Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Pillow Fight

Good Grief guys! Are you a bunch of woosie Girls? A Pillow Fight??? A PILLOW fight!? 'Now here This..., now hear this... everyone With, or Without 'gonads' will fall out onto the parade grounds with your most favorite Pillows for our, as always, Fun, Fun, Fun, Pillow 'fight'. Now remember, leave your Bats, bricks, chains, and brass knuckles in your Dorms. No knives, and Please, No guns! Yo...u must remember the rules of 'PillowFighting'; no whacking above the shoulders or below the belt, before you 'swing' you must say 'Mother May I', your 'Safe' word is 'Ouch', do Not continue whacking if your 'whackee' yells 'ouch', no dirty fighting, and absolutely No 'stuffing' your pillows with things like...oh let's see..ahhh..oh yeah, bricks, rocks, shoes, soap bars, marbles, apples..well, in general, nothing harder than marsh mellows. Oh, and another thing...don't swing your silly pillows like a Girl! Remember, you are Men amongst Men, swing with some authority, swing it like you Mean it, swing it like Men. One day you will be World Leaders, Military Commanders, and you will owe it all to this grueling contest. Now, get at it, remember, no head whacking!  ;) ;)


30 hurt as traditional pillow fight at West Point turns rough

Story highlights

30 first-year students were injured in mass pillow fight held August 20 at West Point
  • The pillow fight is designed to allow students to blow off steam, West Point superintendent says
(CNN)West Point thrives on tradition, including a mass pillow fight held on campus to give first-year students a chance to blow off steam after a "tough first summer" of basic training, academy Superintendent Lt. Gen. Robert L. Caslen Jr. said in a statement.
But the pillow fight held August 20 got rough, with 30 members of the class of 2019 requiring medical attention and 24 suffering concussions, Caslen said in a statement.
Other injuries included a broken nose, a dislocated shoulder, and a hairline fracture of a cheekbone, he said. All the students have returned to duty.
Caslen didn't say how the injuries occurred but that an investigation has been started.
The New York Times, which broke the story, reported some plebes swung pillow cases containing hard objects.
A video posted on YouTube showed several hundred students pouring into a courtyard and swinging pillowcases in a disorganized manner.
"While these spirit events do occur, we never condone any activity that results in intentional harm to a teammate," he said. " Although the vast majority of the class appears to have maintained the spirit of the event; it is apparent that a few did not."
Medical personnel will follow up with the injured students, he said.
Caslen also said he takes full responsibility for the pillow fight. "We remain committed to the development of leaders of character. We will continue our investigation, ensure accountability, and reinforce with the Corps that we must all take care of our teammates."

Birthday Girl

' OMG, I said OMG!! Whaaaaat is the Big Deal here?? I mean Come On People, Stop it already! Gawd, now I know how Jesus felt! Talk about persecution! All I did, and not unlike I usually Doooo, was to buy a little 'powder' for my wonderful daughters Nose! These stupid cops are like retarded nose pickers, they just keep on picking on me, and you know that sOOner or later they're gonna get Lu...cky and catch me with a bugger or Something and try and make me lOOk like Duh! I mean, come onnnn...It's not like I ran over a puppy or somethin'! Welll...alright... I Have done That one before, and Who hasn't, but there's No video of it so that means it Really didn't happen...right? After all, all I bought was Six Little Grams of that yummy stuff! Six grams People! Geez! That's not even enough to fill One Nose for cryin' out loud! One little snort, and it's Gone baby! Gone! And, I was gonna make absolutly certain that my daughter who I love and care for more than Anything on Earth, was gonna use every bit of it for herself, and not share it with Anyone Else at her party. You know how it Is at those private coke parties, give somebody one little 'hit' and next thing you know they're buzzing around you like flys on dog pOOp. This is the best way to really bond with your children ya know. When you buy them some really Good clean drugs from reputable dealers, not some scum bag street pusher, your kids will know just how much ya love'em! It's called respect! I'm glad that Judge let me off easy Again. Dumba##! Fooled the stupid right outta Him I did! He didn't even Blink when he found out about all those Other drug arrests I've had. I promised him I'd be a gOOd girl, and he said, Yes, I bet you Are! Hook, line, and sinker I tell ya! Yeah, and I take 'care' of my 'granny' and that Other kid of mine just about as well as I do 'birthday' girl. I lOOk forward to doing 'Community Service' because I plan on 'servicing' a Lot down at the local drug 'rehab' center. I know All the dealers down There! By the waaaay...who made these silly 'drug possession' laws in the First place? Oppps..daughters got a nosebleed, gotta run now,call me if ya have any gOOd 'blow'!'  :/ :/ BuddyBlack



