Sunday, October 8, 2017

Pence, You May Leave The Game Now

This was simply a Trump, 'The Incompetents', orchestrated ploy to gain attention to his egotistical self in order to validate his 'stand' against the 'kneelers' at these events, and just another tired effort to draw attention way from his other failings. Pence is simply his little hand puppet, and will bend over anytime Trump feels the need to inflate both of their 'ego's. This is what the 'Electoral College' got us! This is what his base of mindless lemmings continue to support.
Of all the 'real' important issues facing our country, and the world as a whole, Trump, 'The Incompetent', finds protesting 'Kneeling', at football games, 'important' above all else.
This is what the rest of the world has to judge America by. This is the one person that should be setting the best example that America has to offer. But 'this' is the best that he has to offer. What a sad little man-child we unfortunately have as our President, our 'Commander-In-Chief', the 'leader' of the Free World.
At the 'Intersection' of our life, America has taken the wrong turn, and we are now traveling down the pot holed road of no return.

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The vice president's early departure from an Indianapolis Colts game seemed likely given at least one member of the 49ers had protested at every game this season.

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