Sunday, September 13, 2015

Rand Pauls Big Wet Tears

   ' WaaaaaaWaaaa..Oh, are we on the Air?...Be sure to erase that First part there guys.  Hey there American Voters, this is your next President Rand Paul!  Geez!  How in the world did I Ever get that Name?  Gotta check with my parents on That one.  You know, when I frst decided to 'run', well it's turned into more of a 'walk' than a 'run',  I promised myself and Every voter out there that I was gonna run a civil campaign, and not bad mouth anyone, call people bad know, sorta like Clark Kent would'a done, just be a Nice guy but kick butt if I needed to!  And I thought Everyone Else promised to abide by that simple little 'rule' of being 'nice'.  Wellll...That was a Dream huh?  Whaaaaat Was I Thinkin'!?  Holy Cows, I stepped in a yellow jackets nest one time, got stung over a thousand times, swelled up like a beach party ball, and felt better than This!  And I tell you, it's just not Fair!  Not Fair At All!  I've been playing Fair!  Now why can't the rest of'em??  Don't make me take my 'gloves' off! You don't wanna see me in my Super Hero tights!  I'm baaaad to the bone I tell ya!  Bad! B A D, bad!  Just look at that Perry guy, man, he owned the whole State of Texass!  That ain't fair! And how about Jindal, he owns Louisiana...well, actually there's No one else that Wants to own that place, but it still ain't Fair!  Bush owns Florida, Christie owns New Jersey!  I own a chair in the Senate, shoot I don't even own Kentucky for cryin' out loud!  I Do own some nice Suits though.  Now I'm not known as a 'whiner', and I don't mind playing with those guys even though they Do bad mouth me relentlessly, but I Do have a whine about that T.V. Actor whose name I will only say in lower case, donald trump.  Good Grief already!  He's not a Politician!  He can't even Spell the Word without 'spellcheck'!  He wouldn't even be able to find Washington DC without a Map and GPS!  He needs GPS just to figure out his Butt from a hole in the ground!  The only 'Platform' he stands on is the one he 'stands on' when he's blabbering into a micrphone!  He's an Actor, annnd he's a silly 'reality' Star!  I bet he has his Own TV Crew!  How fair is That??  Whoooo, I ask you,  has a blink of a chance against a 'reality' Star!?   'Reality'?  Why, he wouldn't know 'Reality' if it latched onto his rearend!  Now like I said, I'm Not a Whiner, in fact I look in the mirror Every morning and all I See is Me, not even a Hint of a whiner, annnd like I also said, I don't badmouth my opponents, That's just not me as you already Know..but GeeeeWhizzz it ain't fair, it just ain't Fairrrrrrr..Waaaaaa..Oh turn that stupid camera off you guys...waaaaaa...'.   BuddyBlack.      

Twitter Hammers Rand Paul

Perhaps frustrated by his own lagging numbers in the polls, Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul (R) took to Twitter on Friday afternoon to lament the departure of former Texas Gov. Rick Perry from the 2016 presidential field while questioning the tastes and preferences of the GOP base.
Perry’s support in the polls flat-lined causing fundraising to dry up as the former Texas governor was unable to shake the memory of his 2012 run that caused him to be viewed as an intellectual lightweight after his disastrous debate performances. Relegated to the “kids table” portion of the GOP debates and scarcely able to pay his staffers, Perry mercifully pulled the plug on his campaign on Friday saying he had “no regrets.”
Perry’s departure brought out the angst in fellow presidential aspirant Paul, who has seen his own campaign stall out as billionaire businessman Donald Trump has sucked all of the air out of the room with his blustery statements and insults aimed at his rivals.
After Perry’s announcement broke, Paul tweeted; “What does it say about GOP when a 3 & half term Gov w/ a successful record of creating jobs bows out as a reality star leads in the polls?”
Followers and critics of Paul on Twitter were quick to respond in ways that were both hilarious and brutal as they attacked the senator, his party, and his perceived whine that life is not fair.

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