Mom Who Bought Cocaine For Daughter's 18th Birthday Present Stays Out Of Jail

a pile of cocaine
A British mother who bought $460 worth of cocaine for her daughter's 18th birthday has avoided jail for now.
In January, police raided 37-year-old Nicola Austen's home in Kent, England, where a drug-sniffing dog found nearly 6 grams of cocaine stashed in the woman's bedroom window, reports Softpedia.
In court, Austen admitted to possessing the cocaine and explained that she had bought it as a birthday gift for her daughter, in the hopes that it would help the two bond and enjoy their special night.
"They were going to London in a limousine, and she wanted to ensure they had a good time," prosecutor Craig Evans said.
The judge believed Austen when she said that she did not plan to distribute the drugs more widely. He gave the mother of three a sentence of nine months in jail, suspended for a year. She must also complete 250 hours of unpaid work.
"That is meant to be an onerous requirement which, no doubt, you will find difficulty in fulfilling," the judge said, according to the Daily Mail.
Defense attorney Danny Moore told the court that if they jailed Austen, there would be a negative effect on her 14-year-old son and her elderly grandmother, both of whom she cares for.
"It is to her great shame she finds herself in court," Moore added. "She appeared to have left this sort of thing behind."
The partying mom, who showed up to court with a packed bag, has six previous convictions, including some for drug possession.
Austen, who lives with her husband, son and daughter, as well as her daughter's partner and son, is tired of all the negative attention she has received from this case.
"It’s all been blown out of proportion," she said. "I’ve had enough. It isn’t exactly the scoop of the century, is it? It was a party."

I Met The Pope....Really!

     'OMG! And I mean that in a respectfully very religious manner Jesus, but did you see That? OMG, I Met the Pope! Me, little ol' insignificant country bumpkin Me! Imagine That! And you know what? Shoot, I never even saw it coming. One minute I'm just a plain Jane, sittin' here mindin' my own beeswax, not bothering Anybody, just bein' my own selfless ultra religious, Jesus lovin', Homophobic self, and the Next, Mr Pope calls and wants to see Me, Me, Me, Me! And believe you Me..., I'm All about Me! Of course I had to drag my hokie husband along with me but that's just part of being famous I reckon. I did tell him to ditch those yahoo overalls though! Now, How did his Highnass even Know about Me in the first place, I asked no one in particular. I guess he just keeps up on the most important American news, and boy I've been all over the News for sure, and of course I Am Important. You know, I've been thinkin' about running for some political office. That nice Mr Huckabee told me to stay Out of politics but I know why he said that. He's afraid that I'll win, and he'll be out lookin' for a job. Did you see how he had the gonads to take credit for springin' me outta that hell hole of a prison? The Nerve! He's just about on my 'poop' list I tell ya! Of course he Did get me some good Press though. I bet I can get more votes than he could Ever even Dream about. I could even get more than Jesus! Those sin filled, devil lovin' homos won't get married on My watch!
I tell ya, I been blessed by the big cheese! Of course I Did have to
wash his stinky feet, those Catholics sure have some weird 'ways', to get that blessing, I wonder which God they worship, but I'm on my way to being Rich And famous. Watch out heathen America, you ain't heard the last of Me, Me, Me. Did I mention ME?  :/ :/  BuddyBlack

(CNN)Kim Davis, the Kentucky clerk who spent six days in jail for refusing to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples, met privately with Pope Francis last week, adding a surprising twist to his first visit to the United States.
The meeting came Thursday at the Vatican Embassy in Washington, according to a statement on the Liberty Counsel website.
Mat Staver, a lawyer for Davis, said the session lasted 10 minutes and was just between the Pope, his client and her husband. He said pictures were taken and will be released at some point.
Pope Francis and Kim Davis
"I was humbled to meet Pope Francis. Of all people, why me?" Davis said in the statement.
"Pope Francis was kind, genuinely caring, and very personable. He even asked me to pray for him. Pope Francis thanked me for my courage and told me to 'stay strong.' "
Staver, who didn't attend the meeting, said the Pope hugged Davis and gave her and her husband each a rosary, which she in turn gave to her parents.
The Vatican had little to say about the meeting.
"I don't deny that the meeting took place," said the Rev. Federico Lombardi, "but I have no comment to add."
The meeting added a partisan wrinkle to Pope Francis' trip last week.
While he strongly defended religious freedom in speeches at the White House, Congress and Philadelphia's Independence Mall, Francis avoided taking public stances on particular political issues.
Davis, meanwhile, personifies religious conservatives' concerns about the enforcement of nondiscrimination laws.
GOP candidate Mike Huckabee cheered news of the meeting, saying that it amounted to an implicit endorsement of Davis.
The White House was asked about the meeting and said one's religious belief doesn't trump the law.
"Our religion freedom doesn't grant us the freedom to deny our fellow Americans their constitutional rights," press secretary Josh Earnest said. "Our position about ... Ms. Davis is quite clear; that the President believes strongly in the rule of law, and that's a principle that applies to those who are engaged in public service, starting at the level of the president of the United States, but even going down all the way to the level of the Rowan County clerk in Kentucky."

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Huckabee V Homosexual 'Rainbow Chips'

