Tuesday, September 8, 2015

We're Just Simple Folks

Mike Huckabee and Kim Davis’ overalls-clad husband get the Twitter treatment — and it’s hilarious

Mike Huckabee, Janet Huckabee, Kim Davis, Joe Davis - Twitter
The former Arkansas governor — who played no part in the anti-gay government worker’s release — grabbed a prime spot, escorting Davis out of jail with her lawyer, Mat Staver taking her other arm as Davis’ 4th — and 2nd — husband Joe trailed behind.

Standing before the famous segmented Ben Franklin snake poster with the admonition to “Join or die,” Huckabee and his wife Janet posed for a picture with Davis and her overalls-wearing husband which his campaign posted to Twitter. As might be expected Twitter commenters reacted to it with the derision and mockery that Twitter is known for.

1 comment:

  1. 'Well now, we're just simple folks. Yep, Just simple, god fearing, devil hating, moronically fanatically religious, homophobic queer hating zealots. And you know what, we're willing to do real stupid stuff just to prove that we are gods 'chosin ones'. You see, we don't believe in this dumba##ed 'Seperation of State and Church' hoax that our tyrannical illegal government has fostered! Yep, god discovered America and he rules it, Not our stupid government! Man's laws are not to be followed, nope, not by We whom god has chosen to rule this country of sinners, and heathens, and homo lovers. We make our Own Laws! Let me hear, 'Praise the lord'! This godless, so called 'Supreme Court' is Not Our Boss, Our boss is 'God's Court', and he has ruled that homos ain't gonna get married, and that's It! Man can 'make' all the 'laws' he wants to, but we fanatical christians don't have to obey them, and we'll go to jail before we do. Heck, we'll make those Sharia laws that ISIS rules by, look like a guide book for brownies! Our Government is gonna be ran by 'Christian laws', and we'll decide how this nation is ran. And Anyone who stands in our way will be sent straight to hellfire and brimstone! Already we got that fine politician running for President, Mike Huckabee, on our side. He's gonna be one fine President! With Him in Office, sinners don't stand a chance of a snowball in hell. He told me, 'Kimmy, god sent you here to end Tyranny that has run amuck in this sinners land'. Boy, he sure brought a lot of cameras and news crews with him! And all This, Just for Me?! We're gonna vote for Him for sure! Yep, we're just simple folks, why, look there at my hubby, all smilin' and happy in his Goodwill store overalls, and straw hat. He reminds me of that old reality show..what was it...ah...oh yeah, 'GreenAcres'. Just gives you goosebumps all over, don't it. Don'tcha just Love us to pieces?! Well, we're gonna fight that 'supreme Court' ruling, and we're gonna Win big. Then we're gonna put fanatical christians in All the Court Houses across the land, replace all those stupid sinner judges, and Sheriff's with god fearin' Christians who do gods work, Not 'man's work! Then we're gonna put Mr. Huchabee in the White House, and you better believe it's Gonna be Very 'White' indeed, if you Know what I 'Mean', and then we'll have a fanatical religious government that will follow 'gods' Laws. I already have a Long list of sinner Books that we're gonna Burn! We're gonna Save this sinner nation and put it back under gods wing, and bath it in the blood of the lamb! Praise the Lord! Oh, did I mention that I ain;t quitting my Clerks job! They're gonna have to spend Millions of sinner dollors to get Me outta there. I'm an Elected Official, and only by legislation can I be fired, not even that stupid sinner govener can get rid of Me, and believe Me, they don't have the gonads to even Think about it!! So you see, all we have to Do is elect thousands and thousands of us ultra religious fanatics, and pretty soon we'll control all of this sinner nation, and then we'll start cleaning house, if you get my 'meaning'. If you think it won't 'work', think again, just look at how much trouble just one person, ME, has already caused, imagine thousands of Us! Just makes Me warm allover. Praise the lord, and burn the Constitution!' Onward Christian Soldiers! :/
