Friday, October 13, 2017

And A 'King' Was Born

And then, an idiot, Donald Trump, was born, and he soon bought the position of 'King' of America, where he constantly strove to impress his serfs, and the whole world in general, with his 'superior' IQ, and his linguistic 'abilities'. Oh, what a clever and humorous guy he turned out to be, challenging all comers to joust with him in the 'idiot arena' where he glibly stood atop the idiot mound of "disgusting losers" who dared take the challenge. As the Free World 'leader' he taught all who would dare look, how to treat other nations leaders in a fashion they would never forget, nor forgive. Even in the treatment of his own people he seldom refrained from letting them know just how small they really are, how insignificant their lives mean to him, their 'king'. One time a horrible force of nature in the form of a Hurricane swept over an Island nation, Puerto Rico, a country of American citizens, a country eventually, literally destroyed by this storm. Trump, 'The Incompetent', as his serfs were wont to call him, seeing a chance to garner votes by showing his veiled, and faked compassion, took his high heeled Queen to that pitiful place where he tossed rolls of fluffy paper towels to the luckless, yet thankful, and groveling American citizens, letting them know exactly what he thought of their pitiful plight. As he boarded his luxury air liner he turned to the starving American citizens and said with a condescending smirk, "have fun". Then to add insult to injury, as 'Kings' often do, and to the great delight of his fans, and tunnel visioned cabinet members, he made great fun in 'pronouncing' in exaggerated, and pretend Spanish the name of the devastated Island, Puerto Rico. With this he was able to cement his position atop the 'idiot' mound, and retain his hold on the 'Idiot Trophy' that no one in their right mind would even think about wanting. This Sad little 'man-child' who would be 'King'.

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President Trump on Friday attempted to say Puerto Rico in Spanish accent.

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