'May the Saints have mercy, and save us All! Have you Seen what Frito-Lay has done to my Favorite Chips!!? For crying out loud people, What Were They THINKING??
How Dare they turn these yummy finger lickin chips Gay!! Who in the world is gonna want to Eat these things Now? They might as well call them 'Closet Chips' now! Rainbow my Butt! Chips are supposed to be...welll...'Chip' Coloured, not homosexual coloured! These things are Not gonna sell, I'm promising you That right now, or my names not Mike Huckabee. Nobody in their 'straight' mind is gonna walk up to the sales counter with an Armfull of Gay Chips! 'Will that be All Sir, how about some condomes for your 'friends'?' If Jesus finds out about this there's gonna be hell to pay! And unless Frito Lay pulls these anti Christian chips off the market, I'll be the first to tell him! I'm calling on all good Christians to stop buying these sin filled homo chips, and to stop drinking Pepsi Cola, and anything else they make until they stop selling these vulgar homosexual-themed chips. Goodness only knows what they Taste like! I can assure you that I, myself have Not tried one, and I'm not going to. I've already called the Pope and he assures me that None of his priests will be eating these things, and there will be No sales of them in the Vatican. Good Lord, if they get away with This, what's Next? What'll they do to Hot Dogs, and Banana's, and...who knows what else! Are they gonna come out in Homosexual Rainbow Colours?? Stop it Frito Lay! You're killing my favorite foods! If Jesus meant for food to be Gay, he would have already made it in different colours! I won't let you get away with This! You bunch of meanies you! I'm not just running for President of this here Christian based USA, but I am also sent here by God to be His spokesperson...that's right, you heard me correctly, God sent me here to speak for Him, and clean up America by cleansing our Government of all heathon non-believers and installing Gods Laws, and throwing out these silly sinful 'Constitutional' laws that suck the life out of our churches rights to do anything we dam well please. And I'm also gonna institute an arm of our new Christian Government called the 'Food Police'. Coloured Food will be banned! You Sinners better look out! And that means You sinners at Frito Lay. Repent! It's not too late! I want my Chips back doggone it all!  :/ :/  BuddyBlack



Huckabee Rips Frito-Lay for 'Doritos Rainbows' Promotion

Image: Huckabee Rips Frito-Lay for 'Doritos Rainbows' Promotion

By Joe Schaeffer | Monday, 28 Sep 2015 05:17 PM

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

'Trump' Card

Trump Card

Once upon a time not too long ago, in the land of 'Are We There Yet', there lived a strange little man, known here after as 'DT',who's name will go unmentioned, but whose initials are 'Donald Trump'. Now, little DT was born with a silver spoon in his yappy mouth, and with the help of his father, and through wile and gile he rose up through the ranks of the rich and famous until he floated right to the top of the 'pile' where he was now able to conduct himself just any ol' way he pleased. One day, someone told him that he needed more attention from the public at large, and suggested that if he did something 'crazy,' like become a TV celebrety he would then be known and loved far and wide. Ever in the need of attention he jumped on that bandwagon and charged ahead. His 'hair stylist' recommended the latest in hair fashion which he called the 'FlipDoo', and that style caught on like wildfire and became the rage. Mothers would bring their fresh born and lay them at DT's feet so that his charisma and good looks would somehow be bestowed upon their babes. And so it was that DT became famous, and world renowned with TV shows like the Miss USA pagent, Miss Universe, The Apprentice, and even, The Celebrity Apprentice, and he became 'famous' for blurtting out 'You're Fired'. DT amassed many notable BFF's along the way, some of which he elevated to Hero status such as that basketball bouncer guy Dennis Rodman, who by the way is also BFF's with the Dictator of that wonderfully touristy country of North Korea. Now after DT's twenty minutes of fame, or Infamy, with his glamorous made for TV 'reality' shows, somehow he had the idea that he could get even More attention if he just happens to be the President of the USA. 'Me, Me, Me,' he said to no one in particular. 'I've got more money than Jesus, and If I have to spend every copper cent of it I'll buy my way into the White House come hell or high water', he said to anyone still foolish enough to still be around at the time. And so he started spending that money! Some are pretty sure that he had a lot less than he bragged about, but a lot more than anyone else had as well. This might count towards his common sense, or lack of same, as well. Now, not being a 'politician', yet, DT had no clue that the enemies he makes Now, will still be there if he's Ever, heavens forbid, elected. Yes, he was without a doubt...wellll maybe a 'Few' doubts, a great business man, and money maker extraodinar. But along the way to fame and fortune little DT lost, or more likely never Knew, the art of 'Peopleship', and he most often let his lips spew awkward spells on those around him. His motto was, 'If my brain Thinks it, my lips will Say it'. And so it was that little DT threw his bonnet into the 'Ring of Death' and started his bid for the White House. Yet, having lived in a fantasy world all of his life, he had no clue as to how the 'regular' folks lived or thought, or how the rest of the World functioned. But he made up for this deficit by maximum bluster, unheralded pontification, backpeddeling, masterful avoidance, round-about run-arounds, steering clear of important issues, and BS that would make a barn full of Bulls smell like a rose garden. But 'run' he did, mostly from issues of current National and World affairs. Pestered he was by reporters and politicians alike, all trying to get a qualified, and quantified answer about this or that from little DT, but all failed miserably to hear Anything of substance from his fluttering lips. They all staggered away, heads hung low, legs wobbly, tears falling like autumn leaves, wringing their hands and wondering WTF had they just witnessed. Little DT knew little of world affairs or what the Real needs of his potential voters were, but he knew that if he spewed the words they all wanted to hear he would get their vote. He even, through clinched teeth, claimed that he 'loves women'. And so he promised extraordinary 'things', even things he Knew would be Impossible to make happen, and on he ran. People Knew that he possessed magic after they heard him say things like ' Why, I'll do things that'll make your heads spin', 'You won't believe the things I can do'. Being able to do Those sorts of things surely meant that he was magical and could do otherworldly things. And so millions of disenchanted voters who's lives were void of magic, flocked to be near their new Messiah, and they clapped their hands, and moved their lips in approval of his empty words, his bombastic rhetoric, Never had they stood in such awe of another being who Said what they all 'thought', how could he Read their 'minds' so, they wondered. But, 'wondering' was as Far as they 'wondered', because little DT was fast of lips, and quicker than a dragonfly he flitted from one grandiose Nation Saving promise to the next. 'Substance' was Not in the empty calorie diet he would feed his 'captives'. And so it was etched in the annals of time that little DT wooed and wow'd as he skipped about his fiefdom, and even those who did not love him 'thought' they did, and those that Did sometimes wondered 'Why' they did, but none 'wondered' quite enough to see the folly of it all. And Then, after all was said and done, and there was nothing else to say, and do, the dreams of 'some' came true, and the nightmares of others became real, as little DT became President of the USA. Across the land far, and wide, could be heard happy voices, and gnashing of teeth, wringing of sweaty hands, shuffling of feet, shouts of WTF just happened? The religious 'Left' stomped their feet and slapped one another with their bibles in approval, the 'Right' flogged themselves in disbelief, the homophobic came out of their closets and cheered heartidly, the 'illegals' clogged the border crossings, the 'Birthers'...well, they did what all good 'birthers' do, they simply doubted. The Earth continued to revolve around the Sun, but in a sorta..strange and discombobulated woobly fashion. Such was 'life' on Earth after the great 'awakening'. The moral of this story is thus; Be careful what you 'wish' for, because you just 'might' get it.  ;) ;)

