Sunday, October 8, 2017

'Vengence Is Mine, Sayeth The Lord', says Pat

'Vengence Is Mine, Sayeth The Lord', says Pat.

'Hi fellow radical 'religious' brethren. Like you, I at first wondered how in the world did this little shooting incident take place at that sinful exhibition of satans music in that sin city of Las Vegas. How in the world, I wondered!? At first, I thought, maybe it was just an angry person, fed up with the DEMONcrat leftists in our country. And then... I thought maybe it was one of those homosexual perverts that always hang around my favorite parks restrooms. They're always grabbing at me and saying things that make my blood steam. Sometimes I break out in such a sweat, and my heart goes really fast, and then later, I yell under my breath, 'Out demons, out!' 'Butt' then, I remembered that god promised that "Vengeance is Mine", you all remember him 'saying' that don't you? He sure did! And you know what? He means it folks. He means it sure as I'm sitting here being super 'religious'! And then I thought, 'well, what's he pissed off about this time?' You know, he'd already took vengeance on Texas, and then Puerto Rico, and now that really sinful Louisiana, so I 'knew' those places were already out of his benevolent system. And then this morning, I was watching Fox news where I get all of my absolutely verified, up to date, up to the minute, 'factual' news of the day, and I saw that the DEMONcrats were still bad mouthing my personal hero, the man that god hand picked to save our sinful, devil worshiping nation from hell itself, Donald Trump. Boy, is he making America "great again", or what? But there they were, still calling him names, and doubting his ability to be our President, the man with his finger on the 'Nuclear Briefcase' button, can you believe that!? There's even one so-called 'reporter', BuddyBlack, that calls him 'Trump, The Incompetent'. Well folks, I ask you, where's the proof on That claim?? Where?? I tell you, he's as 'competent' as I, myself am! And then it struck me like an answered prayer from heaven! God is really pissed off about all these doubters, these leftist DEMONcrats, these nay sayers, calling my 'Hero in Chief' all these mean, filthy names, and stuff. "There is profound disrespect for our President, all across this nation they say terrible things about him...". And you know what else? Most of it is not true at all. A lot of it is just made up hogwash! Pure blahooey! As god is my personal savior, and daily witness, except when I'm down on my religious knees in my foil lined 'closet', I knew right then why that man was chosen by god to target practice on those sinners at that devil worshiping music concert. 'Thou shalt not be profoundly disrespectful to, and say evil mouthed heretical things about our King, errr..President that is'. And folks, that's not me saying that, that's our good lord in heaven sending down a message of love, and not a little warning for Americans to mind their P's, and Q's. Remember, 'Vengeance is mine, sayeth the lord'. And if he has to do it with a Machine Gun, then so be it folks! So be it! God is good, god is great!
Now before I sign off folks, let me assure you that being a TV media star, not to mention being a most popular Teli-Evangelical witness for jesus, is not without its great monetary expense. So while I have your attention, be sure to drop me a letter with your sumptuous donation which as you all 'know' will go towards keeping me on the air, unless I'm out on my yacht, or flying on vacation in my Lear Jet, or at one of my many mansions. But I almost promise that nearly every penny will be 'accounted' for in heaven, and thank the good lord I don't have to pay taxes! So please 'pass the plate', and praise the lord, or my name ain't  'Pat, The Righteous'.

Pat Robertson: Las Vegas Happened Because Trump is Disrespected
5 days ago - Televangelist Pat Robertson says disrespect for Trump caused the Las Vegas .... have abandoned God, Robertson thinks the Las Vegas shooting is what ... people the vision of God, the whole idea of reward and punishment, ...

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