, but that it might serve to alert women who have felt disenfranchised by the church that they are welcome to return. “Even though John Paul II used much the same language, and forgiveness has always been available — albeit through more formal channels — that message wasn’t out there because the rhetoric that accompanies abortion is so elevated that it eclipses the church’s teaching on forgiveness and mercy,” she said in a statement.
Popes have been celebrating holy years since 1300, when Boniface VIII summoned pilgrims to Rome because travel to the Holy Land was too dangerous. Traditionally, the church has offered indulgences for an array of sins during these “Jubilee” years, which are celebrated every 25 years. Christians are urged to do penance and, if possible, make a pilgrimage to Rome.
In March, Francis used his papal discretion to call the “extraordinary” jubilee that begins in December. Two months later, with less notice, the Vatican announced that during the Holy Year, priests would be able to offer absolution for abortion, a move likely to please many liberal Catholics.

1 comment:

  1. ' Man, am I Cool or what!? Ok, before you try to answer that, let me give you a little 'background'. It goes something like 'this'; Once upon a time, a lonnnnng time ago, Jesus needed someone to look after his 'interests' here on planet Earth. He lOOked, and he lOOked, he lOOked high, and he lOOked low, and as you can imagine, he was having a pretty pitiful time of it. But finally he chose Peter, and through wile and gile we've had a 'Pope' in one form or another ever since. Hey, this is a Big business you know, so you gotta have a 'Big' man at the top. Now seeing as how Jesus couldn't be 'here', he decreed that the 'Pope' will be his mouthpiece. And Now, That's Me. I tell you, I have more power than even Jesus does! You see Me, all the Time, when did you see Jesus last? See!? Now I control about one Billion people out there that are scared silly about sinning and going straight to hell and brimstone if they screw up. Some people call them 'superstitious', but I just call them 'Tithers'. Hey, how do you think I can afford this little 'Country' that I call Home? I get to make all kinds of 'Rules' that all these scaredycat people have to live by. And if they screw up I can just kick their butts out, and they'll slide right into hell and damnation. But don't get me wrong here, Sure, I can damn you straight to hell if I want to, but on the other hand, I can be merciful and forgiving as your mother. After all WWJD? I can even absolve you of your 'sins', If, you do the proper amount of 'groveling and begging'. Now That's Power! I can also prevent you from getting married..if I wanted to. But if I Let you marry, and you turn around and get Divorced, you're a Sinner, and you're gonna answer to me, and Jesus, in that order! But if you grovel nicely, I Might forgive you, or absolve you of your 'sin'..If, I want to. Women in our Church have always been sorta...second class citizens, but women have to know where Their 'station' in life Is. Men make the 'rules', and Women Follow those 'rules', it's like That in All religions, just do the little 'curtsie' and move along. So, now that we have That out of the way, I exciting news, I have proclaimed that during This Holy Year Women sinners who have foolishly had an Abortion can be absolved of that 'sin' if they grovel accordingly, but they better get it done During This Holy Year, or learn how to spell 'Excommunication', and get used to a life in damnation because that's where you're gonna go! And I better not find out they were having Sex Outside of marriage! That's Another sin! Talk about Power! Wow! I got it! Now some are now wondering if I'm gonna forgive 'homosexuals', well wonder no more, the answer is, No Way Jose!!! Burn sinner, Burn! By the way, that's Straight from the mouth of Jesus Lord Almighty. Boy, this Power thing is a real Trip! I snap my little fingers and a Billion fools just roll over and do tricks for me! Oh, my 'Skyphone' is know who That is...wonder what he's got up his sleeve now. In the meantime you people out there just stop it with the 'sins', but not All of'em, I'd like to keep my job for a while longer..' ;) ;)