Sunday, September 20, 2015

Another Violent High School Football Thug

'Ok, peeps got this all wrong already, stop badmouthin' me, Stop It! Here's what happened, and I 'promise on my Mother's eyes it's the Truth. You see, that fool cracker had been callin' me the 'N' word all day long, annnnd he had been, according to my mommy he had been 'spearing' me right in my belly with his helmet. Now That Hurts! And it hurts my feelings because That's not professiona...l like I, myself, am. Well, somehow during tje game we 'accidentally' bumped into one another. Gosh, I didn't even realize it was Him until after the game. Anyway, I quickly saw that my opponent, my good friend by the way, was in the process of tumbling forward, fearing for his immediate safety, as I did Not wish for him to strike his head on the hard, ground and risk a possible concussion, and so I reached out for him trying to slow his forward momentum. Somehow, my hand became tangled up in his helmet which sadly then slipped off his head. In my hast to save my friend from a potential head injury, I attempted to put his helmet back on his now dangerously exposed head but due to his, and my Own forward momentum, I accidentally brushed the side of his head with the helmet, and luckily causing only a tiny scrape on his new helmet. If Everyone would bother watching the video clip you would see that I speak very truthfully. I never lie, just ask my mother! I'm quite sad about this trivial accident, and I look forward to getting back in the game and hopefully 'Saving' another players life.'  :/ :/  BuddyBlack


High School Football Player Hits Opponent In The Head With Helmet (Video)

Fritz Moncion, Linden High School
The New Jersey High School football player who removed his opponents helmet on the field and then hit him on the head with it has been taken off the team and his actions are under investigation.
Linden High School defensive lineman Fritz Moncion, 18, was caught on video at their game Sept. 11 removing the helmet of an Immaculata High School defensive tackle during a play, and then hitting him with it in the head before throwing it aside (video below).
Anita McDuffy, Moncion’s mother, claims it was all an accident, reports The Daily Mail. She also noted that the defensive tackle had been calling her son the n-word.
“He really is apologetic about this. He said his hand got stuck in the helmet. I believe in my child,” McDuffy said. “If it was so bad, which it was a bad incident, they should have taken him out of the game. They allowed him to play the third and fourth quarter. He apologized to the student.”
Moncion was penalized during the game for unsportsmanlike conduct but because the referee did not see the hit, which took place away from the play, he was not removed from the game.
According to family friend Dondi Givens, Moncion had complained to the referee during the game that the Immaculata High School player had been spearing him, or driving head first with his helmet.
It was the spearing that upset Moncion on the field, and not the alleged use of the n-word.
“Things like this happen in football,” Salaam Israel, Director of the Elizabeth-based United Youth Council, said. “He didn't go up to hurt this kid. They were two bulls tangling.”
The injured player went to a local hospital where he received ten stitches for his wound.
The video was brought to the attention of Linden school officials, the Linden police department, and the NJSIAA, reports NBC New York.
"Once we reviewed the videotape, we felt it necessary to contact Linden officials, who in turn have been very cooperative and apologetic,” Immaculata High School's Athletic Director, Thomas Gambino, said.
Linden’s Superintendent, Danny Robertozzi, said Moncion has been removed from the football team due to his behavior and the Board of Education is "pursuing the severest disciplinary measures permitted under law.”
"The brutal action taken by this young man is simply unacceptable and will not be condoned," Robertozzi’s statement continued.

Hey, My Son's A Better Shot Than That!

