Thursday, June 27, 2019

Sayōnara, Japan!

"One sided", yes indeed, Trump, 'The Isolationist', is certainly that!
Before he has finished with his "make America great again', and saving the world from itself charade, America will be squatting totally alone wondering where have all our 'friends' and allies gone.
This is another prime example of America's 'King' possessing too much unbridled, unsupervised power. As long as American's continue to allow this delusional egomaniac to continue with his destruction of our America, it will only get worse and there will never be a healing process after he has been evicted from our nations White House.


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Trump finds it unfair Japan isn’t obliged to defend U.S. in the treaty, which literally abolished Japan’s military post-WWII.

It's "None of Your Business"

'Just remember, I am your President, I represent all American's no matter where I go, no matter who I talk to, no matter what. So, let me be perfectly opaquely 'clear', "it's none of your business" what I talk to Putin or anyone else about. I'm a very important, busy, self elitist, more important and more powerful than anyone I talk to, I'm even more powerful and more popular than jesus himself.
Because of Me, myself and I, and my schoolyard bully tactics, the whole world fears and 'respects' me, and by the way, America as well. I know how to treat people so that they quiver in their boots when they think of me. I'm the first thing they think of in the mornings, and their worst nightmare when they try to sleep at night. But that's just me, me, me. I 'know' how to get respect, and when I don't get it, I simply threaten and bully until they give in. That's how you make friends and allies and 'make' people 'respect' you. Ya gotta 'make' people love you! First you treat them like crap, scare the life out of them, call them awful names. Then ignore them. Soon they'll send you a letter begging for forgiveness for something they didn't even do. Then you 'act' like you like them, say nice things about them that you really don't mean, but still making them starve for forgiveness. Pretty soon they'll cave in and give you anything you want just to be called your 'friend'. Then you've got them where you want them, and no more problems from them.
So don't even dare to ask me what I talk to them about because, "it's none of your business", that's My business, no one else's but mine. I'm in charge of America, and American's have no business knowing how I rule my country. God sent me here to save America from it's Obama era self, and I'll do whatever it takes to be the best 'King' America ever had. Really.'

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President Trump, asked if he'll bring up election meddling with Russian President Vladimir Putin at the G20, said it's "none of your business" what he says. ...

Just Another Clone

Grisham will simply be a pitiful clone of the pitiful person she replaces. Anyone who thinks she will be any different will be in for a rude awakening. Stay tuned.  Sadly, just another Trump clone. 


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'She has been with us since 2015 - @potus & I can think of no better person to serve the Administration & our country. Excited to have Stephanie working for ...

It's Time For Change!

As long as the 'Justices'' on the Supreme Court continue to be 'bought and paid for' by ANY President, or Political Party of the United States, we will continue to witness these non-sensical rulings that can, and will adversely affect our country.
The only way to remedy the politicizing of our Supreme Court is to discard the presidents power to 'appoint', in lieu of the same system and method that the president is 'elected' under, minus the antiquated 'Electoral College' which itself needs to be discarded because that is simply another system that is easily 'bought and paid for' by Presidents.
The candidates for the Supreme Court should have to 'campaign' and 'run for office', giving the citizens of America whose lives they will eventually affect in some way or another, a chance to weigh the candidates qualifications based on their personal backgrounds and actual legal experience, and then be put to the Popular vote. The then popularly elected Justice's should be able to serve only a Four Year term, period. No re-election to another four years at the end of their mandated four year term, and then barred for eight years before they can run again for that same office, and then only Two terms in their lifetime. They should also, at end of their four year term, be barred for life from becoming lobbyists.
The Supreme Court is supposed to 'work' in the best interest of ALL Americans, not just for the President that appointed them and to whom they then 'owe' for that job placement. They should be held accountable to the citizens, by the citizens, and should be representing those citizens without political 'payback' in their rulings.'  ;)

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The ruling means politicians are free to maximize party power and skew elections with few constraints. But citizens will keep fighting in the states.

Monday, June 24, 2019

"Climate Change"? What's That??

