Thursday, October 26, 2017

The Emporor Has 'Spoken'

The Emporor Has 'Spoken'

'Man, I can't help but just hate the heck out of the 'media'! Every time I turn around, every time I open my 'presidential' mouth, no matter what I do, where I go, you name it and the crooked , lying, disgusting media gives me bad press trying to make me look worse than I actually am! Liars! How dare they try to do better than I can do myself! Disgusting un-American trolls! Enemy of the people! Why do they do that!? Do they think I'm as stupid as... I act? We all know I'm probably not. Far from it! I'm a really smart guy! Huge! Big IQ! I went to an "Ivy League" school! Ya gotta be pretty smart to do that! I even went to an Ivy League Kindergarten. Skipped right over Pre-K I was so smart! My personal Butler told me I was #1 in my class! He would never lie to me! #1! Then when I was six, I had to fire him though. I discovered he was working a part time job. Disgusting! Something about having to pay his mothers medical bills. 'Get insurance' I told him. I demand singular loyalty, and here he was out working for someone else! How could he possibly hear the bell when I needed a midnight snack!? Great guy though. I 'inherited' him from my grandfather. My parents weren't surprised at my Class Standing at all, but they thought I'd been away at camp. Gotta love'em though. It was at that moment I decided that I would be the 'best' businessman in the whole world, hey, I was already rich, which would be a stepping stone to the White House where I could then hire and fire like nobody's business. After teaching myself all there was to possibly know about everything there was to know at that level, I Home Schooled my self for the next twelve years, ya gotta be real smart to do that, until My father bought my way into an Ivy League College, which pretty much, along with a horribly disfiguring, crippling bonespur, exempted me from serving my country unlike like those poor un-entitled chumps in Viet Nam. You have to agree that it takes a huge IQ to pull that one off! And how about those sorry ones that allowed themselves to be captured as POW's! No respect for those guys! Disgusting! But that's just me. A pretty smart guy. "That's why I'm President, and you're not".'
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President Trump on Wednesday blamed the media for making him look bad — and boasted about his intelligence and Ivy League pedigree. “You know people don’t understand, I went to an Ivy League colleg…

'Man, I can't help but just hate the heck out of the 'media'! Every time I turn around, every time I open my 'presidential' mouth, no matter what I do, where I go, you name it and the crooked , lying, disgusting media gives me bad press trying to make me look worse than I actually am! Liars! How dare they try to do better than I can do myself! Disgusting un-American trolls! Enemy of the people! Why do they do that!? Do they think I'm as stupid as... I act? We all know I'm probably not. Far from it! I'm a really smart guy! Huge! Big IQ! I went to an "Ivy League" school! Ya gotta be pretty smart to do that! I even went to an Ivy League Kindergarten. Skipped right over Pre-K I was so smart! My personal Butler told me I was #1 in my class! He would never lie to me! #1! Then when I was six, I had to fire him though. I discovered he was working a part time job. Disgusting! Something about having to pay his mothers medical bills. 'Get insurance' I told him. I demand singular loyalty, and here he was out working for someone else! How could he possibly hear the bell when I needed a midnight snack!? Great guy though. I 'inherited' him from my grandfather. My parents weren't surprised at my Class Standing at all, but they thought I'd been away at camp. Gotta love'em though. It was at that moment I decided that I would be the 'best' businessman in the whole world, hey, I was already rich, which would be a stepping stone to the White House where I could then hire and fire like nobody's business. After teaching myself all there was to possibly know about everything there was to know at that level, I Home Schooled my self for the next twelve years, ya gotta be real smart to do that, until My father bought my way into an Ivy League College, which pretty much, along with a horribly disfiguring, crippling bonespur, exempted me from serving my country unlike like those poor un-entitled chumps in Viet Nam. You have to agree that it takes a huge IQ to pull that one off! And how about those sorry ones that allowed themselves to be captured as POW's! No respect for those guys! Disgusting! But that's just me. A pretty smart guy. "That's why I'm President, and you're not".'  ;)

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President Trump on Wednesday blamed the media for making him look bad — and boasted about his intelligence and Ivy League pedigree. “You know people don’t understand, I went to an Ivy League colleg…

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