    ' Yeah, That's what I Said!  Those stupid police are 'Grasping At Straws', whatever That means.  I mean, come On, just because my boy supposedly 'pawned' a gun that ballistic testing 'proves' was used in four of those 'no big deal' Freeway shootings, afterall nobody got Hurt, does Not mean that he did those shootings.  Hey, I should Know!  I taught my Son how to shoot!  There's No Way he would Miss If he Were to shoot at a car, and I'm not sayin' that he Did.   Man, a Car is really Easy to hit...just lead it...wait..Pow!  Annnnd, I have always told him that, If, and I'm not sayin' he Did, he uses a gun in some sort of 'crime', and I'm not sayin' he Did, to get rid of that 'hot iron' so's it can't be traced back to ya.  Never Pawn the darn thing!  Who the heck with half a brain does That??  Who could Ever be That dumb!?  Not my Boy!  I've taught him better than That!  We all know that he just found that gun layin' in the street, and he not wanting it to fall into some innocent childs hands where someone would accidently get shot all up, he quickly ran down to the Pawn Shop and 'unloaded' it.  Heck, there's no telling how many lives he saved by doin' That!  He should get some sort of Hero Medal!  But Noooo...just because those coppers can't detect their own nose's on the end of their stupid faces, they go and pin it on Him!  How easy is That!?  I believe everything my son tells me, 'cause He believes everything I tell Him.  Thats called 'respect'!  Something cops don't know squat about!  Our whole family Loves Guns, afterall without Guns, we'd have a hard time making ends meet.  So that makes us Pro Guns, and the cops don't like us for that.  And you know what ELSE?  We are an Anti-Criminal family.  We hate criminals!  Yeah, I know what you're Thinking, lOOks like we stay busy Hating Each Other, but we still respect each other at the same time.  My boy is a 'stay at home Dad', he knows how to 'stand up, and he loves his children, and he teaches Them stuff that I taught Him.  You won't see Them getting caught doin' dumb stuff.  I ain't raised no fOOls!  I myself learned the hard way. Yeah, I got caught a bunch of times doin' dumb things with guns, stealing things, bad checks, little stuff like That.  But I was a quick learner, and Now I don't get caught Much at all.  That's why I know my boy is innocent as the day is long, he knows way better that to screw up and get caught at something, 'cause I taught him Everything I know!  Let my little boy go, he's a Hero!  :/ :/   BuddyBlack  

Father of Arizona Freeway Shootings Suspect Says Police 'Grasping at Straws'

PHOTO: Leslie Allen Merritt was booked in Maricopa County, Arizona, Sept. 19, 2015. PlayMaricopa County Sheriff's Office
Leslie Allen Merrit Jr. Allegedly Connected to 4 Arizona Highway Shootings

The 21-year-old man arrested in connection with a string of shootings on Interstate 10 in the Phoenix area had nothing to do with the alleged crimes, his father told ABC News.
Leslie Merritt Jr. faces a slew of charges related to four shootings on August 29 and 31. His father, Leslie Merritt Sr., said police were looking for a scapegoat.
"Do I believe my son had anything to do with it? Absolutely not. I will support my son and defend my son with every ounce of my being," he said. "[The police are] snatching anybody that's reported to have a 9 millimeter [handgun], might have pawned one and they're grasping at straws and they're looking -- for lack of a better term -- [for] a scapegoat."
Merritt Jr. was charged in connection with the four shootings "because the weapon that he owned is forensically linked," Arizona Department of Public Safety Director Frank Milstead said Friday. He was ordered to be held on $1 million cash bond, but protested his arrest to the judge, saying police have "the wrong guy."
Investigators checked pawn shops for guns matching the caliber of shell casings at the shootings, police said, and when a gun pawned by Merritt was test-fired, it was determined to be a match.
Leslie Merritt Sr. said his son had purchased two guns and then pawned them for household needs.

PHOTO: Leslie Merritt Sr. is shown in this screengrab.ABC News
Leslie Merritt Sr. is shown in this screengrab.

"From what I was told, he pawned [the guns] shortly before or same weekend all this started ... I believe he pawned them Sunday the 30th," Merritt Sr. said. "My son is by no means ignorant. If he committed a crime with a firearm, my son has more sense than to pawn said firearm because it links directly back to you."
Merritt Sr. said his son "has had one scrape with the law," and added that he himself has a criminal history, too.
"Honestly, if my son was out shooting at something, he would hit it," he said. "My family is pro-guns, anti-criminals. I say that as a convicted felon. If you look at my record, any time I've had an issue, I've admitted to what I've done and taken my punishment.
Merritt Sr. said his son has a fiancee and children, and called him a "dedicated family man."
"I absolutely believe him ... my son's a stand-up, hard working father," he said.
Merritt Sr.'s criminal record includes misconduct involving weapons, forgery, theft and trafficking in stolen property, according to Maricopa County Superior Court records.
Arizona DPS spokesman Bart Graves today declined to comment on Merritt Sr.'s remarks.
"The case is going forward in the criminal justice system," Graves said.

