Sunday, September 6, 2015

Look! It's Me Again, Sara Palin!


Palin: Make Me Energy Secretary and I'll Close Department

Image: Palin: Make Me Energy Secretary and I'll Close Department (Newsmax File Photo)
By Greg Richter | Sunday, 06 Sep 2015 10:19 AM
  • Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin says she'd be happy to serve in a Donald Trump administration, but he wouldn't ever have to tell her, "Your fired" — she'd do it herself.

    Palin, in an interview aired Sunday on CNN's "State of the Union," said she'd like be energy secretary "'cause energy is my baby" in oil-rich Alaska.

    "If I were head of that, I would get rid of it and I would let the states start having more control over the lands that are within their boundaries, and the people who are affected by the developments within their states," Palin said. "It would be a short-term job but … it would be really great to have someone who knows energy, and is pro-responsible development to be in charge."

    Addressing President Barack Obama's name change of Mt. McKinley, the highest peak in North America, back to its native Alaskan name Denali last week, Palin admitted the issue is divisive even among Alaskans. She has a niece named McKinley and one named Denali, she said.

The name of the state park was changed long ago, Palin said, "so I thought that's good enough."

But the bigger deal, she said was how she felt Obama was wasting time on what appeared to be a "tourism jaunt," rather than focusing on the bigger issues.

"The Middle East is a tinderbox, our economy still sucks," she said.

Then there are the Russian energy claims and China's naval moves off Alaska's coast.

"How about while he was up here, he, as a president, carried a big stick, instead of a selfie stick?" she said.

Palin also said she'd like to see Ohio Gov. John Kasich support a ban in his state for women having abortions because they are carrying a baby with Down Syndrome.

As a mother of a child with Down Syndrome, Palin said she understands how mothers are frightenened they won't be able to properly raise a special needs child, but added that the benefits outweigh all those worries.

1 comment:

  1. 'Ohhhh Boy! Get those cameras rolling! It's Me again! Just when you thought, or at least hoped, I was lost in the wilderness, here I am Again in real life! Just got back from a Grizzly Bear hunt I did! Bagged one of the biggest brutes on record, and I got'em with my bare hands! And boyyyy was he a fighter! It was touch n go for a while there, he'd whack Me with those giant paws, and then I'd whack him back with my bare knuckles, finally I got'em in a 'Bare Palin Choke Hold' and choked that sucker out! Golleeee! I'm bad! And ya know what? My BFF Trump called me while I was fight'n that darn bear, and asked me to be the Energy Secretary of this here United States! I told him to hang on a sec while I put this darn bear to sleep! Well, of Course I'd just Love to be one of them! I'm qualified as all get out to do That job! Talk about Energy! Man, That's Me in a nutshell! Just ask that Bear about it! I got lots of Energy! I walk hundreds of miles everyday without even Thinking about it, and sometimes I knock off a few more just for fun! I don't know Anybody who can keep goin' like I do. I must have one of those innergizer batteries in my arse! I just keep goin'! I told my 'ol man just the other day, 'hubby, I got energy!' Hey, you know if I had that job, my Bff Trump would Never have to 'fire' me, shoot, I'd probably just bail out waaaay before that! Oh, and would ya just Look at all that Oil runnin' around up here in my State! Shoot, I own just about All of it! I'd give a lot of it to those poor starving folks down in the lower forty, and Then they'd owe me big time. Never can have too many 'friends' ya know. Oh, and about that Mountain name change thing..Ya know what, I thought that thing was down in Washington State til now :/ I always wondered why it Looked so Close! Oh well. Heck, who cares, it's just a big pile of Rocks anyhow, but now that I know it's Mine, I just love it to pieces. You wait, I'm gonna rename it, 'Palins Peak'! What else...Oh yeah..That middle east is a tinderbox! It's so hot n dry there, it's no wonder it's always catchin' on Fire! I'd send'em some bottled water to fix That. And about those darn Russkies..ya know, I can see'em from here. I'm gonna whittle a nice 'stick' for Obama so's he can wag it at people he don't like. Did I mention that I'm gonna do away with this new job? Yeah...I really don't Need it..and nobody Else does either. I say just let people do whatever they feel like doin'. You see how well it works up here dontcha? Well, gotta run now, gettin' ready for a barehanded Moose hunt. Energy? That's my middle name! Ok boys, Interview's Over, get off my property you bunch of good for nuthins..I'll be back, and Sooo will You.' ;) ;)
