Saturday, September 19, 2015

Trump Really 'Loves' Muslims, No, Really

       'Hi Voters, it's Me, your Presidential hopeful, Donald, The Don, Trump.       Really folks, I've taken a lot of heat due to a lot of silly 'off the record' comments I've made, you Know, about those Muslim people.  Gosh, if I'd Known it was gonna cause so many Burkas to go flappin' in the breeze, I'm sure I 'probably' would have tempered my words a bit.  But you know Me, if I 'think' it, my mouth is gonna 'say' it.  And you know what, that's why I'll make a really great President!  And you know what else, when I'm President I'm gonna call up Russia's Gorbachev and tell him to get his navy outta Iran and Cuba.  Who the heck does he think he Is anyway?  Stupid Commie!   Hey, did you watch me the other night when I wowed those numbnuts that are running for Office.  Boy I had them rocked back on their heels when I explained my plans to cure America's  problems!  They didn't know What to say!  Man I'm gonna do stuff that you just won't believe!   It's gonna just blow your mind, the things I'm gonna do!  Did you see how I slinked right over that comment they made about that guy that's pretending to be our President, you know, about him being a Muslim and all?  Well, You know, and I know the answer to That one, but I could see they were trying to 'trap' me with that one, so just like any other pointed question where someone wants me to be specific, and give them lots of details about something, I just side stepped it like a brain damaged boxer.  They never even noticed!  People are simply Scared of me!  I bet the Queen and King of Canada are scared of me.  After all, why should I try and defend Obam, he's a big boy, let him defend himself, that is if he even Can.  So I'm not gonna say anything about him being a Muslim one way or the other.  You ask Him why he prays seven times a Me, I'm not even gonna mention it!   And now it looks like folks are wondering if I even 'like' Muslims.  Well, and you can write this down, and even quote me on it, I Love Muslims!  There!  I've Said it!  Here, I'll say it just one more time, I Love Muslims!  Did you get that?  That ought'a get me some Muslim voters.  Did I mention that I love Women too?  Yep!  And I love Men too, well not like That of course.  And, I like dogs, and cats, and gerbils, and little bitty babies...I know, I know, none of those critters can even Vote, but they know someone who Can.         And as far a those Muslims go, I'd even hire one or two Muslims to work in the White House, maybe if Obam is lookin' for a job after I move in, I'll hire Him.  Maybe he knows how to cook or something, he Sure don't know a thing about being a President!  And No, no way am I a racist!   For crying out loud, I have a Lot of South American people of Many races working for me all over the place!  I'm pretty sure I even have some Black folks that work for me. And a Lot of'em are Women!   I hope I've 'cleared' up any misconceptions that people may have about what I like or don't like.  As you can see, I'm a 'Master de-bater', I'm polite, and generous, and I don't make stupid faces, or call Idiots exactly what they Are.  I love People, even Stupid ones, and they love Me right back.  Vote for me, I'm gonna do stuff that'll make your head spin!'  BuddyBlack '                          

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