Saturday, September 19, 2015

Trump Really 'Loves' Muslims, No, Really

       'Hi Voters, it's Me, your Presidential hopeful, Donald, The Don, Trump.       Really folks, I've taken a lot of heat due to a lot of silly 'off the record' comments I've made, you Know, about those Muslim people.  Gosh, if I'd Known it was gonna cause so many Burkas to go flappin' in the breeze, I'm sure I 'probably' would have tempered my words a bit.  But you know Me, if I 'think' it, my mouth is gonna 'say' it.  And you know what, that's why I'll make a really great President!  And you know what else, when I'm President I'm gonna call up Russia's Gorbachev and tell him to get his navy outta Iran and Cuba.  Who the heck does he think he Is anyway?  Stupid Commie!   Hey, did you watch me the other night when I wowed those numbnuts that are running for Office.  Boy I had them rocked back on their heels when I explained my plans to cure America's  problems!  They didn't know What to say!  Man I'm gonna do stuff that you just won't believe!   It's gonna just blow your mind, the things I'm gonna do!  Did you see how I slinked right over that comment they made about that guy that's pretending to be our President, you know, about him being a Muslim and all?  Well, You know, and I know the answer to That one, but I could see they were trying to 'trap' me with that one, so just like any other pointed question where someone wants me to be specific, and give them lots of details about something, I just side stepped it like a brain damaged boxer.  They never even noticed!  People are simply Scared of me!  I bet the Queen and King of Canada are scared of me.  After all, why should I try and defend Obam, he's a big boy, let him defend himself, that is if he even Can.  So I'm not gonna say anything about him being a Muslim one way or the other.  You ask Him why he prays seven times a Me, I'm not even gonna mention it!   And now it looks like folks are wondering if I even 'like' Muslims.  Well, and you can write this down, and even quote me on it, I Love Muslims!  There!  I've Said it!  Here, I'll say it just one more time, I Love Muslims!  Did you get that?  That ought'a get me some Muslim voters.  Did I mention that I love Women too?  Yep!  And I love Men too, well not like That of course.  And, I like dogs, and cats, and gerbils, and little bitty babies...I know, I know, none of those critters can even Vote, but they know someone who Can.         And as far a those Muslims go, I'd even hire one or two Muslims to work in the White House, maybe if Obam is lookin' for a job after I move in, I'll hire Him.  Maybe he knows how to cook or something, he Sure don't know a thing about being a President!  And No, no way am I a racist!   For crying out loud, I have a Lot of South American people of Many races working for me all over the place!  I'm pretty sure I even have some Black folks that work for me. And a Lot of'em are Women!   I hope I've 'cleared' up any misconceptions that people may have about what I like or don't like.  As you can see, I'm a 'Master de-bater', I'm polite, and generous, and I don't make stupid faces, or call Idiots exactly what they Are.  I love People, even Stupid ones, and they love Me right back.  Vote for me, I'm gonna do stuff that'll make your head spin!'  BuddyBlack '                          

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Adam Jones Helmet Slam

  'What the 'F' is everybody whining about?? These stupid refs got it all wrong!  Who do they Think they Are pickin' on, Me, a football legend.  Welll...Nearly one anyway.  That video clip, which was obviously probably 'doctored' does not show everything that occured out on that field!  Videos lie all the time, and as you can see from all this 'Nothin' event', this just proves the point.   I'm gonna tell you my side of the 'event';  You see, I was playing a friendly game of football when all of a sudden I see the helmet somehow fly off the head of my best BFF on the other team.  Concerned about his safety, and as you all Know it can be pretty dangerous out on that crazy field during a Professional football game, and seeing that other players were about to crash on top of my BFF, I flew into action like some sort of Caped Hero, don't ask me how I did it because it's still a mystry even to Me, and I threw myself between my BFF and those other gigantic , and reckless players who had absolutly No regard for my Bff's well being.  Quickly analyzing the precarious situation my BFF was in, I developed a life saving plan.  While my massive body, and impressive self, was now in a position to safeguard my BFF, I attempted to stuff his head Back into his helmet.  It is of course unfortunant that the 'opening' of his helmet was facing the wrong direction, but in my haste to Save him from enevitable brain injury, I of course did not realize this 'fact' until After the fact.   Now, if you will watch the video clip, you can plainly See that I had gently clasped my BFF's head in my hands while even More gently attempting to place it Back In his helmet.   This 'non incident' has been blown completly out of proportion by people who are obviously jealous of my obvious talents, and of course of my 'life saving' skills.  I Will be vindicated of this silly little misunderstanding and life will go on, and I Do hope that my BFF's headache gets better sOOn.  Did I mention that I'm having lunch with my Other BFF and hero Tom Brady.  Did you see how He slicked right out of that deflated football misunderstanding?  My motto is 'Watch and Learn'.   :/  :/   



Pacman Jones slammed Amari Cooper's head into a helmet

Adam "Pacman" Jones, who has had his fair share of trouble while in the NFL, once again found himself in the middle of an ugly situation during the Bengals' game against the Oakland Raiders.
Midway through the second quarter the Raiders broke a long run. Near the end of the play, Raiders standout rookie wide receiver Amari Cooper was blocking Jones when things turned ugly. After slamming Cooper to the ground, Jones ripped Cooper's helmet off and then slammed his head into the helmet as it laid on the ground.

Amazingly, Jones was not ejected even though three officials were standing right there. On top of that, the penalty was offset by a pair of penalties against the Raiders and the play was ruled a do-over without Jones or his team being punished at all. However, considering his history, it is doubtful he will get the same leniency when the video is reviewed by the NFL.

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Genora, This is God, You're Fired.

    'My Dear, dear Genora, This is God...yes, Genora, God, you Know, the Big Cheese, the Gate Keeper. I know you have never actually Heard from me Personally, although you may 'think' you have, and it's Not like I've been Ignoring you for the last Century, I've just been a 'little' busy what with the boogyman running rampant and all, He is Such a Pest, but I find it high time that I call on you with an utmost important and personal matter. Genora, you're Fired! Yep, you heard... me correctly so don't look soooo surprised, and don't Even try and's simple, you're Fired. Man, I feel like Donald Trump! It's My church, My pews, and you're outta here. Now I Know you are "shocked" but just be happy that you weren't actually 'shocked', as in a 'bolt outta the blue', which I Do now and then when I need to Really get someone's attention. It's not My fault that your church hired a preacher that no one likes, and that likes no one in return. It's kinda 'funny' though, all of you seem to agree that there's only One 'God', yet you all seem to 'worship' a 'different' one claiming that Yours is the Only and Best one, and that everybody else's is the worst one. Annnnd you all are Sooo ready to 'crucify', pardon the pun there, each other in the process. Just check out those radical Muslims for instance. Geeez! Go figure. But I gotta stand behind my emissaries, my mouth pieces of the moment, I don't discriminate, and if he say's you gotta Go, then don't ask Where, just Go. Oh, and take that Kevin Hamm with you, it looks like he's on the 'outta here' list too. Anyway, maybe you could, if you have 'time' that is, start your Own little church, and then when you discover someone that worships a 'different', yet 'same' god than You do, you could just kick his butt right outta there. Just send me a 'heaven Txt' and I'll give'em a little 'Red Phone' jingle just like This one I'm giving you. Bye now, Love Ya! JC  ;)  ;)


