Saturday, September 5, 2015


Odell Beckham Jr. Autograph Session Makes Giants Training Camp Bleachers Buckle

Odell Beckham Jr. Autograph Session Makes Giants Training Camp Bleachers Buckle
Getty Images
According to's Dan Graziano, a huge rush of fans to OBJ's autograph session caused bleachers to buckle. The organization released a statement afterward making it clear that nobody was injured:
A portion of a bleacher shifted during the autograph session following training camp practice today. According to Seating Solutions, the supplier of the bleachers, the shift was caused due to an unexpected surge in spectators. There were no injuries reported as a result of that incident, and the fans were immediately removed from the area.
Per Graziano, the situation has prompted the Giants to move future autograph signings to a different area and limit them to children 12 years of age and younger.
Tom Rock of Newsday, who was on hand Friday, witnessed several unnerving incidents amid the chaos, including a woman nearly getting trampled:

Beckham has all the makings of a perennial All-Pro receiver after catching 91 passes for 1,305 yards and 12 touchdowns as a rookie last season. Because of that, it comes as little surprise that his fans were excited to see him.
That excitement quickly crossed the line, though, and turned what should have been a fun family outing for many into what sounds like a nightmare.
Changing the location and limiting the number of people who get access to autograph sessions are the right moves to ensure the safety of the players and fans.

1 comment:

  1. 'People, people, People...Please! Listen to me, the greatest carrot top football player of all time, Me your hero, Me, who's jerseys, shoes, sock, jockstraps and dirty underwear that you brain damaged fans will buy up by the shiploads, or at least as fast as China can manufactor this crap, Me, who is more famous than jesus, and not a little rich, as I beg you to please use your common sense as you surge towards me for my wonderful autograph, to carefully step Around those others of you who have lost their footing and fallen to the ground under your crushing greedy feet. But do Not let those unfortunate fOOls delay you in your quest to bolster my ego and selfworth beyond my wildest dreams. For without you and your sOOn lost money, but Not lost to Me, haha, I would be just another nobody. Oh, could someone please drag that lady out of the way there..ohhhh...I love Me just as much as All of you do! I'm Soooo rich and famous! And wonderful..and pretty..oh, annnnd humble as apple pie!' :/
