Friday, September 11, 2015

Name Calling Politicians

   ' Alright now, you silly political Pleebs, knock it Off with the nasty Name calling already!  Im Bobby Jindal, the In Your face, savior of the grand State of confusio...err...Louisiana that is.  Yeah, I Know...I may or may not have called my good 'friend' Mr.Trump, an 'egomaniacal madman' the other day.  Is That on Video, or has some flunky newsguy just misquoated the jibbies outta me?  Well, If that's what I 'Said', the devil made me do it!  Yep, plain, and simple as That.  I defer to that guy down in hades for That one.  Oh, and Actually for Anything stupid I might blert in a moment of
'Passion' between now and the White House.  You know how it is, give a politician an Inch, and pretty sOOn they'll stick a Mile of it in their mealy Mouths and spew jibberish, or 'Jendalish', in My own case.  I actually love to pieces, All of the good people who are going to lose running against me.  I especially like that flaxin haired Mr.Trump.  And as for that meanie name I called him, I'm willing to change either the First part of it, orrr the Last part of it.  It's the old, 'can't have your Trump Pie and eat it too.  Now do you see why I'd make a great President?  That's because I'm willing to compromise!  It takes a real man to be able to do That little least for public consumption.  And I am your Man!   Politicians should be strong of charactor, steady of mind, have a firm handshake, always carry a 'reverse' gear just in case you get cornered, have Real hair, contrary to 'someone' we all know too well, and out of respect I won't Mention his name but his Initials are T R U M P, never tell a big fat lie, the smaller the more forgettable, and if you 'think' I have Ever told a big fat one, just show me the Video, annnd...oh yeah right, and nowww Now being a fanatical Religious nut doesn't hurt.  I pretty much have all that covered all right!  hey did you hear Trump say that Carley is too ugly to be President?  What was he Thinking!?  I would Never say That about someone, even if in This particular case it's true as a lasor beam.  Whew!  It must run in her family!  And how about that Clinton dragging Walker real slowley over the coals!  Ouch, I know That one hurt!  And Then that chatterbox Limbaugh told Obama to get back on the issues, as if Limbaugh knows the first thing about Any 'Issue'.  His only 'issue' if Himself!  And how about that Ben guy?   Is That His picture on the box of Rice?   Pretty clever if you ask Me.  I should'a thought of That one.  Maybe I could get a water buffalo named after me!  You might notice that no one is picking on Me.  That's because I am flamboyant without the 'Flam', Mild mannered with a big stick in my pocket, soft spoken, barely heard, and best not seen, Me.  It's All about Me, me, me, and don't You, you, you, forget it! Now don't force me to get name calling nasty here!'  Vote for Me, and if you Don' you Really want to chance that one?    :/   
A Week of Insults as Candidates Turn Nasty and Personal Photo    Gov. Bobby Jindal of Louisiana said Thursday that Donald Trump was anGov. Bobby Jindal of Louisiana said Thursday that Donald Trump was an egomaniacal madman who has no principles and risked costing the party its chance to regain the White House.Credit Molly Riley/Associated Press
When Republican presidential candidates gather in California for their second debate next week, it could be a little awkward. The ability to deliver a well-crafted political insult is a necessary skill when it comes to running for office, but this week the zingers have rapidly zagged from the political to the personal to the nasty.

In 2008, then-Senator Barack Obama was criticized for being overly harsh when he said with a smirk that Hillary Rodham Clinton, his opponent for the Democratic nomination, was likable enough. Such a jab seems like a pat on the back compared to the verbal fisticuffs displayed by this years crop of Republican hopefuls, in large part thanks to the emergence of Donald J. Trump.

In an interview published Wednesday, Mr. Trump suggested that Carly Fiorina was too ugly to be president. Look at that face! Trump told Rolling Stone magazine as Ms. Fiorina appeared on TV. Would anyone vote for that? Can you imagine that, the face of our next president. He later said that he was talking about her persona.

Mr. Trump also unloaded on Ben Carson, the retired neurosurgeon who is gaining on him in several polls. On Wednesday, Mr. Carson said that Mr. Trump did not appear to be humble enough to a God-fearing Christian. Mr. Trump responded by suggesting that Mr. Carson was an O.K. doctor had no business running for president and, slamming him and Jeb Bush at the same time, claimed that Mr. Carson made Mr. Bush look like the Energizer bunny.

Looking to jump into the fray, and perhaps get some much needed publicity, Gov. Bobby Jindal of Louisiana delivered the toughest attack on Mr. Trump to date. In a speech to the National Press Club, Mr. Jindal called Mr. Trump a narcissist and an egomaniacal madman who had no principles. For good measure, he later went on CBS and said that Mr. Trumps hairstyle looks like a squirrel is sitting on his head.

Meanwhile, Mrs. Clinton, who has avoided criticizing her Democratic opponents, was happy to mock Gov. Scott Walker, the Wisconsin Republican, this week. In a speech in his home state, she raised questions about his leadership and his choice of transportation and implied that his macho image was just an act.

Governor Walker thinks because he busts unions, starves universities, guts public education, demeans women, scapegoats teachers, nurses and firefighters, he is some kind of tough guy on his motorcycle ” a real leader, she said.

Firing back on Twitter, Mr. Walker pointed to Mrs. Clintons affinity for the high life.

Although this weeks exchanges might seem mean, they are far from unprecedented.

A young Theodore Roosevelt once called former President Benjamin Harrison a cold-blooded, narrow-minded, prejudiced, obstinate, timid, old psalm-singing Indianapolis politician.

When Gerald Ford faced off against Ronald Reagan for the Republican presidential nomination in 1976, he made Mr. Reagans hair color a campaign issue, saying, Ronald Reagan does dye his hair,  just prematurely orange.

And in 1988, Ann Richards delivered a stinging blow to George H. W. Bush, then the nominee of the Republican Party, when she said during the Democratic convention, Poor George, he cant help it; he was born with a silver foot in his mouth.

Political insults can sometimes backfire, and there were signs this week that Mr. Trump might be taking things too far. The conservative talk-radio host Rush Limbaugh, who has praised Mr. Trumps moxie, suggested that Mr. Trump should get back to the issues. Some callers to the show suggested that the billionaire developer was starting to sound like a schoolyard bully.

But Mr. Trump, the author of a book entitled The Art of the Comeback, has so far shown little interest in tempering his responses.

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