Georgia Church Comes Under Fire After Banning 103-Year-Old Woman From Premises

Photo of Genora Hamm Biggs
A 103-year-old Georgia woman says she has been banned from the church where she has been a member since she was 11 years old.
"I was shocked,” Genora Hamm Biggs, of Elberton, told WHNS News recently.
Biggs said she received notification in the mail via a certified letter from members of the Union Grove Baptist Church in Elberton, Georgia.
The letter, as published by WHNS, reads:
"Dear Mrs. Genora Hamm Biggs,
This letter is to inform you that according to the by-laws of the Union Grove Baptist Church, and by vote of the active members, any membership or associations that you have had with this church are now officially revoked. Therefore, you cannot attend Union Grove Baptist Church for any reason whatsoever. You are not to come to the property of the Union Grove Baptist Church located at 680 Pulliam Street, Elberton, Georgia 30635.
The members and officers of the Union Grove Baptist Church."
That letter — signed by the Rev. Tim Mattox, Deacon Glen Jackson and nine other members — came on Aug. 2, according to the Athens Banner-Herald.
But Biggs showed up at church the next Sunday, according to the paper, and she claims someone in the church called the police. The responding officer reportedly called the incident a civil matter and took no action.
Biggs told the Banner-Herald that the problem comes down to doctrinal differences. The church has been a Baptist church throughout its history, but Mattox is a holiness preacher, according to Biggs.
“He is a holy sanctified minister or so he says,” Biggs said. “We voted him in and we didn’t know it until he was there. We are Baptists and that’s what we want to stay.”
Mattox reportedly did not respond to requests for comment from either WHNS or the Banner-Herald.
But Jackson, the church’s deacon and one of those who signed the letter, did speak to the paper and said none of the letter’s signers would be commenting on Biggs’ removal.
“The church decided not to comment because it’s all a bunch of foolishness,” he said.
But others seem to feel the longtime member is being mistreated.
Kevin Hamm, an ordained minister who was also reportedly banned from the church told the Banner-Herald he was upset when he received his letter but was even more upset to learn that Biggs had been banned.
“To disrespect a pillar and a mother of the church; how can we sit back and watch something like this go forward?” he said.

Another Religious Fanatic In Kentucky

    Have the Residents, particularly the Clerks Of Courts, of the State of Kentucky absolutly Lost Their Minds!!  Here is, in the form of Clerk Casey Davis, yet Another Religious Fanatical Clerk refusing to follow our Constitutional Law.  I'm guessing that this fool is from the shallow end of the same gene pool as the other fool just released from jail.   What is In the drinking water in this fine State?  Surely there is a Majority of residents there who have the common sense to that these Clerks, who when taking Office Swore to uphold and abide by the Constitution, will not stand by shut eyed, and closed mouthed, and allow this illegal stonewalling to continue making their fine State the chuckle spot of America.   The US Supreme Court has plainly Ruled that these Clerks shall issue marriage licenses..Period.   Apparently Mr. Davis was not impressed with the ruling handed down to Clerk Kim Davis nor her incarceration due to her refusal to abide by the Constitutional Law, and who by the way has had her five minutes of 'fame', and so should now crawl back into the 1950's and oblivian. Now, Mr. Davis should also be on the receiving end of the Law just as soon as he actively refuses to comply.   Right now he's just running his mouth pretending to be an 'emissary' of god, but as soon as he crosses that little legal 'line' there's plenty of room for him down at the 'local'.   The Governor of Kentucky appears to be soft peddeling on calling for the legislature to special session to address and Fire these malcontents who are busy at disrupting local governmental functions.   He probably Hopes that they will resign and be a non-issue, but anyone with a lick of sense knows that will not happen.   As long as they profess that they are sent by jesus to do his work by proxy, and as long as they suffer no real pain from doing so, it will only pull more copycat religious fanatics out of the woodwork.   By not addressing it, the Govenor becomes part of the problem, and they win by default.   These anti constitution, religious fanatics will not just go away by ignoring them.   Our Country Was, and Is built on Constitutional Law, Not 'gods law', whatever way they define That.   Seperation of State and Church is a fact, not something that these malcontents think they have a right to ignore, and abuse.   Wake Up Kentucky, fanatics are knocking and trying to get a 'foot' in your door.   Will you Really allow the 'Fox' to be in charge of the 'henhouse'?    :/  BuddyBlack.



