Sunday, October 29, 2017

The 'Man-Child' King

Update #1;

  'The 'nuts' do not fall far from the tree'. Mueller is shaking the 'tree', and the 'nuts' are holding on for dear life, but alas, three have fallen to their political doom. One gives up the ghost, and plays tootsies with the feds, and two are pleading 'stupidity', and playing with one another. The biggest 'nut', Trump, 'The Incompetent', will do everything in his un-Presidential power to throw the scent off his trail. It will be useless for him to plead 'stupidity' though, as he has reached that level long ago. He must now go above and beyond his usual 'don't look at me' tricks when his arse starts to sizzle in the political frying pan. He still has the 'Pardon me boys' ace up his sleeve, and he just has to pick the correct nuts to save, which in turn will 'save' his own. Oh, what to do? What would a 'good' President do at a time such as this, or, what would Trump, 'The Incompetent', do? Right now, he is no doubt suffering from an acute case of 'spinctor twist', and with any luck, a 'solid' case of 'Presidential constipation' will run its course. Stay tuned, it ain't over until Mueller the 'nut' shaker, say's it's over.

Get ready for Trump, 'The Incompetent', the 'Man-Child' King, to issue another un-Presidential Trum-Pardon, in order to insulate his silly arse from Mueller's 'lightning bolt' factory to whomever is 'elected' for this upcoming Indictment. And we can be sure that the hotter this Indictment bolt is, especially if it turns out to be a 'family member', the faster Trump will cast his immoral, un-presidential, yet legal unfortunately, pardon to the guilty party. No matter what, or whom, the pardon will come as fast as you can say 'Russian what?' The old WW2 addage, 'Loose lips sink ships' is always on his helter-skelter mind, and the only way to seal those blabbering lips is to 'pardon' them from all their 'sins', or his own for that matter.
One has to admire Mueller's drive and tenacity during this 'Trum-a-Gate' affair, and everyone involved, up to, and including Trump, 'The Incompetent', deserves to be held accountable, but unfortunately, Trump holds the 'Trump' card, The 'Ace of Pardon' up his nefarious sleeve with which he will use freely to keep his hands free of all the 'dirt' he, himself, has generated. Trumps tunnel visioned Republican support base will 'Clap, clap, clap, clap', and flash love signs for their 'hero', his detractors will gnash their teeth, and piss and moan, Trump will go on a 'tweeter' rampage, the whole world will shake its unbelieving head in total disgust, Tuesday Morning will come and the Sun will rise as if nothing out of the ordinary happened on that fateful Monday morning in America, and Trump, 'The Incompetent' will continue with his avowed de-construction, and destruction of our America. As long as Trump, 'The Incompetent', remains in power, 'justice' will never be served in any form or fashion in America. Sad little 'man-child' who wants to be 'king'.

See More
Mueller's Office of the Special Counsel will make public an indictment on Monday, a U.S. official with firsthand knowledge of the process confirmed to NBC News.

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