Friday, September 4, 2015

North Korea Turns Back Clocks and Establishes New Timezone Out of Spite

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August 15th marks the the 70th anniversary of Korea’s liberation from Japanese rule. North Korea plans on celebrating "Liberation of Fatherland Day," as they call it, in a style that is uniquely their own. Officials in Pyongyang said on Friday that it will be turning its clocks back half an hour and establishing its own timezone. North Korea has shared a timezone with Japan since 1910, the beginning of the country's period of rule over them. Soon, North Korea will switch back from GMT +9 to +8.30.
“The wicked Japanese imperialists committed such unpardonable crimes as depriving Korea of even its standard time while mercilessly trampling down its land with 5,000-year-long history and culture and pursuing the unheard-of policy of obliterating the Korean nation,” the dispatch from North Korea's central news agency, KCNA, said.
Meanwhile, South Korea is content with its timezone and continues to use it because it is perfectly practical. There is concern that the time switch will cause technical problems for the jointly run industrial park at North Korea's border city Kaesong, and this switch may further drive a wedge between North and South Korean culture.
[h/t: The Guardian]

1 comment:

  1. 'Awwww...come on peeps, I'm Not half as bad as I seem to be. Surrrrre...I let my own Country starve to death while I, myself , dine on the best that money can buy. And hey!, look at this little belly of mine, can't see My ribs, can you now? Oh, and that little execution of my Defense Minister with that awfully loud anti aircraft gun.....well, it was the only thing we had bullets for, but dang!, That was a sight to lay eyes on! Gotta do That little trick Again...just waiting for a close relative, and you know who you Are, to screw up, and Ka-Bam!! I really have a blast, no pun intended, being a Dictator, and owning all those stupid peasants. I make up all kinds of dumba$$ed rules that scares the geebies outta the rest of the world. And just to show that North Korea can never catch up with the rest of this lame planet, I hereby proclaim that all clocks, except Mine of course, be turned back one half hour. This will ensure that everyone will always be late for meetings that I call for, thereby providing more 'cannon fodder' for our ever popular Monday morning Executions. And remember, Elections are coming up soon, so check your watches, you wouldn't wanna be 'late' for That one. :/