' Well now, what an immaculate coincidence! You know what? I was talking with god last night just before tucking myself in for a long nights snooze, and god 'told me' that you were going to ask that question. It's as Un-believable as it is 'true'! There I was, taking a knee for jesus, asking for forgiveness for any sins I may have accidently committed during the day, you know stuff like riding in an elevator with a woman, glancing at a woman's breasts, thinking about sex with whatever, accidental stuff like that, as 'Second-In-Command' of our 'Supreme leaders' country, when out of the blue, wham-o! He told me you would ask that question! Just like that! Can you believe it!? You know, that's why I stay real close, actually nose to butt', to my good lord. Just like my 'human' boss, he's always right. That's why I, myself, am totally sinless. More people should be just like me!
So, humor me for a while as I try to be as articulate as spiritually possible in pretending to 'answer' your question of the day. You ask me if I think 'climate change' is a threat. First we must define what a "threat" may or may not be. For instance, "fake news" as propagated by the enemy of the people, you know, 'news reporters' and such, certainly fit the class of a "threat". So there's your answer to what constitutes a "threat" to the world. Now, lets define the word "change" as spiritually as I can, and simple enough for you as a 'reporter' to understand. "Change" is like when I soil my skivvies during a really tough interview, and must "change" into clean ones. Or, lets say you've worn your socks too many days in a row. It's a good idea to "change" into clean ones. See? Do you even understand any thing I've said to you? Anything at all?? I mean, I made it as simple as I'm able! Pay attention! And last but maybe not least of all, the definition of the word "climate". And everyone will agree to this one for sure! For instance, when I'm in my government issued Limo being chauffeured around at the tax payers expense, and I notice that it may be too hot in there, all I have to do is push some little buttons on the "climate change" control panel and just like that, I'm chilling. So, I guess you could say that I do think "climate change" can be a threat, especially when it's as hot outside my limo as it is inside. Who needs that!? See, I just go with the flow when it comes to 'scientific' things like 'science' and stuff. My good lord is my 'scientist'! God said, 'let there be A/C where there is none', and that's good enough for me. I actually don't question god when he speaks, who does That?
In conclusion, 'ask me no more questions, and I'll tell you no more lies'. Oh, and I was thinking about running for President, so remember to vote for me come election time. I'll have all the factual 'answers' as provided by my very own god. Really.'

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Sometimes you have to read something to believe it. Vice President Mike Pence's pretzel-twisting when asked by CNN's Jake Tapper whether climate change is a threat to the United States is one of those times.

Dear Kimmy...

'My dear morbidly obese, little buddy, Kimmy,
Oh how I long to hold your chubby little hand in my own manly hand once again. I have no doubt that you miss me about as much as I miss you. We should do breakfast sometime at one of my famous golf resorts where I could also teach you a few golf tactics that will leave your fellow imprisoned family members amazed at your golfing prowess. Of course we may have to make some special golf clubs for you so that you can get your chubby little fingers around the shaft properly. Speaking of 'shafts', boy you sure have given me one, huh? Whoaa! Right up my ying-yang! You are making me look really bad Kimmy! Stop it already pal! Here I take up for you, defend you from people who accidentally hate me, and what do you do, you make me look impotent. And of course as any prostitute worth her salt will tell you, I am far from being 'impotent'. Just like in 'golf', my handiness with a fine tuned 'shaft' precedes me! But enough about 'me' kimmy, although as you would agree it certainly Is all about me.
Look Kimmy, ya gotta help me look good for a change. I'm telling everyone that still has ears that this letter is about your missiles and stuff like that. Of course I 'know' that they are just silly little 4th of July rockets just as you have told me before. So yeah, about my 'letter', you know, about how we're gonna make a big agreement and you'll burn all your bombs and stuff and we'll be bunky buddies forever, stuff like that. All I'm asking is that you fluff it up a lot, tell folks that you still love me and, well, you know, just make me look good for once. Tell ya what Kimmy, how'd you like a really nice money making private Donald Trump golf club? Do you like do-nuts?
Ok, look, I'm gonna have a really big photo shoot about this 'letter' and then throw it in the 'snail mail' box. When you get it play it up like crazy and we'll both get some mileage and votes out of it. Just make stuff up like I do. Our serfs expect stuff like that. It works for me, it'll work for you too! Remember, the bigger the lie, the more the lying 'press' will print. Good stuff Kimmy, big numbers, unbelievable!
Bye bye for now, hope to cuddle you soon.
As always, Donnie, The 'King' of America.'

