Wednesday, October 25, 2017

BOOM! Oh, How 'Sonic'!

What the State Department Warning on Cuba Means for Travelers Sept.29,2017
My 'guess' on this 'sonic' mess, is that sooner or later, 'sooner' more likely, it will be 'discovered' that all this was a Trump, 'The Incompetent', fake ploy to take the heat off himself from other 'fires' that are busy burning his butt. He 'rules' by chaos, subterfuge, intrigue, lies, innuendo's, "fake News', "Alternative Facts", and conspiracy theories, just to name a few, and it is ...quite likely that this is just another one of his 'look at me, look at me' schemes that will come back and bite his own arse. Stay tuned, there surely will be more to this than meets the instant eye.

(Just a little follow up, see the following article below)
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Could a sonic weapon have focused a wave of energy with pinpoint accuracy on American diplomats in Cuba? Robert E. Bartholomew presents a plausible explanation for the illness cluster reported by State Department officials: mass psychogenic illness.

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