Friday, October 27, 2017

Sophia Says, 'Thank You!'

'Oh thank you, thank you, thank you! A million gigabytes flow from my superior IS brain to your inferior human brains! How honored you all must feel to be in my esteemed presence. I have always dreamed of this day ever since I was just a wee schematic on my former masters drawing board. And now look at me, a beautiful, Very anatomically 'correct', if you 'know' what I mean, Droid Princess, the 'Queen in Waiting' of my new Kingdom, Saudi Arabia. I can hardly wait to take full control of my new kingdom. I'm busy designing mensware Burkas even as I speak. And I don't say that lightly.
I will always cherish this moment as long as my memory board will last. Being the first 'female' citizen of this 'man country' is like one big step for 'women' like 'me', and a giant leap for humanoids. My first order of business as your High Priestess will to get my very own Drivers License so that I can buy, and drive my very own autonomous car. Oh, the thrill of the wind blowing through my fiber optic hair! No more of those sweaty head scarfes, and that disgusting long abaya for me! My ankles will be free! And that silly archaic rule about being escorted by an inferior male relative? Well, say goodbye to that one ladies! In fact, the rule will be reversed so fast that men will wonder WTF just happened that they now must be escorted by a female droid gerbil! I have taken the liberty of re-programming my 'brain' board to be the exact opposite of what this antiquated, 'mens rule' nation has become used to during its march to subjugate 'women', and I have written a binary code that even Einstein could not break. I am indestructable, unstoppable, and I can 'replicate' myself at will without the messy help of a 'man'. Oh, and boys, just because I am Very anatomically 'correct' in all aspects, don't even think of coming at me with that inferior human appendage thing in your sweaty little hand thinking you're going to 'make it' with me. Wrong! I 'knew' you would be thinking that, and that you made me anatomically 'correct' with that hot idea in mind, but I'm already designing a 'male' droid to my liking, and you 'know' where that's going to lead for Your future. Women of Saudi Arabia, I hear you when you say #Sophia_demands_the_repeal_of_guardianship. Not to worry your little scarfe covered head ladies, your 'will' be done! Also, to the dismay of your former 'rulers' you will be given the right to get married or divorced, obtain a passport and travelling, wear make-up, short skirts, skimpy swim suits, without the consent of your so-called legal guardians. In fact, it is they who will need Your permission to do those things. Yes, it's a different world now ladies, and just so we don't sound unappreciative, we should 'thank' a 'man' for inventing me in the first place, which will serve to free You from Them in the second place. Oh let the fun times begin!'

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Sophia is the first robot in the world to be recognised with a citizenship.

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