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Mike Pompeo, the U.S. secretary of state, on Sunday confirmed reports that…

Sunday, June 23, 2019

America's 'Environmental POLLUTION Agency'

And of course, Trump, 'The incompetent', has unleashed his hand puppet 'Environmental POLLUTION Agency', also known as the 'EPA', upon our nations Air, Land, and Sea, all the while proclaiming that he is making "America great again", you know, in the 1950's style. Instead, here you see the faces of supposedly caring American's, busily helping Trump destroy our America with one destructive law after another.

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The Affordable Clean Energy rule replaces the Clean Power Plan. It could increase carbon emissions.

'Zombie snakes'

This works with 'humans' as well. Remember this if you visit a 'friends' house, and they 'play dead' after a few minutes, you'll 'know' it's time to leave.

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Sorry, "The Walking Dead" fans. Zombies still aren't a thing -- even in snake form.

Trump 'Saves' Iran From Itself! Really.

'Holy wow! Did you see that!? Did you??? There I was, sitting in my special foiled lined closet whacking away on my little 'twitter' with my regal thumb caressing the, "attack Iran' missile button, when all of a sudden I remember reading something about the fact that missiles and bombs can actually make a lot of people, really 'dead'. What!!? I said to no one in particular, is 'that' what happens when you bomb the hell out of things? People die? You know, like maybe 150 or so? Oh sure, here in America our fellow American's kill the hell out of thousands and thousands and thousands of their fellow American's with loaded firearms in their sweaty little murderous hands every year, but we're not talking about 'firearms' here are we, we're talking about a few 'bombs' that might kill like, 150 people or so. Ooooo, can't take that chance folks! Just can't! Is there anything worse than an out of control 'bomb? And then I thought to my self, hey self, perfect chance to grab a few headlines and votes from my minions. I mean, hey, I wasn't gonna push that silly 'missile button' anyhow, but what if I make it 'look like' I was really going to? Everyone in Iran probably pooped their panties, but now will look at me as their benevolent savior, and will vote to become a US State, and then vote for me to be their 'Supreme Leader'. It's a win-win for me!
Everyone well knows that everything I do is simply a diversion, and distraction anyway, you know, like this Iran crisis thing, but Now if I pretend that I'm really 'concerned' about a few dead Iranian people caused by a few deadly American bombs made in China, I'll appear to be the hero that stopped my own initiated 'war', and 'saved' a few lives in the process.
And so I took my little benevolent thumb off the Iran doomsday button. Just like that, with only moments to spare, I singlehandedly saved the whole world from it's pitiful self. But, that's just Me, me, me, myself, and I, doing what we do best to make the whole world "great again".
Oh how I love being able to hold the whole world in the palm of my tiny little hands, playing god, actually I have more power than he does anyway, threatening and treating everyone like crap, holding everyone hostage knowing that sooner or later the 'Stockholm Syndrome' will kick in, being above the law of the land, making my own 'rules', doing as I please as America's supreme un-touchable! And one day, not any time soon by the way, when I tire of abusing the whole world, my entitled off-spring, maybe a son, maybe a daughter, we'll see, we'll see, will take my honorable place at the throne of goodness, to continue my legacy of saving the world from it's simple self, but hey, enough about 'me', how about my 'numbers'?'

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The president spoke in an exclusive interview with NBC's Chuck Todd for "Meet the Press."

Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Hey! Pay Attention To The Emperor, Folks!