Kentucky Clerk Casey Davis Ordered to Comply With Law on Gay Marriage

Casey Davis, one of three clerks in the state who is not granting licenses, held a meeting with Gov. Steve Beshear after last month's ruling that upheld equal right to marriage across the country.
However, Beshear insisted clerks must carry out their duties and said the majority were "complying with the law" despite personal beliefs.
Image: Casey Davis and wife Christy
Casey County Clerk Casey Davis, center, speaks to the media with wife Christy at his side before meeting with Gov. Steve Beshear in Frankfort, Kentucky, on Thursday. Pablo Alcala / AP

"'Issue marriage licenses or resign' — those were the words," Davis told reporters after the meeting. "I can't quit … I have a mortgage to pay."
A YouTube video of two men being denied a marriage license in Rowan County by clerk Kim Davis has been viewed more than 1.5 million times.

Among Davis' supporters outside Thursday's meeting was a representative of the Family Foundation of Kentucky which has established a fund "for the legal defense of those who are targeted to have their religious liberty curtailed."
Gov. Beshear did not speak to reporters but issued a statement that said state officials "must recognize same-sex marriages as valid and allow them to take place."
The statement added: "One of Mr. Davis' duties as county court clerk is to issue marriage licenses, and the Supreme Court now says that the United States Constitution requires those marriage licenses to be issued regardless of gender."
"While there are two or three county court clerks still refusing to perform their duties, the rest of the county court clerks are complying with the law regardless of their personal beliefs," it said, warning: "The courts and the voters will deal appropriately with the rest."

Casey Davis told reporters that he would neither issue marriage licenses nor resign, according to NBC station WAVE. "Nature's law will supersede any law that man puts on a piece of paper," Davis said, according to the station. "My job cannot go beyond what my conscience allows."
Earlier this week, Davis proposed the automatic issue of marriage licenses online as a workaround so that clerks did not have to be involved.
"We bank online. We buy groceries online. ... We buy hunting and fishing licenses online. I think that we can buy marriage licenses online," he told The Associated Press. "And that relieves the 120 county clerks of this state."

Monday, September 14, 2015

Carly Fiorina: No Yelling Please

' hello there my fellow americans, this is your next president coming to you from the land of 'softspeak'. in case you are reading this instead of watching me live, i will speak in lower case. you see, i have the voice of 'calm', no excitement here..Zzzzz....huh! what..oh, sorry about that, dozed off there..where was i..oh yes, did i mention that i'm your next president? then lets just move on. mr. trump does not like me. he said that i'm ugly, or something like that. ...welll...i'm not a 'knock out #10' that's for sure, but i'm not exactly a buttcrack either. now i'm not going to speak roughly of mr trump, and i won't mention his flamboyant hair doo, or his perpetual scowl, or his rosetta skin colour, or his weasely handshake, or his dislike of women in general, or his incredible lack of political knowledge, oh my, i could just go on, and on, and on, and on, but i won't do it, that's just not me. i refuse to meantalk. goodness me, i can hardly wait to sit at my desk in the white house. i'm going to paint it pretty colours, and have lots of flowers, and soothing music, an...ZzzzzzzZzzzz.huh! what!? what happened.....oh, sometimes i get soooo relaxed when i'm excited like this, and boy, this is really exciting..don't you think so. im sure you do. wow, my head is just spinning round and round it goes, where it stops, goodness knows. well, if there's no more questions, i think i'll just have some sleepytime tea and take a little refreshing nap before my next whistle stop. im soooo excited, i bet you are too..ZzzzzZzzzzzzzzzZzzzzzzzz....' ;) buddyblack



Carly Fiorina: I will challenge 'the entertainer' running for office

Although Fiorina's stewardship of the company has faced criticism, she is unequivocal in saying her accountability to shareholders as an executive made her uniquely qualified for the presidency.
"I will challenge Mrs. Clinton, any other politician, and the entertainer who's running for office, to hold themselves to that same level of account because none of them are going to be able to stand up to that level of scrutiny," Fiorina said to cheers from the 150 voters gathered in Alton, New Hampshire.
One voter at the event asked Fiorina how she would work with Congress, when she has no prior experience working with legislative bodies.
"I don't have that on my resume," Fiorina admitted. "It's interesting how many politicians go to Washington promising change. Governors have done it, senators have done it. Not a one of them has actually changed a thing. I will respectfully say that being a politician doesn't seem to work very well either with the legislature."
As political outsiders like Fiorina, as well as Ben Carson and Donald Trump, have shot up in the polls, the former CEO says she's not worried about navigating Washington.
"I think one of the dirty little secrets is professional politicians want everyone to think it's so hard to do what we do, nobody else can do it. It's hogwash. It isn't so hard. Most of this stuff takes common sense and good judgment and people are frustrated because they don't see commonsense or good judgment in D.C.," Fiorina told reporters after the event.
New Hampshire voters were also quick to offer Fiorina their own commentary on the race, with one local voter mentioning "that entertainer" and the recent comments attributed to Trump disparaging Fiorina's appearance.
"Look at that face!" Trump told Rolling Stone magazine as Fiorina appeared on TV. "Would anyone vote for that? Can you imagine that, the face of our next president?"
Trump later claimed he was talking about her "persona."
Maria Cunningham of Gilford, New Hampshire, told Fiorina, "Not only do you have a great brain, you have a great face."
Fiorina's quick response was met with applause from the audience.
"This is the face of a 61-year-old woman. I am proud of every year and every single wrinkle," she said.
The Republican candidates will face off Wednesday in a debate hosted by CNN in Simi Valley, California.