Have the Residents, particularly the Clerks Of Courts, of the State of Kentucky absolutly Lost Their Minds!! Here is, in the form of Clerk Casey Davis, yet Another Religious Fanatical Clerk refusing to follow our Constitutional Law. I'm guessing that this fool is from the shallow end of the same gene pool as the other fool just released from jail. What is In the drinking water in this fine State? Surely there is a Majority of residents there who have the common sense to S...ee that these Clerks, who when taking Office Swore to uphold and abide by the Constitution, will not stand by shut eyed, and closed mouthed, and allow this illegal stonewalling to continue making their fine State the chuckle spot of America. The US Supreme Court has plainly Ruled that these Clerks shall issue marriage licenses..Period. Apparently Mr. Davis was not impressed with the ruling handed down to Clerk Kim Davis nor her incarceration due to her refusal to abide by the Constitutional Law, and who by the way has had her five minutes of 'fame', and so should now crawl back into the 1950's and oblivian. Now, Mr. Davis should also be on the receiving end of the Law just as soon as he actively refuses to comply. Right now he's just running his mouth pretending to be an 'emissary' of god, but as soon as he crosses that little legal 'line' there's plenty of room for him down at the 'local'. The Governor of Kentucky appears to be soft peddeling on calling for the legislature to special session to address and Fire these malcontents who are busy at disrupting local governmental functions. He probably Hopes that they will resign and be a non-issue, but anyone with a lick of sense knows that will not happen. As long as they profess that they are sent by jesus to do his work by proxy, and as long as they suffer no real pain from doing so, it will only pull more copycat religious fanatics out of the woodwork. By not addressing it, the Govenor becomes part of the problem, and they win by default. These anti constitution, religious fanatics will not just go away by ignoring them. Our Country Was, and Is built on Constitutional Law, Not 'gods law', whatever way they define That. Seperation of State and Church is a fact, not something that these malcontents think they have a right to ignore, and abuse. Wake Up Kentucky, fanatics are knocking and trying to get a 'foot' in your door. Will you Really allow the 'Fox' to be in charge of the 'henhouse'? :/ BuddyBlack.
Kentucky Clerk Casey Davis Ordered to Comply With Law on Gay Marriage
byAlastair Jamieson
A county clerk who refuses to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples for religious reasons said Thursday that Kentucky's governor had ordered him to do his job or quit.
Casey Davis, one of three clerks in the state who is not granting licenses, held a meeting with Gov. Steve Beshear after last month's ruling that upheld equal right to marriage across the country.
However, Beshear insisted clerks must carry out their duties and said the majority were "complying with the law" despite personal beliefs.
Casey County Clerk Casey Davis, center, speaks to the media with wife Christy at his side before meeting with Gov. Steve Beshear in Frankfort, Kentucky, on Thursday. Pablo Alcala / AP
"'Issue marriage licenses or resign' — those were the words," Davis told reporters after the meeting. "I can't quit … I have a mortgage to pay."
A YouTube video of two men being denied a marriage license in Rowan County by clerk Kim Davis has been viewed more than 1.5 million times.
Among Davis' supporters outside Thursday's meeting was a representative of the Family Foundation of Kentucky which has established a fund "for the legal defense of those who are targeted to have their religious liberty curtailed."
Gov. Beshear did not speak to reporters but issued a statement that said state officials "must recognize same-sex marriages as valid and allow them to take place."
The statement added: "One of Mr. Davis' duties as county court clerk is to issue marriage licenses, and the Supreme Court now says that the United States Constitution requires those marriage licenses to be issued regardless of gender."
"While there are two or three county court clerks still refusing to perform their duties, the rest of the county court clerks are complying with the law regardless of their personal beliefs," it said, warning: "The courts and the voters will deal appropriately with the rest."
Casey Davis told reporters that he would neither issue marriage licenses nor resign, according to NBC station WAVE. "Nature's law will supersede any law that man puts on a piece of paper," Davis said, according to the station. "My job cannot go beyond what my conscience allows."
Earlier this week, Davis proposed the automatic issue of marriage licenses online as a workaround so that clerks did not have to be involved.
"We bank online. We buy groceries online. ... We buy hunting and fishing licenses online. I think that we can buy marriage licenses online," he told The Associated Press. "And that relieves the 120 county clerks of this state."
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