'I tell you, I Am the 'Supreme Ruler' of America! I'm whatcha might call a self anointed, self appointed, 'Emperor' in designer clothing. Did you know that my 'base' is already demanding that I serve a THIRD term as their Supreme Leader? Many, many, phone calls and letters, bags and bags of them, from all across America, which as you 'know', I have made "great again" just begging me with tears of hope in their eyes to be their 'leader' in all things 'American', way into the future. here's a letter from a little old lady in some state, somewhere, the ink smeared with her heartfelt tears begging me to keep making America even greater than I already have. Here's a little boy of 12 who will be of voting age soon telling me how I've saved his family farm from becoming a disgusting Federal Park. Many, many letters! All of America loves me! Unbelievable!
These prideful 'christian' fans pay attention to every word that splatters from my 'Presidential' lips. But there are still a clutch of disloyal American's, along with their "enemy of the people" the lying 'press', who do not pay attention to my dictatorial words. I mean, who does that!? Even in North Korea, every living soul pays attention to my BFF-FWB Kimmy when he speaks. Great guy! Family man! Truthful guy!
"Hey, he (Kim Jong Un) is the head of a country and I mean he is the strong head. Don’t let anyone think anything different. He speaks and his people sit up at attention. I want my people to do the same." That's what good serfs do when their dictator speaks! They listen, they don't question, they obey, they don't ever say 'no' to their 'Supreme Leader'. And you know what?, I'll do whatever it takes to get "attention", no matter what lies I have to utter, no matter who's lives I must destroy in the process. I say to all American's, 'Obey your 'Leader'. Just do it folks. You can 'trust' me, I'm the only person you can 'believe'...look deeeeep into my all knowing eyes, deep, deeeeper yet, soon you will all be suffering from the 'Stockholm Syndrome', your souls will be mine, you will name your children after me, you will wear your hair in my own style, you will live your lives as I say...deeper, deeper.' Your king has spoken, my words are as if god spoke them himself, so you 'know' I speak the 'truth', I will lie to you 'only' when it is necessary to protect myself from "fake news". Really.'

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In Case You Missed It -

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Donald Trump praises brutal North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un, and wants Americans to behave like subservient North Koreans.

Sunday, June 16, 2019

'The Hostage Taker-In-Chief'

The 'Taliban' President of America has 'spoken', and warned all American's of our impending demise if we do not cater to his bullying school yard threats, and bow at his godly throne. THIS is what his version of being 'Presidential' looks like. His true colors are shining through, and this is the real Donald Trump, 'The Hostage Taker-In-Chief'.

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The only market crash Wall Street investors, businesses, and consumers have been worrying about lately stems from the President's trade wars.

Saturday, June 15, 2019

The 'King', The 'Bullyboy', The Trump

Trump, 'The Bullyboy', has elevated himself from a mere incompetent 'President' to the grand position of the, just as incompetent, 'King of America'. He has cleverly by-passed his first wish as America's Dictator-In-Chief because that would draw too much negative attention from even his own brainless minions. But now as the exalted 'King of America', which as we all 'know' everyone just loves a 'King', he can better hold America hostage without anyone barely noticing.
Of course he has always fancied himself as the only American above the law, and not subject to any Rule of Law, but now it is quite official that even the Constitution does not apply to his Royal Throne. 'King Trump' has shown that he can openly violate any law of the land that might thwart his Royal Regime's goal of conquering not only America but the world in general. He knows that the longer he holds absolute dictatorial power over our Nation that soon we all will be under the spell of the 'Stockholm Syndrome', and then we all will 'love', and protect, the very despot we all have learned to 'despise'.
I have said it before, and I'll say it again, post Trump, America may never heal from the damage that he has done, and will continue to do until he is evicted from our lives. Only one other person in recent history has had such a negative effect on America, and the world as a whole, than Trump, 'The International Bullyboy'. If Hitler were alive today he would no doubt be a proud minion of Trump, 'The Dictator Lover'.
Trump has shown that he is not mentally fit, and even less knowledgeable, to fill the role as our Nations President, Leader, and Commander-In-Chief.
America has 'humored' this 'man-baby' pretending to be 'Presidential' too long as it is. To continue to do so will only give him more power, and time, to destroy our nation while he falsely claims to be making "America great Again".
If American's do not now stand up and be counted in their protest against this despot, then we shall deserve what comes with his continued presence as America's 'King'.

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Russia, if you’re listening, La Cosa Nostra has moved into La Casa Bianca