Friday, October 13, 2017

'Nothing' lasts Forever, According to Trump

"We cannot keep FEMA, the Military & the First Responders, who have been amazing (under the most difficult circumstances) in P.R. forever", says our President, Trump, 'The Incompetent'. 'Just who do these people way out there "in the middle of that ocean" think they are!? These 'foreigners' are expecting way too much from America! Disgusting island people! Do they think Americans are made of money!?? I've already volunteered to send a boatload of Paper Towels to their sorry island, what more could they ask for? That little rain storm did them a favor by washing the crud off their filthy streets, and then they turn around and beg for food like street urchins! They should take our paper towels and clean up their rubbish island and send us a 'thank-you' card. Next thing you know they're gonna be 'boatlifting' to America expecting us to give them jobs and welfare, and begging me to be their Presidente'! I don't even know what 'language' they speak! They'll be taking jobs away from Americans! Clogging our street with their donkey carts and taco stands! Disgusting 'immigrants'! They'll expect us to learn their 'lingo' just so we can order a meal from one of their illegal food stands, and then expect Americans to learn their 'way of life'! But don't worry fellow American's, as your esteemed President, your benevolent 'leader, I have everything under 'control'. If necessary I'll build a wall around that island, where ever it is, to insure that those 'illegals' will not make it to our pristine shores of godly America. Remember, god sent me here to "make America great again", well, actually, to re-make it in my own image, and no matter what I have to do to get it done, no matter how many lives I have to ruin, no matter how many 'Would-be' American's I have to ignore, and sink in the Atlantic Ocean, you can be assured that I will blindly charge ahead disregarding all of my advisors, and common sense and reason, the tweeter job will be completed, and no one can prevent it.'

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“"Puerto Rico survived the Hurricanes, now a financial crisis looms largely of their own making." says Sharyl Attkisson. A total lack of.....”

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