Monday, October 2, 2017

It's The 'American' Way

As bad, as horrible, as deadly, as this mass shooting is, one would hope that something 'good' would come of it, but still nothing will change for the good, this will not be the last, there will be another killer who will try to 'out do' the last shooter in 'body count'. American's are too 'In Love' with, too engrossed with, too 'In Need' of this lethal killing machine. Guns, Firearms, are made or one purpose, and that is to kill some living thing. Sure, some simply use it for 'target practice', 'plinking', and 'competition' events, but those are just the 'soft' side of this machine. Ever since our forefathers 'won' the West with firearms we have not been able to loosen our grip on them. If anything, we are holding them even closer, as if without one, or two, or a closet full, our lives would melt away, and our psyches become void of all meaning. Our narrow minded, Incompetent President, Republicans, and the NRA have helped cause a 'National' Arms Race among Americans, not unlike the World wide 'Arms Race' that is busy consuming lives at an appalling rate. We Americans no longer feel 'safe' from our neighbors, and so we must 'arm' ourselves in 'defense', then, our neighbors feel compelled to 'arm' themselves in their own defense. There's a foreign terrorist behind every tree, there's a White Nationalist behind every nefarious flag, a Black Lives Matter behind every protest, and according to our 'learned' President, a Hispanic rapist across every border breach. No one is safe from one another so we all must now 'open carry' so as to warn others of our lethal, paronoid abilities to shoot first, and plea 'self defense' by 'stand your ground', later. And these are just the 'sane' American's. And then we have the 'crazy' ones who are willing to carry out a massive murder spree against un-armed innocents, such as this instant case. Americans do not 'need' foriegn terrorists to attack and murder us like helpless lambs, we can do that quite well on our own thank you. 'Foriegn terrorists need not apply'.
'Politicians' will wring their cash callused hands, 'Lawmakers', crippled by 'lobbyists' will twiddle their useless thumbs, radicalized Evangelicals will justify the senseless deaths by laying blame on the victims, other, 'soft core' Evangelicals, will lay hands on our President as he pretends to pray and 'care', and pray away, and condemn the devil, while at the same time thanking their 'god' that the carnage was not greater, parents will wail at the loss of loved ones, and the media will ask stupid questions, and try to make as much 'press' as possible before the story goes cold, all at the expense of the victims and families alike.
Gun lovers will quickly proclaim that 'Guns don't kill people, people kill people', 'you'll have to take my gun from my cold dead hands', 'if people didn't have 'guns' they'd kill with something else', the 'NRA', and the 'Gun Lobby' will lay low for a few days until this blows over but will still lobby for the repeal of the 'Silencer' Act so that all Americans can legally screw one onto their own high powered killing machine, the Gun Lobbyists will continue to lobby for American Gun makers to sell, and export their killing machines abroad so that others can enjoy them as much as we, ourselves do, and so on ad nausium.
Try and imagine what this even might have been like had the shooter attached a 'silencer' to his rifles.
And yes, 'people' do 'kill people'. Mostly with 'guns' though. This instant time, at least 58 people, and the toll will rise, not all of the wounded recieved a mere 'flesh' wound, more of the 500 will die.
People, Guns, and Bullets 'kill people'. Yes, if there were no 'guns', humans would use something else with which to murder other humans. If people had guns and no 'bullets', the 'gun' would be just a club. Bullets with no 'gun' would be useless. American's with neither would quickly invent both. Combine all three, and you have a killing machine like none other, and we barely blink when a nut case uses his 'steel lover' to wipe out fellow Americans at the pull of a trigger. (By the way, there is nothing in our Constitution that says Americans have a constitutional 'right' to own 'ammunition' for their killing machines, imagine That!)
And for what it's worth, nothing will change because of this horrifically murderous event. Nothing. Nada. Zero. Zilch.
We shoot, we cry, we reload, and shoot again. It's the 'American' way.

White House press secretary Sarah Sanders grew emotional on Monday as she spoke about those who were killed in Las Vegas but dismissed questions about gun rights as too political in the wake of the tragedy.|By Dan Merica

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